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Scarab Terminators


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If you have ~20pts to spare, give them a Soulreaper.. They always need the Hellfyre Missile Rack imo thanks to split fire. The Soulreaper is not an auto-include, because you might be surprised at what you can do with just the inferno combi-bolters (I typically wound enemy dreadnoughts quite well)


If you do give them both weapons, in 8th it's perfect to stack them on one guy.

Edited by Archaeinox
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Agree with the above; if you have the extra (in reality) 17 points (subtracting the already inclusive cost of the combi-bolter), then sure!  its a decent addition and helps at any range it can reach with a decent str and great AP value. 

The Hellfyre however; is an auto include in basically every circumstance.  Its cheap-ish, great damage, good ap, great str value and can threaten just about anything very well with 2 shots each ignoring the negative to movement. 

In short; TAKE IT. 

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