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Hellforged Hunting pack in 8th?


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I got a brass scorpion a few months before the switch to 8th and had been looking at assembling the Hellforged Hunting pack so that I could field it and a few big monsters as an army. Wanted to use it as an alternative to my Ordnance Tyrant Renegade list.


I know the formation is gone now that we have 8th edition, but I am wondering if an all monster/machine list like that can be made now? Would it be viable? Or am I am going to be better suited to using them to supplement a more power armor list of chaos space marines? I have  a little allowance money and trying to make plans with my FLGS for an order.


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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depending on your opponent, everything is allowed :D


in matched play i believe there is a super heavy detachment - would recommend looking at the formations section in the BRB 


i suspect that it's possible, but not taking troops etc will limit the number of command points you have available

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I wouldn't generally recommend significant numbers of standard chaos space marines, but big, brutal daemon engines are viable. I think instead of marines you might want something like poxwalkers to swarm around and protect your big guys. Cultists are an option too, but they suffer from morale vulnerabilities and are less survivable. The chaff enables you to shoot and assault on your terms and then you can always fall back with the rather useless poxwalkers. What kind of monsters are you interested in? I have had success with daemon princes and hellforged contemptors, and heldrakes are great assault monsters.

Edited by Azekai
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My chaos renegades are converted skaven with guns. And I have some zombies that could be poxwalkers. I own a pair of hell pit abominations that use as giant chaos spawn from time and again (that could be maulerfiends?) a random heldrake and my scorpion.


I use a lot of infantry in my artillery list so trying to focus more on big demon engines.

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While certainly possible given the options for detachments in the rule. You will probably want Warpsmiths or Chaos Hellwrights as HQ and cheap infantry filling out any troops choices cultists, poxwalkers or Tzaangors. Not only are they cheaper but large more spaced out blobs can hamper an opponent from deepstriking too close to the various deamon engines.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Presently trying to buy the models. There is a 2000 point list tournament coming up Labor Day weekend. Thinking about running this demon engine list in the tournament. What do you think ?



++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [104 PL, 1994pts] ++


+ HQ +


Warpsmith b] Combi-plasma, Flamer, Meltagun, Power axe


+ Troops +


Chaos Cultists

. 16x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun

. Chaos Cultist w/ special weapon: Flamer

. Chaos Cultist w/ special weapon: Flamer

. Cultist Champion: Autogun


Chaos Cultists

. 16x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun

. Chaos Cultist w/ special weapon: Flamer

. Chaos Cultist w/ special weapon: Flamer

. Cultist Champion: Autogun


+ Fast Attack +


Chaos Spawn : 3x Chaos Spawn


Chaos Spawn : 3x Chaos Spawn


+ Heavy Support +


Defiler [: Reaper autocannon, Twin heavy flamer


Forgefiend []: 2x Hades autocannons, Daemon jaws


Forgefiend []: 2x Hades autocannons, Daemon jaws


Maulerfiend [2x Magma cutter


Maulerfiend []: 2x Magma cutter


+ Flyer +


Heldrake ]: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws


Heldrake ]: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws


++ Total: [104 PL, 1994pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe

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You can run it just fine.


The only difference is now you would need to take a HQ if you where playing match play rules to still be battle forged.


I would take a blood thirster as an HQ if I was going to do it as it would fit in nicely IMO.


So just a quick thought


HQ - Blood thirster

Elite - Decimator ??

Fast attack -  2 x blood slaughter

Heavy - 6 x Daemon engines of you choice. 

Flyer wing - if you wanted Heldrakes

Aux Brass Scorpion 


I have been looking at similar lists but taking my Kytan instead of the Scorpion as I don't have one 

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