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BA "Chapter Tactics" Speculation


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Fair shout. I'm warming to the idea of Encarmine fury, maybe we just keep it non-vehicles/ building though. So basically anything Organic gets to FEEL THE :censored: FURY!

Dreadnoughts have a bubblegum center and Necrons have minds that can be stabbed. I say everything feels the wrath!


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Why I find it so beautiful is that it puts on competitive ground with any unit in the game. All T5 bike army? No problem. Thunderwolves got you down? No problem. Getting overwhelmed by Carnifexes? Wounding on no worse than 5's baby. Imperial Knights? Great Unclean One buffed to the max? Roll that five, it ain't alive!


Suddenly needed D.C. reclaim some of their glory. They don't need as many swings since they are hitting that much harder by default. Etc....


...and even if you prefer your BA to be dakka-centric, you can still shoot the enemy as he pushes towards you, letting him wither al the way before still having an edge in melee.

Edited by Indefragable
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Yeah true, I does maximise that feel of Heroes taking down anything they put their mind to, I'm just a touch dubious of the limits.


Obviously an extreme case but when base Marines are wounding TITANS on a 5+.......

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Fair shout. I'm warming to the idea of Encarmine fury, maybe we just keep it non-vehicles/ building though. So basically anything Organic gets to FEEL THE :censored: FURY!

+1 to wound seems very strong, would +1 attack be a better trade off? Make us stronger against infantry (rightly so) without our tactical squads mowing down knights.

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Fair shout. I'm warming to the idea of Encarmine fury, maybe we just keep it non-vehicles/ building though. So basically anything Organic gets to FEEL THE :censored: FURY!

+1 to wound seems very strong, would +1 attack be a better trade off? Make us stronger against infantry (rightly so) without our tactical squads mowing down knights.


The problem with the +1 attack is that it only applies to close combat. Too narrow in scope I think, compared to the first two previewed chapter tactics. Part of an assault is actually using assault weapons - flamers and the like. 

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Fair shout. I'm warming to the idea of Encarmine fury, maybe we just keep it non-vehicles/ building though. So basically anything Organic gets to FEEL THE :censored: FURY!

+1 to wound seems very strong, would +1 attack be a better trade off? Make us stronger against infantry (rightly so) without our tactical squads mowing down knights.
Sure, Tactical Marines would be punching Knights on 5's...but that knight has armor, and invuln, and a helluva lot of wounds. It's kind of like lasguns: sure they can hurt anything on 6's...but that does not mean they will.


Besides, don't forget that said knight has :cuss -huge guns that will wipe that Tac squad off the board before they can even think about hurting it (let some in melee). It's really not as OP as it might first appear.


Compare to Orkz, Nids, and even Black Templar who all have the speed and/or body count to survive Shooting 8th Ed style (hint: its brutal) in order to actually land a blow. We kind of have some speed, but we definitely don't have the numbers. Nor are our fancy units as inherently powerful as the SW, GK, or DA's. So how do we make a name for ourselves?


Punching harder than anyone else, no matter what, no matter the target.

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Well, the White Scars preview is up... 


Chapter tactics: +2" to advance, and can charge after falling back

Korsarro Khan's ability: + STR for charging units

Stratagem: they can advance, shoot and then charge

Warlord trait: the warlord deals mortal wounds when charging.


Cannot wait for the BA codex.

Edited by roodie
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So out of the 8 chapters in the codex Space Marines ( including black templars and crimson fists ) we have 2 exceptions to falling back, nerf to enemies ability to shoot, and for character, relics, it strategies, redeployment options, advance and charge, and rerolls to charges.


That's a lot of the flavor of 8th edition that is being manipulated.

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Salamanders are up too, via some sneaky URL changes...


Every unit can re-roll one To Hit and To Wound Dice every time it Shoots or Fights. Sounds a little weak, until you realise things like Heavy weapons on the move in Tactical Squads and characters all just got a really nice little buff. Plasma too.


I have the sinking feeling we are going to be the balancing codex and be when they decide to lower the power level of the codexes lol


While it wouldn't be the first time, I don't think we can call that just yet.


Really WS tactics still require them to get into combat and more importantly, for the opponent not to just fall back from them - so it's actually a bit niche in that regard.

Edited by Charlo
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Iron hands get 6+ feel no pain. Having seen how meh that is for death company with the quantity of multi damage weapons now, they've kinda got the short end of the stick there. Though might be more useful if it applies to all vehicles (which would be fluffy, at least!)


Looking at the wide range of abilities though, comparing say, white scars and ravenguard to fists and iron hands, I've got a horrible, horrible sinking feeling about what BA are going to get, eventually.

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So out of the 8 chapters in the codex Space Marines ( including black templars and crimson fists ) we have 2 exceptions to falling back, nerf to enemies ability to shoot, and for character, relics, it strategies, redeployment options, advance and charge, and rerolls to charges.


That's a lot of the flavor of 8th edition that is being manipulated.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. 

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Iron hands get 6+ feel no pain. Having seen how meh that is for death company with the quantity of multi damage weapons now, they've kinda got the short end of the stick there. Though might be more useful if it applies to all vehicles (which would be fluffy, at least!)


Looking at the wide range of abilities though, comparing say, white scars and ravenguard to fists and iron hands, I've got a horrible, horrible sinking feeling about what BA are going to get, eventually.


how is it bad? seeing  as its for every wound taken, it's actually pretty great on anything with multiple wounds for example, so characters, dreadnoughts and primaris stuff in iron hands get off pretty well!



Main thing I'm thinking here, is that a lot of the 'bases' are already covered with all these armies, so unsure what BA would/could get.

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Here are the collected Chapter Tactics, to further help the speculation process.














So far I think Ravenguard have the strongest one of the lot, followed by Ultras and Imperial Fists.

Edited by vahouth
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Blood Angels are difficult, as whilst they are Codex compliant, their genetic traits pull them very much towards the assault force they were during the Horus Heresy and Great Crusade.


To avoid treading on other Chapters' toes, could always go for something that makes it harder to escape close combat from a Blood Angels unit.


Maybe if all enemy units in close combat with a Blood Angels unit have fallen back from combat with that unit during the opponents movement phase, that Blood Angels unit may declare a charge against a single enemy unit at the end of the opponents movement phase.


Though, might work more as a strategem...and maybe more Flesh Tearer-ish?

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I'd rather they just give us something that lets us actually kill stuff in combat. Things can't run away when their dead. Ex. See Khornate Berzerkers, Ork Boyz, etc. Those units don't normally have to deal with the unit they charged running away, because if they made it into combat, that enemy unit is dead. Nothing we have comes anywhere close to that level of effectiveness for so cheap.


Also, that's DE Wyches special rule already, and theirs is kinda bad, since they made it a roll-off, and wyches still die to a stiff breeze.

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