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Personal Introduction

Welcome to my new Primaris Space Marinechapter, the Archangels.

I've returned to the light of the Emperor after being involved with certain... Xenos factions that distracted me from my Raven Guard project. Moving swiftly on.

After 8th Edition launched, reading both the base rule book and the Dark Imperium novel I decided that no less than a full company of Primaris Space Marines, as a new Ultima Founding chapter no less, was absolutely necessary. And lo, after a few weeks of dreaming up ideas, colour schemes, chapter iconography and all sorts of different painting methods, I'm finally ready to get started and put pen to paper with progress and developments as they happen.

This initial post will be expanded upon going forward, with details of Chapter Iconography, command structure, company structure, heroic individuals and many, many other details.

The second post will maintain an ongoing record of the actual army progress, detailing what I'm working on and what's to come.

So I offer you this as some... colour to begin this journey with me.

Initial Overview

+++ Ultima Founding

+++ Present Day

After the triumph of Raukos, and the great Ultima Founding, many Primaris Space Marines found themselves being assigned to existing chapters or to create new chapters of Primaris throughout the galaxy, leaving behind both brother Greyshield and the Unnumbered Sons.

A few hundred though, we're summoned to Callisto, to a new Fortress Monastery built in the Sol System.

In the 100 years of the Indomitus Crusade, the gathered Space Marines had fought alongside their brothers of the Unnumbered Sons with distinction, with grace and with honour. They had shielded humanity on untold worlds, seeing value in the life they fought for. In the direst of situations, these Marines had seen the Hell of the Warp itself on the battlefield and had emerged unscathed, victorious, and more determined.

They had all believed they we're the sons of Guilliman, of Ultramarine origin.

There, sealed under Inquisitorial Order of the Ordo Malleus, they we're told the truth of their origins. They had no Gene-Father. No lineage. No history. To rest of the Imperium, they would simply be another Ultramarine successor.

Yet this falsehood covered a greater truth. For these gathered Primaris marines, their's was a new destiny to seek and discover on behalf of Humanity. To be the best of everything humanity had to offer. To be a shining example of the quality of the Human spirit. To be a bulwark against the darkness.

They would be the Archangels chapter, and no finer example of Space Marine or Humanity would be found.

Across the Hiveworlds of the Imperium, would be heard a new whisper .... "They are the Angels, and they bring Salvation!"

Across the battlefields of the Imperium, would be heard a new battle cry.... "We are the Angels, and we bring Death!"

The Beginnings of the Archangels

+++ Mars
+++ Sol System
+++ Deep within the vaults of the Arch-Magus Bellisarius Cawl, the day after the Primarch became Lord Commander of the Imperium

The newly titled Lord Commander of the Imperium marvelled at what would be his future legacy. Primaris Marines, entombed in their tanks, floated ready to heed his call in the tens of thousands.

And sorely needed, they were. Guilliman turned from the tanks.

"They are ready, Arch-Magos?".
"Yesss…", replied the mechanical voice of a being alive for over 10 thousand years.

Guilliman had many plans already in motion, his Indomitus Crusade already gearing up as the various factions of the Imperium we're quickly, for a galaxy-spanning empire, coming together. Many we're the corners of the Imperium that the Primaris we're needed in, but as ever he needed more men than even were coming out of the suspension tanks ready beneath Mars.

Still, it was a first step.

From one side of the biologus room, an archway-door shunted open and an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus strode in. Lord Inquisitor, noted Guilliman. Distaste for that dark order had risen in Guilliman's mouth at even the sight of the Inquisition's symbol. Then he mused on the presence of the Inquisitor.

Theoretical; The Inquisition knows of this order. Have not attempted to subvert or prevent this measure.

Pratical; Cawl will be part of this, most likely through some bargain.

"Lord Commander", said a voice used to giving commands and demanding respect, instead of acting as supplicant.
"Lord Inquisitor, what brings you to Mars?" replied the Primarch. "And how did the Inquisition know of these plans of Cawl's for these new Primaris?".

