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So I was considering rebuilding either Berserkers or Noise Marines.


I ALMOSt sort of conside Plague Marines or Undivided.


Not quite sure who that would be. But that would be either 6 rhinos with 6 Noise Marines each or 8 Rhinos with 8 Berserkers each.


I really like both. for Heavy support I would use Vindicators or Defilers.


Mostly between Berserkers and Noise Marines if I did.


Not bragging but once in 4th Edition a Plague Lord slew 52 Dark Angels alone, before being hit by a whole bunch of missile launchers. That was a really coo battle. Not bragging or complaining either way.


I am trying to decide from a lore perspective. Since I prefer the Berserkers style in terms of rules and combat.



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I think it depends what you want your army to do. Berserkers are probably the best melee unit in the game. Plague marines are solid too, but in a more all round way, and they are arguably not as good.  The khornate full assault play style, which I have barely tried, is not as interesting to me though. But berserkers will win you many games this edition.

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My vote is for noise marines :tu:


Shred the enemy with blast masters from afar! Cover will do them no good!


And even if they kill you you get off one more guitar solo before you breath your last ;)

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Well in the lore is a major area aspect. Since I am fairly certain I love the berserker style of shove a bunch of guys in a rhino, then aim them at a target .


The BlastMasters and Sonic Blasters are really cool as well.


In lore/theme


If Iron Warriors: Basic Iron Warriors.


If Plague Marines: Vampires infected by sayangi Virus from Cyber City Oedo 808 instead of bloated monsters.


If Berserkers: Vampire Vikings


If Noise Marines: 80's style rock bands. They would have the only varying paint scheme of Light Blue armor with Pink edges.



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Well for the army limit it would be the core of troops + Heavy support and 1 or 2 HQ. I mentioned what the list would be in the 1st section of the topic. Aside from maybe Chosen or some others that would probably be the entire army. But not quite sure.


For the loyalist army I have that basically complete of

6 Tactical

2 Devastator

1 Vindicator

3 Assault

Various HQ.


The Chaos List would be basically the same but more oriented towards the Mark style of either Assault or Mid Range.



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But it's mostly between the Berserkers and Noise Marines more than the others even though they were being considered.


It's extremely tough for me to decide who I like most. But I mean in lore. I already know who I like more in terms of actual rules and combat.



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How would you make Noise Marines good in close combat?  Do they still have the option to be very good and assault oriented? Same with Plague Marines.


I bought a Blood Thirster in case I do go with the Berserkers.


But I keep having doubts no matter who I select.


Also I need help with the lore.


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How would you make Noise Marines good in close combat?



Without being a game designer you can't.


You want to do melee get demons, failing that zerkers and spam then [aka at least 4 units], then add spawn, a knight and some sort of fast stuff. But you must know one thing that melee armies unless they can swarm and are realy fast[like tyranids] your going to struggle with building a good army based around zerkers and NM in 8th ed. There is just too much alfa strike ability in the game right now , plus you would struggle vs flyers a lot. If you don't care about the list working, then get 3 shoty NM squads and 4 zerker units, a knight and the rest of the list can be more or less what ever you want .

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So I was checking through the lore.


If I went with Plague Marines they wouldn't be the disgusting and bloated kind like Plague Marines. They would be like in Plague Demon or Cyber City Oedo 808 where they spread poison and were like Vampires.


But I am leaning more towards between Berserkers and Noise Marines although the Plague Lord I had a decade ago was really strong.


They seem about even in stats except Berserkers are back to Strength 5 like in 3rd Edition again. Other than that the Noise Marines and Berserker stats seem even. Then there is the benefit of Sonic Weaponry. It's still 50/50 between Bersrkers and Noise Marines.


If I went Berserkers it would be Iron Warriors in their gene seed.


If I went Noise Marines it would be Iron Warriors or Emperor's Children.


I'll try to put a picture of the Noise Marine paint scheme as my Avatar to show would the Noise Marines would be like.



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If you're going with the Iron Warriors, they used to use Berzerkers for siege duties (ie being the first ones in once a breach has occured) before they got the whole 'no Marks' restriction put on them. I still use some Zerkers and Khorne marked Iron Warriors they just don't get any Legion rules when they're played. For me, its nice and fluffy gives some good modelling options.

Noise Marines can also be justified in Iron Warrior forces. They could be allied troops/prisoners forced to fight from another warband (maybe even Emperor's Children). They could also be sons of Perturabo who have tinkered with weaponry and made their own sonic style weapons (my warband has a unit of Noise Marines who have a Plasma Cannon they use as a Blastmaster). Just remember they don't have to go pastel/neon/garish colour crazy but followers of Slaanesh tend to go into high detail (in lore anyway) so that could help set them aside from the rest of the army.

Just my 2p. Hope this helps and good luck.

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I got closer to deciding. I went from deciding between 5 factions to around 2 factions. Heavily leaning towards  Emperor's Children.


I tried a battle with proxy noise marines using Tactical Marines and it was AWESOME. Until the guy got angry and left right before I won. I only won 2 battles in more than 10 years. Then when I almost win a battle that wasn't a close call  battle where I barely scrapped the win, but an actual good and clear victory that wasn't in a close call the guy has a fit and leaves.



Edited by BrightStarNova
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I had a similar dilemma recently when choosing between WE vs EC. It really depends on what you care about the most, lore, models / looks or rules, or if all three in which order. Bezerkers have some old sculpts but have access to all sorts of kit-bashery from the Khorne Bloodbound AoS range for your crafting knife to take a swing at.

       The EC not so much ... bog standard chaos marines with some rather outdated resin kits, I love noise marines but even GW's own painted ones look bland. They need some good kit bashery with either 3rd party bitz stores or a decent amount of GS work to make them look less boring, unless of course you have the pockets to invest in Forgeworld bits then have at it!


You did buy a Bloodthirster though .... he will sit in that box  or on your table winking at you until you start paying your dues in blood and skulls. 

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