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BA "Chapter Tactics" Speculation


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I think it would be very much within the fluff to make Blood Angels Deep Strike Experts, as well as marginally better assault units than your standard marine chapter. 


My bet is gonna be:


Jump Packers and Drop Pods can deploy 1 or 2 inches closer than the currently 9 inches.


+ 1 strength when charging. 


And i would be pretty happy if it ended up like that!


About time that GW shows BA some love, IMO.

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My money is on +1 S or A when charging and/or something like this:


[Chapter] infantry units with the fly keyword that Fall Back in the movement phase can charge later that turn.


It fits our affinity for jump packs.

Edited by submarinesoup
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My money is on +1 S or A when charging and/or something like this:


[Chapter] infantry units with the fly keyword that Fall Back in the movement phase can charge later that turn.


It fits our affinity for jump packs.

It fits our affinity for jump packs but it doesn't fit the restriction of Chapter Tactics benefiting Bikes and Dreadnoughts as well.

Of course nothing says that our Chapter Tactic has to work the same way the C:SM one does but I doubt it'll be much different.

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I feel like while I would love the closer deep strike - it's either going to be seen as:

  • Too Powerful - everything else in the game is limited to 9.1" deep strike distance, for us to be different would be quite a big deal
  • Still too random to be effective - 1" closer wouldn't help as flamers are still out of range and rolling an 8 isnt too much difference to 9. 2" closer would give us a nice niche on drop flamers/ frag cannons but with the average 2D6 being 7 it means that 7/12 times we're getting the charge. PLUS it'll just sting that Inferno Pistols are still out of range.
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I am going to bet that we don't see a Codex until at least Spring 2018.


HH:8 Angelus is supposedly slated for January 2018 (citation needed), so it would make sense if they were trying to rectify what makes the BA "tick" both in HH and 41k. I am ok with that since I, above all else, want to see them get it "right" and am happy to wait for them to do so.


I think Angelus is going to be delayed quite a bit, however. With Alan Bligh's passing, I am sure quite a bit of IP and badass ideas were lost as well and the team is scrambling to cobble together his vision. Which, given the sad circumstances, I am fine with. Again, I want things done right.

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If this is true they will churn through armies much faster than AoS. Will they stick with their strategy of releasing new minis with the rulebooks or does including the rules in the boxes relieve them of that? Space Wolves might come sooner since they got new plastics like the Wulfen for Wrath of Magnus meaning they are easy to do quickly.

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+1 on to-hit or to-wound rolls in CC is something i wouldn't mind. Blood angels are hard for me to guess at since i'm fairly light on BA lore only really getting drawn in since Carmine Blades entry in the 7th codex.


I hope the CT stay vague enough that all units will benfit and not just the Assaulty/ jump pack aspects of the army.

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It seems unlikely that it will repeat a character buff that we get from guys like say Capts, Chaplains, LTs, Ancients etc.


Having +1 str from axe(+2 for a maul), +1 str from priest, and +1 str for Red Thirst would be pretty damned kool, but I don't think we will get it.

(The more I think about it that would be stellar for our DC and veterans)


I am still guessing it will be something like this tho:

Chapter tactic : Some type of movement based tactic, probably related to jump packs. 

Strategem: Descent of Angels (deploy one unit from reserve outside of 1+ inches).

Relic: Underpants of the Dimmendark. (Recover spent command points on a 2+ as long as the model bearing this item is not dead) (or something).

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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I am still guessing it will be something like this tho:

Chapter tactic : Some type of movement based tactic, probably related to jump packs. 


Movement based is likely but jump pack related not really. That's more something for stratagems.

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I would love it if they focused BA+S tactics on delivery systems.


On the turn the Infantry unit arrives via deep strike, or deploys from a vehicle they can add 2 to their charge roll.


This will make all delivery systems viable for assaults with BA. We already have tons of stat modifiers so I don't think it will be that. There could also be a ramp affect for Flesh Tearers.


Ramp Effect: If an infantry unit caused a casualty in the previous rounds fight phase they get +1 attack for this fight phase. (Gives them the berserker feel)

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About the Blood Angels codex release date, it is more likely that it will occurs either on November or December.


One of the main reason that make me believe this, is the fact that the Blood Angels : Devastation of Baal Novel, that will be release the 28/11/2017 (Amazon sources), is tag "Space Marines Conquests" which is a first, since i don't remember seeing this anywhere else, and that it may hint to the fact that the book is related to a Blood Angels Release window.


Of the "...around 10 codexes before christmas...", we already know that come the Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard, Grey Knights, Craftworlds, Necrons, and Mechanicum, so 7/10(or more), there is still 3/10(or more) empty slots to put in the Blood Angels codex.

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That's not the point. There simply are no stat modifier in 8th anymore as far as I can see. Only roll modifier. That has nothing to do with chapter tactics.


I don't think that is a hard fast rule or anything. When dealing with the more non-Codex chapters, I think we'll see the mechanics branch out. That being said, I doubt we get a Strength bonus. They already made sure the Corbulo's Red Grail bonus doesn't stack. S6 on most of our troops is too good. My bet is on 6" consolidate.

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That's not the point. There simply are no stat modifier in 8th anymore as far as I can see. Only roll modifier. That has nothing to do with chapter tactics.


I don't think that is a hard fast rule or anything. When dealing with the more non-Codex chapters, I think we'll see the mechanics branch out. That being said, I doubt we get a Strength bonus. They already made sure the Corbulo's Red Grail bonus doesn't stack. S6 on most of our troops is too good. My bet is on 6" consolidate.


Well obviously it isn't a hard fast rule. Just something GW apparently has decided to do. Whether they stick to it or not is impossible to know but it's likely I'd say.

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That's not the point. There simply are no stat modifier in 8th anymore as far as I can see. Only roll modifier. That has nothing to do with chapter tactics.

No, I mean has chapter tactics ever given stat modifiers?


And there is a stat modifier, the DC get one. Plus we have aura abilities that give them as well.

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