At the mention of his name, Cawl scuttled over to the two men. "Certain precautions we're taken to prevent this place ever becoming noticed by the ruinous powers, Lord Commander, as well as the interference of either the High Lords of Terra or other factions of the Inquisition.".

"I personally selected a candidate at the beginning of the project, and have … engineered a helpful faction within the Ordo Malleus to protect the project here from prying eyes" he continued.

The Inquisitor stepped forward at this. "For what it's worth, Lord Commander, there are those in the Inquisition not totally consumed with the fight at hand who can see longer term strategies are needed to fight the enemy. While Xenos and Hereticus prosecute there meddlesome wars within and with the alien, the great enemy is the one that must ultimately be defeated if Humanity is to survive."

"We have therefore protected this… project… of yours from outside. From the enemy. Even the Grey Knights themselves have stepped in to protect the Primaris project, although they have never been informed fully of the reasons for it".

Such forward thinking was rare in the Inquisition, Guilliman contemplated.

Theoretical; the Inquisition have the means and the weapons to fight Daemons and other warp-spawn, why do they protect this project?

Practical; because they are winning battles, but losing the war...

"And yet I sense this comes with a price, Inquisitor?" replied the Lord Commander.

"Merely a suggestion, Lord Commander. The Grey Knights are a limited force. There superiority in fighting the Daemon cannot be everywhere. They are no Legion, and their Gene-seed is ultimately exceptional and precious."

Father, did you really impart yourself to those warriors?

"We also have the Exorcist's, but there indoctrination leaves much to be desired. I don't desire to continue using the power of the enemy itself in such a horrific way to fight the enemy. No, the Arch-Magos and the Ordo Malleus have a new plan. Primaris, using completely re-engineered Gene-seed to be warp resistant."

"Re-engineered Gene-seed?"

The Arch-Magos stepped in, "It is entirely new, Lord Commander. It doesn't derive from anyone Primarch source. It is… Pure. They would have no founding father, no lineage, yet they would have something else…".

"Purity", added the Lord Inquisitor.

At this Guilliman raised an eyebrow. Cawl had done exceptional work with the Primaris, but he ultimately knew that the Primaris we're being created only from the Loyalists gene-seed - he had rescinded all attempts to use the traitor legions gene-seed, despite Cawl's objections and attempts to rebuild Primaris from all twenty legions.

This was a step beyond even that. Yet Guilliman's' mind saw the potential. No influence of a gene-father with their own troubled history, no flaws to overcome. Still Human, but … more?

"Testing has shown these warriors exceptionally strong minded, Lord Commander. They rival the Grey Knights in mental fortitude, in purity of spirit. They show promise at being able to resist daemonic possession with exceptional constitution. Yet the simulations show other possibilities. They act and fight with honour, act with passion, act with mercy for their fellow human. They believe themselves imperfect, but capable of being the best of what Humanity has to offer. When demanded of them, they will defend the Imperium to the last man. "

Grey Knight, Dark Angel, Blood Angel, Ultramarine, Iron Hand, Salamander. Guilliman could list off the prime qualities found in the other legions, from his brothers, all concentrated into one line of warriors.

Theoretical; the larger the pride, the greater the fall. Horus was the best of us, and his pride led to millions of deaths, and a sundered Imperium. By just one man.

Practical; the Inquisition could oversee their purity. They could be… cleansed if needed.

Resolution; They could yet be a potent symbol of what Father always intended for Humanity.

"And if they fail? Trans-human they may be, but human they still are", replied Guilliman.

"As an Inquisitor, I will ensure they do not fail in the eyes of the Imperium. Ever. ", stated the Inquisitor. It was clear what he meant.

"Then I authorise you to fully realise these Primaris 'Archangels' , Cawl. We will bend them in the fires of war, we will break them against the worst the enemy has to offer, and if they stand, if they succeed in the Indomitus Crusade, then maybe we will have another weapon against the enemy, Lord Inquisitor", agreed Guilliman.

"I want you to seal their origins from any but those that stand in this room. If they survive the Indomitus, intact, the Primaris Archangels will be made manifest and informed of what they are. If they are to have no gene-father, no legacy, then they must understand they fight for a future they can represent", commanded the Primarch.

