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Tempestor Prime Model Ideas

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Hi all,


So I've put together an Inquisition detachment of MT Scions using the old metal Storm Trooper models, have 4 squads of 5 so far but struggling to find a suitable model for the Tempestor Prime. The modern Prime model just doesn't fit with the old SAS-style metal ones (I mainly have the gas mask troopers) and they will be coming down via Grav chute with the other squads so looking pristine with a big coat on doesn't really fit the image.


Ideally I'm looking for them to be equipped with a command rod which would double as a power maul, I'm fairly confident with conversions so happy to look at that option.


Any ideas most welcome as I'm a bit stuck!


Many thanks

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The Forge world Krieg Commissars have Gas Masks, great models if a bit pricey of course!


That is tricky mind you, the old Stormtroopers are great but are a bit unique aesthetically. I'm not sure if you'll be buying a Scion kit but the Beret heads there are perfect for a Special Forces commander. They're also available individually from bitz sites for cheap. There's also a servo skull speaker thing that's quite commandery (of course that's a word!) and the Jacket draped over the shoulders is a lovely thing. I've use it on my Colonel and Yarrick conversion (with a bit of chopping and greenstuff needed for the later)


My Tempestor prime is a simple kitbash. I'll be painting them in 95th rifle colours so my Prime is Sharpe. Blood angels head, Mechanicus rifle, big ass sword and voila! I've also swapped out a Scion Volley Gun for a Kharadon Overlord steampunk Volley gun and added another Blood Angels head to make a Harper for my Command Squad. Doesn't help you of course but I've told you all the same.

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