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Hello fellow cult....Guardsmen


I have two imperial guard armies.  One of my pride army is my death korp of krieg, while the other is mostly plastic cadian currently being rebuild.  For the plastic cadians I have 150 conscipts/guardsmen, 25 heavy weapons teams, 6 chimeras,  and 3 russes.  I am looking for help how how to build the lot up.  I really do not any assault elements simply because that's where the genestealers come into play.  This will be a cult army, but love to hear how to play the guard element well.  So should I just go the 150 conscript route with commissars or any other advice for the army? 

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I personally run cheap guard squads of 10 with a plasma gun which are cheap and can be thrown away, with officer and commissar support. HWT are lethal now due to their cheapness. horde really helps with area denial against T1 deepstrikers. i would go for a mix of conscripts/ normal guardsmen, maybe even some vets or command squads in those chimeras. Special weapon squads work well in chimeras as well 6 man, 3 flamers. 


The load out of guardsmen is your oyster! commissars are a must to keep them in line as are officer to buff them. 

I love the whole Genestealer thing that you can do now, and fully intend to add some to my own Guard at some point.


You've nailed it really. Cults bring the infiltration and close combat hurt, Guard the staying power and, of course, firepower! Guard will be your backfield presence. I'd go for Artillery to bring the hurt from the start of the game and Infantry in whatever flavour you want to cover them and hold your backline. Those same infantry can advance forward into midfield while your Cultists take to the backfield to claim objectives / shred things in combat.


Your opponent knows that deadly cult units will be popping up 9" away from his prized units and will try and screen them, and objectives, accordingly. Unfortunately for your opponent nothing clears an area as well as Imperial Guard Artillery. There's some great Synergy available there and I have a feeling that when the meta (shudder, a hideous word!) settle down Cults with some Guard support are going to be right up there in the top tier. 


Finally, the Neophyte Cultists (mining gear ones?) also make great Guard conscripts with a cheeky headswap and they really look great for tying the two elements of the army together aesthetically. Gen Steiner put me on to that idea and it's fantastic, especially since I've just finished my volcanic mining base game board!


Finally finally I'm going to have to make a Genestealler Patriarch with a fake 'tash and glasses who has infiltrated my Guard.


Colonel Brannigan: "You there soldier, what's your name?"

Disguised Cultist: "Hugh, Mann sir!"

Guard Brannigan: "Hugh Mann eh? Now that's a name I can trust!"


Classic Futurama

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