The Lord Inquisitor nodded compliance, and simply left.

Read how Roboute Guilliman ordered the Archangels chapter founded....

Paint Scheme & Reference Videos

Undercoat: Chaos Black Spray

Base: Kantor Blue (Two thin coats!)
Shade: Nuln Oil
Relayer: Kantor Blue
Edge Highlight: Alaitoc Blue

Silver Details - Chest Eagle & Chapter Icon
Base: Leadbelcher
Shade: Nuln Oil
Layer: Stormhost Silver

Black Details - Bolt Rifle Casing, Ammo Pouches
Base: Abaddon Black
Edge Highlight: Eshin Grey

Gold Details - Characters
Base: Retributor Armour
Shade: Reikland Fleshshade
Edge Highlight: Liberator Gold

Purity Seal Wax
Base: Screamer Pink
Shade: Nuln Oil
ReBase: Screamer Pink
Layer: Pink Horror

Purity Seal Patchment
Base: Zandri Dust
Shade: Agrax Earthshade
ReBase: Zandri Dust
Layer: Ushabti Bone
Edge Highlight: Screaming Skull

Reference Videos
Crimson Fist Dark Blue Armour:

Sanguinary Guard Wings:

Captain in Gravis Armour:

Army Composition


1x Captain in Gravis Armour

1x Chapter Ancient with Banner

2x Lieutenant

3x 10man Intercessor Squads with Bolt Rifles

2x 3man Inceptor Squads with Heavy Assault Bolters

2x 5man Hellblaster Squads with Plasma Incinerators


1x Captain in Gravis Armour

In Progress

1x 10man Intercessor Squad

Game Ready


Fully Painted


Edited by Furiyen

Hobby Update!


So, an Introduction is all well and nice but people want to see in progress shots. Well, here we go!



I've started the army off by buying the Dark Imperium Box set, and then treating myself to a bunch of extra units. I've added to the original post details of the current Army model status, but for this update its simple to say I've built the 10 Intercessors (and the Captain) from the box set, and used these as my starting models.




Colour Scheme

So my colour scheme, after much, much, much angsty contemplation, will be adopting the dark blue that the Crimson fists are known for. So my inspiration for the initial stages of this are:



Actual steps

Undercoat: Chaos Black Spray

Base: Kantor Blue (Two thin coats!)

Shade: Nuln Oil

Relayer: Kantor Blue

Edge Highlight: Alaitoc Blue



The colour is a lot more Navy Blue, the photo colour is over-saturated and alot more like the GW Video above. 


This method suits my painting style very well - I'm crap at recess shading, but just doing a proper full wash and then relayering the base colour all over the model.


Although it's a little more time consuming, it gives me a result I'm very pleased with. That said, I tend to sparing with Edge highlights, especially for line troopers, so there only applied to the front of the model.


I'm missing Hoeth Blue as a paint, which will be used to give the very fine highlights a little more pop on the corners.




I'm also using something I came up with to allow me to paint the arms separately. Having attempted to paint Raven guard beforehand, one of the lessons I learned before was to paint arms separately so that I could paint the bodies of the marines properly. These Primaris are fantastic models, and I really want to do them justice!



  1. I'm very torn over what to do with the Shoulder pad rims, at present.
  • I'm tempted to leave them the dark blue with both highlights to make them pop out. I like the uniformity.
  • Or, I could do them silver, which I think will fit the theme nicely and contrast the dark  blue.
  • Or, I could do them gold, which on Ultramarines looks ace, but I don't want these confused for 'darker' Ultramarines. Which they might anyway, but I'm thinking gold might really swing those impressions :D


  1. I'm torn over the chest eagles as well:
  • I could do them in White, which will then lead to white as the contrasting colour for the models. Likely use White helmets to denote the officers in the chapter. I suck at painting white though :(
  • Or, I could do them silver, which again I think will fit the theme nicely and contrast the dark  blue. Gold Chest Eagles / Gold Helmets could be used for the Officers.


I'm not intending to represent Company Colours on the rims or elsewhere on the model, one little deviancy from the Codex Astartes the chapter is known for ;)


Chapter Icon

This is a surprise, but its safe to say I won't be using a transfer ;)


Till the next update…

At the first opportunity I would off the Inquisitor :wink: .

