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Playing a buddy in my gaming circle tomorrow morning. 2000pts. Might do a battle report...... As such, I'd like to share a list I want to take vs. him and I appreciate any tactical help or advice. Most of you might know which miniatures I own so suggestions like heldrakes or forgefiends while appreciated, won't do me any good here since we are rolling with stuff we have painted from our collections. He is a mathematician and make no mistake, a game against him is like playing Chess with a very experienced person. He is able to plan his moves well ahead, where I struggle in that area and play very reactive.


Obviously I am not interested in list tailoring to what he has. I made my list based upon what I'd like to showcase for the battle report.


His Blood Angels list, give or take:


-M.C. Fistin'

-10 Death Co with a handful of Power Swords

-10 Tacticals with max Flamerage in Rhino

-10 Tacticals with max Flamerage in Rhino

-5 Hellblasters

-5 Hellblasters

-Land Raider Crusader

-Baal Pred w/ max Flamerage

-Baal Pred w/ max Flamerage


So I'd like to take this (Tzeentch Battalion + Supreme)

-Ahriman on Disc (didn't see that coming didja)

-Kairos Fateweaver

-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers

-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers

-10 Brimstone Horrors

-5 Scarab Occult Terminators w/ Soulreaper and Hellfyre Missile Rack

-Predator w/ TL Lascannon and Lascannon Sponsons

-Exalted Sorcerer

-Exalted Sorcerer

-Exalted Sorcerer



-Ahriman on Disc

-Kairos Fateweaver

-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers in *Rhino

-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers in *Rhino

-10 *Tzaangors

-5 Scarab Occult Terminators w/ Soulreaper and Hellfyre Missile Rack

-Predator w/ TL Lascannon and Lascannon Sponsons

-*Predator w/ Predator Autocannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons




-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers in *Rhino

-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers in *Rhino

-5 Scarab Occult Terminators w/ Soulreaper and Hellfyre Missile Rack

-5 Scarab Occult Terminators w/ Hellfyre Missile Rack

-3 Screamers of Tzeentch

-Predator w/ TL Lascannon and Lascannon Sponsons

-Chaos Land Raider w/ Combi-bolter

Edited by Archaeinox
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Hmm. I'd make a few changes to your list. I don't think you can out shoot him in a straight up fight. He'll just stay within his transports to avoid your MEQ-focused weaponry, and hop out to finish off a unit at a time, unless the mission and deployment call for different approaches.

First, I'd remove some of the HQ choices. You have a lot of points into this, and I don't think it will do you too much good in this instance. This will free up some points. He'll be likely to advance on you and start burning or firing, but his units aren't very durable. So I'd lay a trap. Use tzaangors and brimstones to bunch up with an affordable meatshield, then jump in with terminators etc at an opportune time to blast his transports open.

But these are just speculations based on my own prefered playstyle and more or less informed guesses and biases - so take this as a well intentioned shared perspective rather than the reveiled truth. I wish you luck brother, and look forward to reading your report.

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I haven't played against Blood Angles in 8th. But just looking at that list he's playing for keeps and has a lot of duplicated roles in the army. I think your ace is good no to be mortal wounds.


On the surface your advantage is entirely in the Psychic phase while he looks to overload you in mid range and then close combat. So for myself, I would take my advantage of dealing a plethora of mortal wounds and run with it. Mortal wounds being non subjective means he will be hiding those Helblasters and crusader. This works to your advantage, cause he can't protect any part of his army without a single Psyker.


Again this is just me but as I'm sure you know I'm always using lots of scarabs. This would be a mini Smite bomb or two behind his lines. His army will naturally play pretty aggressive.... aside from the blasters he is operating almost entirely at 24" or less threat range.


In this case I don't think there's anything wrong with being reactive.


Go forth and Smite. I'll be with you in spirit brother!

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Got any cultists? I'd say about 200 points of cultists would work well to annoy his tanks. Getting a 5 point cultist into close combat with a landraider for 1 turn will keep the landraider from shooting 4 lascannons and two heavy bolters for 1 turn. 5 points to hold up about 300 points of tank. Even more fun if you can engulf the tank completely so it can't withdraw. 

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Thanks, dudes. He does have a psyker, Mephiston, I just listed him as M.C. Fistin' because:


Forge the Narrative™


It's very tempting to take lots of exalteds of course but I might meet you guys in the middle and drop 2 of them to add a unit of Scarabs, giving me 2 total. :happy.:


I have 10 Tzaangors painted, 10 more on the paint table (don't expect those ready anytime soon lol, painting this army broke my spirit early this year)


Will shell out a couple more lists real fast. Thanks again, all


Edit:  Alternate 2000pt lists:



-Ahriman on Disc

-Kairos Fateweaver

-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers in *Rhino

-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers in *Rhino

-10 *Tzaangors

-5 Scarab Occult Terminators w/ Soulreaper and Hellfyre Missile Rack

-Predator w/ TL Lascannon and Lascannon Sponsons

-*Predator w/ Predator Autocannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons




-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers in *Rhino

-10 Rubrics w/ Soulreaper and 3x Warpflamers in *Rhino

-5 Scarab Occult Terminators w/ Soulreaper and Hellfyre Missile Rack

-5 Scarab Occult Terminators w/ Hellfyre Missile Rack

-3 Screamers of Tzeentch

-Predator w/ TL Lascannon and Lascannon Sponsons

-Chaos Land Raider w/ Combi-bolter


I think I am really leaning towards #3. Less Psychic power, but more all around goodies I think.... Thoughts?

Edited by Archaeinox
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I've found dishing out mortal wounds to be the simplest and most effective way of taking down armies. Especially when it comes to things with higher toughness that mid strength weapons struggle with.


You would just need to try and get your opponent to waste their deny on something you aren't fussed about so then you can smite unimpeded.

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