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BA "Chapter Tactics" Speculation


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That's not the point. There simply are no stat modifier in 8th anymore as far as I can see. Only roll modifier. That has nothing to do with chapter tactics.



I don't think that is a hard fast rule or anything. When dealing with the more non-Codex chapters, I think we'll see the mechanics branch out. That being said, I doubt we get a Strength bonus. They already made sure the Corbulo's Red Grail bonus doesn't stack. S6 on most of our troops is too good. My bet is on 6" consolidate.

Well obviously it isn't a hard fast rule. Just something GW apparently has decided to do. Whether they stick to it or not is impossible to know but it's likely I'd say.

If you count UM CT +1LD they already have stat mods for CT's

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Keep in mind we've never really had "Chapter Tactics"... we've had something similar army wide, then further minute specialization such as Death Company rules, overcharging vehicles and Jump pack rules; even the current Index kind of reflects this. Most of the other chapters have 1 rule to rule them all.

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Except that not really. All generic armies are getting the equivalent to chapter tactics.


We are not a generic army. It is likely that we will get the same stuff we always have. An army wide special rule that increases strength on charge, and specific rules for our special units. The space marines didn't change overall in regards to special rules*, I don't see us changing.


(They had chapter tactics before that largely had similar abilities, they have chapter tactics now. No chapter tactics has, to my knowledge, ever changed a stat like ours have).

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Been thinking on things. Onr of them being something Charlo asked a few pages back: like if we were faster than other marines (to which I recall someone saying that they didn't feel/think we were) and how it might be justifiable for us to have an always strike first in the first round of combat, or something akin to speed etc.


After digesting the chapter tactics. No one believes the Ultramarines are any braver than the other founding chapters, so with reason we couldnspeculate to be "faster" than all other marines by the perception that the Ultra are "braver" than other astartes.


Just food for thought.

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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Pff knowing GW hate for all things BA, BA chapter tactic is going to be a merg between old WFB minotaur rules[after killing something in melee, they have to stand still for a turn to feed on the corpses] and old frenzy [has to try to charge if possible, maybe get a buff to A/Str ].

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Ah, the old "Schrödinger's Workshop" meme, where everyone is simultaneously adamant that GW hates their faction the most.


Even Eldar because they have old models (let's ignore the rules they had for good amount of time in 7th). :D

And continue to have in 8th ;)

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Emperor's Children legion trait is discussed today. They get to fight first in the fight sun phase even if charged, unless other units have a similar ability. Are there any units now that have this ability? Could BA be one of them in the future?


Shoes they're willing to turn another huge 8th Ed rule on its head for a detachment wide inherent ability.

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Always striking first would be a differentiator, especially as it wild mean we don't NEED the Charge to be effective. Considering Red Thirst was a thing for us in 7th, I'd say it's within the scope of possibility, if not likelihood.


BA and EC have always had some commonality.

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I still like the idea of getting a bonus on AP in melee like the T'au ATS support system. ^^

My concern there would be against big dog units packing 3++/4++. Diminishing returns.


It would help with beating up lesser units or MEQ, but I feel that is one area we do NOT need help in.

Edited by Indefragable
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Well units with lots of 3++ and 4++ are quite expensive so unless we go equally elite it should work out most of the time. They also still have the weakness of crumbling under weight of fire so just take some Baal Preds or something with you. ^^

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Was thinking on Don't-Be-Haten talking about speed.


Thinking back on our want for deploying and charging stuff.

Thinking back on our faster vehicles with Lucifer Engines.

Thinking red ones go faster.


For something outside the box and perhaps different from what others already have...

Suppose we get something like an additional extra 4(+) inch unrestricted move every turn.

Could be 3+d3 inches for Red Thirst or something.


Would allow for deepstrike and charge on a 5+

Would make our short range special weapons workable.

Could reflect Lucifer engines.

Could make our dreads more usable.

Would make all these seemingly needed support chars able to apply their bubbles as needed by an assault force.


Anyhow crossed my mind reading the comments about speed.

Celerity would be tight.



Just re-read all 9 pages and +move has been mentioned several times - I hope we get it *nod

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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Even if we get some movement buff so that we could reliably charge out of deep strike. We still would face the problem that your only allowed to reserve half your units. A DC comp with Lemartes/Chaplain, Libby and a Priest, that´s 4 units. And by deploying 3 HQ in reserve also increase your drops instead of loading them in a transport on the table for the start of the game.


Maybe a Stratgem that allows us to do something with reservs/drops? Maybe include HQ to units since we are so buff dependent?


Just some more thoughts I don´t think has been brought up here before.

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Posted from Spikey Bitz is a translation someone did of the Chaos traits from the new Chaos Codex.


And now, for the new Faction Special Rules, which again may have been transcribed slightly inaccurately from the zoomed in and French version above:
  • Night Lords: -1 Leadership for each NL unit within 6″ of the enemy. This stacks to a minimum of 1 Leadership for the enemy.
  • Word Bearers: Re-roll failed Moral checks.
  • Emperor’s Children: Always strike first.
  • Black Legion: +1 Leadership and can always advance and shoot/gain bonuses/or no modifiers to advancing and shooting. (Poster was unclear which one)
  • Iron Warriors: Possibly negating cover or gaining better cover when in cover.
  • Alpha Legion: Scout ability – (Like deepstrike but 12″ away from enemy units).
  • Renegade Chapters: Sadly unreadable.
  • World Eaters: When a unit with this trait makes a successful charge, you can make one additional attack with each model in the unit.
  • An addition: It appears that all Chaos Legions get the same Objective Secured ability that Loyalists have.



Reading this, I have no idea what they are going to give us. I'm still miffed about no Power Sword on our Intercessor Squads. Maybe it will be a bonus to AP? Who knows?

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