Don't worry, there will be more stories down the line, and we'll see what happens with the meddlesome Ordo Malleus ....

Nice start, very interesting setup

Thank you! Hopefully get plenty of updates going over the next few weeks, stay tuned :)

Edited by Furiyen
Hobby update!



Painting progress is slow, but suffice to say I've gotten the rebasing of the Kantor Blue after the shade done on 7 out of the 10 Intercessors I've started with.


I've also bit the bullet with testing a Silver Eagle icon on the first 5 Intercessors, and I'm very happy it! Here they are after having their arms attached:




Next job is to get the other 5 Intercessors to the same stage with rebasing Kantor Blue, Chest Eagles and gluing arms into position, then its a march to the finish line through painting details, edge highlighting, basing and Chapter icons!


Speaking of which ...




Chapter Icon


Ok, tada, here's my chosen Chapter Symbol, a version of the classic Sword and Wings of the Dark Angels. This was purchased from Pop goes the Monkey on Shapeways, and I have to say these are absolutely mint.


I chose this Icon mainly because this particularly version of the icon has a double layer of feathers in the wings themselves, distinguishing it a little from the regular DA icon, and would really suit the name of the chapter itself.




Now that I've seen the quality first hand, I intend to order a whole bunch of these along with the Assault/Dev/Tactical/Elite markings that are also sold.



On the Wings of Angels...

Further to the imagery of Angels, I went ahead and picked up 8 sets of the Sanguinary Guard Jump packs with Wings to use in some conversion work!




I'm a little torn over what to do, as I can either:


1. Use them explicitly for Jump Pack / Deep Striking troops, namely Inceptors or even Reivers. Could get expensive, quickly, though!

2. Reserve them for marking out Characters and perhaps squad Sergeants and only.


Thoughts? Comments? Ideas anyone?

I'd say use them for the primaris jump troops if you can fit them on back without making the model stick out too much backwards. If you're planning on using 2nd edition style back banners for sergeants then you can make the wings character only for those that have the jump packs. Looks good so far!

I'd say use them for the primaris jump troops if you can fit them on back without making the model stick out too much backwards. If you're planning on using 2nd edition style back banners for sergeants then you can make the wings character only for those that have the jump packs. Looks good so far!


Well, as a Primaris-only chapter, this means only Inceptors. I don't plan on back banners for the Sergeants, tbh,although I do want the Ancient Standard Bearer in the army!


I don't think any of the Primaris characters can have jump packs or any deep-strike equivalent, so I'm left kinda wondering...

Hobby Update!


Firstly, some wordy-wordy bits with the impending release of Codex: Space Marines.


Chapter Tactics

After some debate around what I thought about doing for Chapter tactics, I ended up plumping for the Salamanders tactics out of all of the Codex:SM options for now.


Not only do I think this is quite strong on the table top for gaming, but will fit my theme for these warriors if we imagine the following re-wording of the chapter tactics:


Archangels: Peerless Warriors

The Archangels are peerless warriors, seemingly divinely skilled and excelling at all combat roles assigned to them. Be It Blade or Bolt Rifle, none can withstand the fury and the might of these warriors.


You can re-roll a single failed hit roll and a single failed wound roll made for a Archangels unit with this tactic each time it shoots or fights.


Company Structure

I've also put some significant thought into the company structure of the Archangels, and how a Primaris only force would organise themselves. As I want an entire company of these marines in the far-future, I thought it best to lay out where I would go with these to begin with.


Prepare yourself, Codex Astartes is out of the window on this one. Welcome to Codex Primaris instead.



