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Widowmaker's Completed Blood Angels


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Greetings frater,


First time posting in this forum, so I hope it's appropriate!


I've had a Blood Angels army that I've been picking at for the last... oh, 20 years, or so, and I'm finally getting round to throwing some paint on them.


I have almost a complete Company (4th Conpany), and will be posting them here as they are completed.


I'm pretty happy with the way most of them turned out. However, I recently finished Corbulo, and he's a little brighter than the rest, which annoys me because I like his armor more than the other 100+ marines. I'm leaving it for now, since it's not too bad, but I may have to repaint in the near future.


Anyways, these will all appear in the HOH, but I figured the frater in this forum might like to see them too!


First up is my custom Captain Tycho... see what you think!




I have noticed that I forgot the bolter barrels, and didn't finish the power sword

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Hi, good looking Tycho! Gorgeous red on the tabard.


I guess you made him in 5th ed edition when he has the dead man's hand?


A couple of things: bolter barrels, combi melta grip, rope on right wrist - we know how obsessed with perfection Tycho was!

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments!


@Xenith - Thanks mate! And... Damn! Missed the rope as well! Fixed the rope and the bolter... still got the sword to do.


Technically, he was built in 7th, but you're right - the last codex I had was 5th edition with the Dead Mans Hand!


More soon!





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Greetings Frater,


Well, t looks like I maxed out my Photobucket, so I'm gonna try Imgur... hopefully it'll work!


So, up next are a mix of characters...


Captain Castigon






Old School Captain Tycho








Astorath the Grim




So, the pics aren't great. A little dark and a little outta focus. I'm mostly happy with them, though I'm not entirely sure what's going on with Corbulo's face!


As always, comments and criticism are always welcome.





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Greetings Frater!


I have more characters for y'all to feast you eyes on... I'm not entirely sure how I ended up with so many Chaplains, but let's see what you think!



Chaplain 1




Chaplain 2




Chaplain 3 (Old School Kitbash)




Chaplain 4








Group Shot




Overall, I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out. The bone is maybe a "little" darker than I usually paint, but I think it works pretty well.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome!





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Greetings frater!


Hope everyone's having a good day. So, I'm back with some actual red marines! Today we have the first of my tactical squads - 4th Company, 3rd Squad.


Sergeant and friends




Standard Marines




Marines, Special Weapon and Heavy Weapon




And a group shot...





I'm pretty happy with the way they came out - they're not perfect, but good enough for government work!


Anyway, tell me what you think - comments, criticism, heckling from the peanut gallery... all responses are welcome!





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Greetings Frater,


Thanks for all the comments! I appreciate you taking the time to post them! Keep them coming- it's nice to know folks are liking these guys!


Today for your viewing pleasure, we have the second of my Blood Angels tactical squads. Let me introduce the marines of 4th Company, 4th Squad.


Sergeant and friends




Standard Marines




Special Weapon, Heavy Weapon, and the remaining marines.




And, finally, the group shot.




So, I really enjoyed painting these guys. The detail on them was fantastic! But, oh my lord, that is a lot of red! I like the fact that the Blood Angels boxes combined so well with the Horus Heresy marines. I have some of the Prospero box, but I'm not sure Mk. III is right for the aesthetic I'm going for.


Question for you guys though - does anyone devotional script on their Blood Angel armor? I know the Ultramarines are fond of it, but I don't often see it on Blood Angels... thoughts?


Anyways, hope you like them. Comments and criticism are welcome as always!





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Greetings Frater,


Alrighty then, I'm back once more with my version of the Blood Angels' 4th Company. Today's entry is 5th Squad. See what you think...






Tactical Marines




Heavy Weapon, Special Weapon, and friends




And a group shot





Hope y'all are enjoying these... they've been fun to put together. As always, comments and criticism are welcome!


More soon!





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Thanks, LutherMax! Glad you like them!


I will admit I'm cheating a little with the speed. I batch paint, so have a backlog of squads just waiting to be based. Once I'm through that, my progress will slow back to my usual snail's pace!


Thanks for commenting!





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Great looking units, and rapid progress!


Lots of chaplains, I need to up my game.


I do lots of devotional script and freehand where I can, check my plog for examples - later pages until I can sort out the photobucket mess up.

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Greetings Frater,


Thanks for the comments folks! I appreciate them!


@Xenith - nice work on those Blood Angels! So, I saw the script work on the purity seals... do you put ever put them on the armor too? That's what I don't see on Blood Angels too often.


@WarriorFish - Cheers mate! Yeah - soon! This post concludes my Tactical Squads, so I'm thinking an interim army shot might be appropriate!


So, I'm back again! Today's offering is 4th Company, 6th Squad... As I mentioned, these are the last of my Tactical Squads for now. Let me know what you think!


Sergeant and friends




Tactical Marines




Heavy Weapon, Special Weapon and friend.




Group Shot




So, I'm still happy with the way these guys are turning out, but I'm glad I don't have to paint any more for a while!


I'll post an army shot soon, followed by... something. Not sure which next!


As always, comments and criticism are welcome!





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Greetings Frater,


Thanks for the comments folks! I appreciate them!


@Xenith - nice work on those Blood Angels! So, I saw the script work on the purity seals... do you put ever put them on the armor too? That's what I don't see on Blood Angels too often.


On a pred




Little bit on a DC











There's a lot more on my older stuff, but, y'know, photo bucket...

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