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The Carnal Throng- a blog dedicated to excess


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So, our group are doing a slow grow league with a set monthly budget. The aim is to build and paint as we go along. Unfortunately I am an avid builder but terribly lax when it comes to painting. I'm hoping that maintaining this blog will force me to commit to the project.


Soon you will have the 'pleasure' of meeting the despicable warband known as the Carnal Throng. These wicked miscreants are known to be driven to seek out the rarest of pleasures in order to sate their unholy desires. Some have even fallen so far as to crave the flesh of other beings.


First up will be a progress report on the first model in the new army which will be the daemon prince known only as Fleshrender.


Updates to follow soon. :)

Edited by Arufel87
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Fleshrender 1


Sorry about the image quality... I will get some better ones once I have finished work on him.


I am pleased to be able to introduce the Daemon Scion of Slaanesh known only as Fleshrender. Once he was known as Captain Laziarus of the Crimson Paragons chapter before his fall from grace. More fluff and modelling to follow. Next up will be some havocs and noise marines. 

Edited by Arufel87
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Nothing like a WIP to keep you motivated (or should that shame you into work?) :tongue.: Daemonettes are good models for washes, so I'm sure you can come up with a simple scheme that looks good to help cure you of your painting aversion :thumbsup:


Indeed, shaming is the more likely to be honest! I will be getting daemonette reinforcements with next month's league budget. For now I'll be building the power armoured force to represent Fleshrender's original warband. I'm looking forwards to getting stuck in and having seen the work you've put into yours I can hopefully be inspired to actually get this project moving! :happy.:

Edited by Arufel87
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I wouldn't be anywhere near as far along on my Chaos if it wasn't for my WIP :) Sounds like the new Start Collecting Daemons box is just in time for you as well :tu: My forces started off as just Marines too but I think the Daemonettes will serve as a great complement as CSM - Slaanesh in particular - wants to be closing in to combat. Daemonettes are not only cheaper than Marines but also very stabby so together they should work well :)


What colours are your warband going to be in? Will you be using the CSM line, or customising them?

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Wow, talk about good timing. I only just realised that start collecting box has come out.


I'm not sure about paint scheme. I'm thinking cream and purple but not sure how it will look yet. I'll test a few schemes out.


I'm using the chaos marine range as a base but using a few bits from other suppliers. I'm using the sonic guns from spellcrow for a start. I'll be building them in the coming week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok... So did I mention that I am an extremely slow worker? :sweat:  


Here is my first Noise Marine Squad entitled 'Heironius'. During the Fall of Valcona, squad Heironius were one of the first to abandon the shackles of morality and partook in an orgy of violence through the ravaged streets of Hive City Helspyre. Most of their victims were not afforded a swift death. When the Blood Angels second company retook the planet they discovered that most of their victims had been paralysed by neurotoxins before having their flesh meticulously removed and consumed before their very eyes. Desperate to hide any connection to his chapter, Dante was swift to evacuate those few civilians that yet lived and called Exterminatus upon Valcona, allowing the Crimson Paragon's lineage to fade into the annals of history.  


Noise Marine Squad Heironius 3

Noise Marine Squad Heironius 2

Noise Marine Squad Heironius 1


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Good progress so far. Needs more guitars tho! :tongue.:


Haha! That's probably true... although I do like the Spellcrow Sonic Blaster equivalents. The end of the month is up soon so I'd better get on with my monthly budget and get some Havocs built next. I'll keep the fluff writing going too as it gives me a bit of an artistic shot in the arm. Thanks for looking! 

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Good progress so far. Needs more guitars tho! :tongue.:


Haha! That's probably true... although I do like the Spellcrow Sonic Blaster equivalents. The end of the month is up soon so I'd better get on with my monthly budget and get some Havocs built next. I'll keep the fluff writing going too as it gives me a bit of an artistic shot in the arm. Thanks for looking! 


Yeah they are great. I was planning to use them as Blast master and their Guitars as Sonic Blaster. I even got the bitz for 10+ models already but decided to wait for the hopefully soon coming EC Codex + models. :D

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I was considering waiting for new models but who knows when the release will actually be?! Also, I figured that at least my lot would look unique even if the new models make them look like midgets.
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A squad of Havocs is now complete. It may be a slightly suboptimal loadout but I just couldn't resist including a missile launcher dude.


Introducing Squad Eradicus. These heretic marines were wracked with misfortune when they became caught within the maelstrom of carnage upon the strike cruiser 'Righteous Fury' that occurred between the Grey Knights and Slaaneshii daemonic forces. Like many remnants of  the Crimson Paragons, they chose to escape into the warp rather than suffer the judgement of Brother-Captain Gaius. 


Havoc Squad Eradicus 2

Havoc Squad Eradicus 1

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I'm building myself up to that one 'Fish! :wink: Will hopefully have something to show next week. Just working out some fluffy goodness for them. I'm thinking something along the lines of a Blood Angels successor chapter with a faulty Omophagea that end up succumbing to cannabalism. Now that they are devoted to Slaanesh they can relive the delight of their victims suffering all over again through the consumption of their flesh. Something like that anyway! :happy.:

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