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Unit Coherency and Units That Cannot Move

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So here’s a question that came up from yesterday’s tournament.


I had a unit of four Kastelan Robots in a straight line.  Behind them, a Datasmith.  The Datasmith is there to change their Protocols (or buffs).  My Kastelans were programmed with the infamous Protector Protocol, which means they cannot move, but are able to shoot twice in the Shooting phase.


My opponent was able to kill one Kastelan, leaving a gap in my line.  Now, since my Kastelans are unable to move, how do they maintain unit coherency?  The Datasmith can reprogram their protocol to either Aegis or Fighty, which allows them to move, but is he required to?  And what if he’d been killed off as well?


Anyway, being the gentleman nerds we are, we decided its best that the Datasmith reprogram them so they could move back together into coherency.  Do you agree?

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You are not required to do anything:


If anything causes a unit to become split up during a battle, it must re-establish its unit coherency the next time it moves.

If the unit is not allowed to move it does not move so it does not have to re-establish coherency.


You could have avoided that issue by removing a different Kastelan, unless the one you did remove was already wounded, but again you are not required to do so.


Interestingly as written you don't have to re-establish coherency at all as long as the unit does not move. Good to know for units with lots of heavy weapons.

Edited by Quixus
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