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More sons of Dorn join the Crusade!

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I've recently come back to the game (I most recently played Blood Angels in 5th) and started assembling an army from my favorite chapter fluff-wise, the Celestial Lions. I love their tragic backstory and I was intrigued at the fact that they're a rebuilding chapter, giving lots of freedom for building out my collection.


While thinking that through, I was presented with a dilemma. Would the Lions rebuild as a codex-compliant Imperial Fists successor, or would they emulate the path of their saviors on Armageddon? 


It's my belief that they would adopt the aggressive recruitment strategies that the BT's employ in order to rebuild more quickly. Plus, I think they'd now have a pretty healthy distrust of the Inquisition and Psykers. So I'm building my army to play as Black Templars but using Celestial Lions colors and themes.

I think it'll be fun to use Grimaldus as an HQ alongside a Captain on some extra fluffy lists. I also plan on painting up my apothecaries, techmarines and chappies as BTs assuming they'd lend the Lions a few to help rebuild and recruit from Elysium IX.

So far I have 3 large crusader squads with different weapon options, a unit of assault terminators, 4 rhinos, an LRC and several different HQ characters including an Ekene Dubaku a friend painted up for me as a gift. 

What should I get next? I'm looking for long-range support options. Whirlwinds? Planes? TF Cannons? Rifleman-pattern dreads? Please share your ideas.

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Devastator probably would be best at this point or a Flyer for a far more expensive option, Predators are a hit or miss and Vindicator firepower lost its number of hits w/ 8th ed. it deals massive damage against single targets, but not enough against squads w/ multiple units... needs to change wounds dealt to mortal wounds so it spills over...


Not really sure if I should welcome to Eternal Crusade, because you're not really Crusading :p but I dig the Celestial Lions, their tragic story and the betrayal of the Inquisition and the story of Grimaldus' aid to them was inspiring... I'll welcome you to the Crusade in Spirit instead... Welcome to the Eternal Crusade, fellow Son of Dorn, and may the Emperor guide your tales and your deeds in battle...

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Celestial Lions! Respect! You choose a great chapter brother. I think a Thunderfire Cannon is a great asset to have, that would be what I go for next.


A Hellfire or Mortis Dread wouldn't hurt either, and I hear Vanguards are great but you probably want more ranged fire support before you go for them. You are off to a good start, there is glory in your future!

Edited by Ebon Hand
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Awesome, it sounds like a super cool and fluffy army you're building! I really dig the thought you've put into it, especially with the smattering of BT characters and stuff, that's a nice touch. Can't wait to see this grow!
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The Vindicator has become a Tank Hunter, oddly enough.  But it has to get so close that it can easily be nullified by a charging enemy unit.  A big blow to my beloved Vindies, that.


I'm still a fan of the Storm Talon for fire support, price hike or not.  Other than those, most of my favorite units are close range, melee and shooty alike, such as the LRC, StormRaven, Vindies, etc.  Landspeeders have nice load outs, but damn if they didn't get a big jump in price.

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First off Brother, welcome to the Eternal Crusade. You certainly have a home here for as long as you choose to stay.


Plus, I think they'd now have a pretty healthy distrust of the Inquisition and Psykers. So I'm building my army to play as Black Templars but using Celestial Lions colors and themes.



I think it'll be fun to use Grimaldus as an HQ alongside a Captain on some extra fluffy lists. I also plan on painting up my apothecaries, techmarines and chappies as BTs assuming they'd lend the Lions a few to help rebuild and recruit from Elysium IX.



To echo MM, I think this is a really, really cool concept for an army. My brain went into creative overload thinking about different ways to put an army like this together. Also the idea of putting some Maltese crosses on your CL's as honor markings awarded by the Templars for various acts seems like interesting idea to explore.


Regarding what to get next? I'd get things you want to paint and play with. It's still very early in the game and although we have a better idea of how things are shaping up, it would only take a new data slate (or whatever they're calling them) to suddenly introduce a new synergy to our chapter.


Please do post some pics when you get a chance, I'd love to see them.



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