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Converting Primaris Marines

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Was looking at the hellblasters today, and thought they'd make reasonable plasma chosen (with the other primes filling out the squad)

anyone had any luck converting the new loyalists to the dark gods?


or are they just too big to fit with a chaos army?



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The heads and shoulders are the same scale as standard marines so they are easy to switch around. The rest of the model though is bigger than the other marines so it does look obvious they are different even at a glance. If you are fine with the different scales then I'd say it's very possible to convert them to Chosen. You could even say as they are chosen they have grown demonic bulk to explain why they are bigger.

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Changing the head, shoulder plates, and power pack should all be pretty straight forward. Cutting off the gorget is also really easy and it should be child's play to remove the chest detail. The challenge will be adding appropriate detail to the rest of the armour (unless you're going for the newly renegade look).


I did a head, shoulder plate, and power pack swap, converted the bolt rifle, and removed the high gorget on a Primaris to make a true-scale Blood Angel. It was all very easy to do (the bolter was a bit tricker).


Yes, they will look much bigger than the rest of your minis.

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someone correct me here if I'm wrong

but can all chosen (except the champion) take a special heavy weapon in the index?


to quote:

"any additional chosen may replace his boltgun with one item from the special weapons or heavy weapons lists"



if so then hellblasters are being bought 100% :D

Edited by CrimsonReign
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5 chosen can take new weapons, 4 having more free range and then an additional 5th one choosing just a Heavy or a Special weapon. The wording is "An additional" not "Any Additional." You can still have a 6 man squad with 5 toting plasmas easy. In fact I'm thinking of running one all with meltas and advancing every turn :P Not sure it will be any good but it seems a fun thing to do.

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Seems like a cool idea though that one squad will massively stick out compared to the rest of your army as the size difference is quite huge though (gets a bit odd when one squad towers over the rest of your army especially any chaos lords) , I'm planning on doing the same though using the squad for my Shadow War Armageddon killteam so it doesn't affect the rest of my army Edited by Plaguecaster
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