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Of course, while Stormies have got a very overdue buff in 8th they're by no means essential. Numbers are strong in 8th so even if you take Infantry Squads in their place you're looking at a capable core to build around. The Guardsmen will hold the line, fall back from assault and do some killing of their own - all the while the rest of your army takes chunks out of your opponent :biggrin.:


Plus if you have your Troops Deep Striking in how will you protect your own army from enemy DS? Call in the humble Guardsman once more :wink: The improvements to C:MT units are good yes, but not so much so over the rest of the Guard list to make them mandatory :smile.:

With Deep Strike being so powerful this edition, can Imperial Guard be viable without them?

Pretty much everything is more or less viable currently (except for the Deathstrike), so there are no must-takes.


Neither Scions, nor Conscripts nor Commissars are must-take.


Remember that your Scions can't rapid fire their hot-shot lasguns when they deepstrike.

As people get more used to 8th, deep striking stormies will become weaker. Already my opponents are figuring out how to mitigate deep strike so you can't strike where you want. Theyre still a useful tool in the tool box, but not a necessity.


I think that's the great thing about the IG, there are so many "tools in the box" (I love that phrasing by the way, Kudos!),  I never feel like I'm stuck playing one style of Guard!

The thing I love about 8th and Guard right now is there is no right or wrong and most builds are viable.


Personally I really like how the standard Infantry Squad works in this ed. My troops will likely consist mostly of them. With at least 1-2 scions squads of various sizes.


If you want pure scions I see that as an option too.


I dont see Deep Strike as a game winning tool and you need to build a list for a full 7 rounds. I believe that generally a well rounded list will be your best option in this edition.

Agreed on all points, but I'd better add more to make this a worthwhile post!


Scions are great, no doubt about it. I've been taking 2 squads that nicely round out the troops in a Brigade Detachment and they've done their job well. I tend to have them, a Command Squad and Prime in deep strike reserve and they'll appear somewhere on the board to cause havoc and normally go on to claim and objective. I also take a couple of small rough Rider Squads that are normally used to save the Scions from close combat the next turn!


However they've never been the starts of my army yet. Pask and a wingman have caused utter havoc. My support characters, especially Yarrick but also Officers and Priests have really made the rest of the army shine. The humble Infantry have been superb. None of these has shone in every game of course but the Scions have only been ok in every game. Useful, like a tin opener.

I also take a couple squads and Tempestor to deep strike, but they aren't the backbone of my army by any means. And as others have said, people are getting wise to deep strike shenanigans but they can't elimine it completely. Usually wherever they land they're a threat that can't be easily ignored. Which takes pressure off my main force....which is the idea.

Scions punish non horde armies. If somebody is silly enough to bring mostly tanks to fight my scions, he lost when he walked in the door. If they bring a ton of guardsmen or boys or gaunts, they can mitigate my ability to hurt powerful units with expensive stormtroopers. 

I wouldn't say they are a necessity because at the moment we have so many powerful options to play as Astra Militarum. If you never wanted to run scions then you can still make amazing lists without them. If you're like me however and was waiting for them to get the buff they needed then there is little reason not to run them as they are very good. Even with that said however, as much as I love scions I still won't run the spam lists that some people are running. 1-2 squads with a prime and maybe a command squad is all I really want.

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