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Rely on CPs or the Icon of Wrath

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Recently ran into a "oh dear" situation where I re-rolled my Berzerker's charge distance and still failed, and then couldn't re-roll a die using CP because you can't re-roll a re-roll.


Assuming you have at least 6 CPs to spend, is the Icon of Wrath as useful on 2-3 squads versus holding onto those single die re-rolls? I've found, so far, that I don't end up spending all of the CP in a game unless things go horribly and I need to save them for morale. Thirty extra points in a list means more weapon upgrades on other things, or just a couple more bodies. What say you - Icon of Wrath, CP re-rolls, or both?

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CP re-rolls are very worth it for multi-damage weapons or invul saves against multi-damage weapons. Or when you roll that pesky 1 on a 2+ to-hit heavy hitting attack. But for a pure melee army that focusses on lots of attacks I can see how the CP re-rolls are barely worth it at all.

At least you can still re-roll the dice to check whether the game ends or not and re-draw an objective card I guess (that should get rid of your CP very quickly lol).

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Here's how I do it...


if I roll a 6 and a 2 for a charge, I use a CP to re-roll the 2.


If I roll a 3 and a 3, then I use the icon. That's my personal rule and it works 50% of the time it's about 87% successful. ;)

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