2x Lieutenants (1 per Demi-Company)


Demi-Company Composition


"Angelus Primus" Formation - Command

1x Lieutenant

1x Apothecary

3x Agressors Squad



"Angelus Mortis" Formation - Infiltration & Close Support

1x Chaplain

10x Reivers Squad


3x Inceptors Squad

3x Inceptors Squad


"Angelus Nobillis" Formation - Battleline & Fire Support

10x Intercessors Squad



10x Intercessors Squad



1x 5 Man Intercessor Squad

1x 5 Man Hellblaster Squad



1x 5 Man Intercessor Squad

1x 5 Man Hellblaster Squad



"Angelus Excelsior" Formation - Company Dreadnought Support

2x Redemptor Dreadnoughts


This will give the full company 125 boots on the ground, along with support from 10 Repulsors and 4 Dreadnoughts. It gives a strong showing of Intercessors as the core troops of the company, but has a place for all the other Primaris goodies on offer. With the Repulsor the only transport vehicle available... well, yeah, that got a bit spammy. But atleast the Archangels will be riding to war in style.


Note that this is the standard company, I've got designs on two special companies within the Chapter as well..... but there far down the list  on what I'm setting right now!



The Archangel

Now onto some actual hobby progress. It hasn't been much, but it has been some!


Firstly, I had a play with my Gravis Captain and some of the wings I recently ordered. I trimmed the mounts and pinned them to the vents on the backpack. I'm intending to greenstuff around the joins a little somewhat and then once sprayed should just look like additional adornments to the backpack itself.




In addition, I've decided if it's wearing Gravis Armour, it can have the Wings. So, Gravis Captain, Inceptors and Agressors will be needing these things. 19 models for the full company, all told. May have to get one or two more Gravis Captain models, though, or convert an alternative out of an Agressor once I get my hands on the kit, so I have an alternative model to the standard boxed Gravis Captain.


The Intercessors

I finally finished the re-base coating of the power armour on all 10 marines, got the chest eagles done on the remaining five and got the arms all in place. This is by far the longest stage done on these, so hopefully the final stages shouldn't take too much work.




So lets see....

1. Finish arms with Kantor Blue

2. Paint Bolt Rifle metallics - Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil, Stormhost Silver

3. Paint Black areas on Bolt Rifle and all the pouches and Bolt Pistol Holster - Abaddon Black, Eshin Grey

4. Paint Purity Seals - Screamer Pink, Pink Horror, Ushabti Bone, Screaming Skull

5. Paint Eye Lenses - White Scar, Bloodletter Glaze?

6. Paint Chapter Symbol and Affix - Abaddon Black, Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil, Stormhost Silver

7. Edge Highlight Armour - Alaitoc Blue, Hoeth Blue

8. Base


Hmm, still some work to do! And I still need to order the damn squad type symbols. Arrgghh.



Next real question is what to do with basing on these? I was going to keep these in line with the other collections of Eldar/Necrons/Tyranids I have and base them with Astrograntie, that is then washed with Drakenhof Nightshade, drybrushed Russ Grey and then drybrished Fenrisian grey.


These boys are a little on the dark side though in terms of colour scheme, so was thinking maybe something a little brighter to offset the colour scheme, perhaps even snow bases? Or Red Martian bases?


Thoughts and feedback always welcome, of course!

These guys are looking really cool! I quite like their origin story/intro as well. I'm helping a friend of mine tie his Primaris marines in to his existing Grey Knight/Inquisition force and you've given a lot of food for thought.

Beautiful work. Are they a Dark Angels successor?


Thank you, positive feedback is always most welcome :smile.:


As to 'Are they a Dark Angels successor?' - Well, no, not quite, if you read the initial fluff story in the OP you can see that there origins are wide open.


Are they Grey Knight Primaris/Successors?

Are they even a 1st Founding successors?

Are they traitor legion successors?

Are they lost founding, or lost founding successors?

Are they a true hybrid of all the 1st founding chapter's gene-seed?

Or are they truly gene-engineered to be no one's successor, and they are a completely new formation of Space Marines, with a hidden Primogenitor?


Only Belisarius Cawl knows the truth of the matter :wink:


These guys are looking really cool! I quite like their origin story/intro as well. I'm helping a friend of mine tie his Primaris marines in to his existing Grey Knight/Inquisition force and you've given a lot of food for thought.


Cheers matey. By all means feel free to use as a springboard for a possible "Grey Knight derived Primaris" force. There's still plenty of mystery in the setting to contend and bend to your will :biggrin.:

Edited by Furiyen

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