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My 8th edition first games and unit reviews

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So i had my first 2 8th edition astra militarum games today. 8th is so much fun!! 

first game was against necrons, he had:
2 squads of 20 warriors 

10 tesla immortals

ghost ark

Doomsday ark

Triarch stalker

forgeworld flyer

the nightbringer 

overlord on foot

the special cryptek who can gives 5+ invuns +1 reanimation and can go uber mode at some point throughout the game.


I had:

2 CC 

Lord commy

5 X infantry squads (3 plasma guns, 1 mortar and 2 autocannons total)

5 man scion with 2 meltas

eversor assassin

4 melta command squad

platoon commander

hades breaching drill + vet squad (plasma gun x 2 + plasma pistol)


devil dog

scout sent with multi laser

3 chimeras

2 quad mortars



2 sabres with twin las

destroyer tank hunter 


the game was relic and ended on turn 6 with his overlord having the relic on 1 wound with my company commander in CC with him who missed all his attacks!. highlights included:

manticore blowing the flyer out the sky turn 1 after he took out my quad mortars

hellhound holding up a warrior squad for 4 turns.

All the death! very little was alive at the end


The second game was against chaos whos list was:


tzeetch demon prince with wings

2 helldrakes

4 X 5 warp talons

3 X 5 raptors (2 melta + combi X2, 1 double plas +combi)


I removed the 2 sabres and the mortar and replaced them with a culexus assassin and a primaris psyker for the second game


second game ended with 6-9 to chaos on tactical objectives with a grand total of a basilisk on 7 wounds, 2 company commanders on 1 and 2 wounds, a hades drill and 8 dudes from 2 different squads left alive, oh and a helldrake on 8 wounds hiding so i couldnt table him. 



So 2 games, 2 losses, so much fun!


Units i loved:

Hades breaching drill + vet squad. 144 points for the drill (which is a beast in combat) and 7 shotguns, plasma pistol + 2 plasma gun popping out wherever you want it is great. killed some key units in both games

Quad mortars. Died quick in game 1, but so many shots! and easy to hide so were useful game 2

Chimeras. cheap and hard to kill

Eversor. 9" charge from reserve on 3D6 is easy and only 70 points for 8 attacks!

Basilisk got his points back easy (overwatched the last 4 wounds off the demon prince in game 2)

Manticores are so good, so many shots at a high strength!

Sabre platforms would have wrecked against the necron skimmers, but quantum shielding really makes high damage weapons struggle. the ghost ark died in the end to overcharge plasma and lucky basilisk

Orders are AMAZING!


Units that were meh

Devil dog. too inaccurate if it moved. hellhound is better and cheaper.

destroyer tank hunter. too inaccurate for 170 points, i think would play better against armies with less quantum shielding and more vehicles 

scions with meltas. they didnt do enough damage, plasma would be better.


So that is what i found, potential plan for the future is remove the tank hunter and 2 autocannons for 50 conscripts, a commy and a platoon commander for fun! and a tough horde.

Edited by Halfpint100
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Have you considered dropping the special weapons out of the infantry squads and making their own SWS or HWT?  Or do you like having them in their to "hide" them from being picked off?


Nice review of units!  I love hearing that the manticore is doing well!  I've always loved it, I might need to buy a 2nd now!  What hull weapons do you run on the manticore and basilisk?  I'd love to have flamers to deter charges but it seems like a lot of points...however a HB is kinda useless if you hide them out of LoS of everything.

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HB to keep them cheap. If your basilisk and manticores are getting charged then your doing it wrong (says the one whos did today.... teleporting demon princes are NOT fun).


I like having a plasma gun in the squads, bit of a threat for only 7 points, though i might drop the 2 autos and the mortar, they didnt do much

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Nice!  I just built a list with 5 infantry squads with just a flamer in each (keeping it cheap).  I'm running my mortar squad and my missile launcher squad hiding way in the back ;)  It gets hard to keep EVERYTHING out of LoS and still have deep strike area denial!


Let me know how the Plasma works out in squads, I've always loved plasma just hated blowing myself up CONSTANTLY.  Now that I have the choice not to do it,(Who am I kidding, life is cheap, Supercharge every day!) I'm strongly considering upping my plasma usage.

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I found it useful, the hades squad popped out 14 shotgun rounds and 5 plasma rounds, very useful. The plasma in the squads is the same price as flamers and can threaten more unit types, having officers around for re-rolling 1s makes overcharging not an issue. Mortar squads as so good now! 27 points for 3D6 shots, so worth it. Havent tried missiles yet, but could be useful, time will see. I am tempted to fit in a vet squad of just 3 plasma to have in my lines to get more dakka! only 81 points for it

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Quantum Shielding is rough. Totally changes the calculus. I'd even argue that any game against Necrons should not be included in results-based assessments of anti-tank weaponry. I just had a game where my heavy weapon teams "killed" a handful of Necron vehicles in three turns running, but instead did no damage whatsoever. Doesn't mean lascannons are bad...just that Quantum Shielding is amazing. Damn undead robots.
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