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Looking for Input on Fluff and Bit Selection for New Project

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Hello everyone,


I'm a long time 40k player that is just getting back into things with the launch of 8th. With that in mind I want to start a new project, and I was hoping to get some feedback on the fluff I have created for my renegade space marine army, the Sons of Elation. I was also hoping to get some input on the bitz I want to use to build this army. I really want them to look unique on the field. So far I have picked some stuff out for the noise marines and cultists, but would love to hear some input for other units (such as a chaos lord, and sorcerer) as well. With that in mind, here's some fluff!



Formerly: Howling Templars (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Formed during the Twenty Third Founding, the Howling Templars took their gene-seed from the Ultramarines. The chapter served the Imperium faithfully for nearly 3000 years. However, during the Second Tyrannic War the Howling Templars suffered massive casualties, and lost much of their gene-seed. By the time the conflict ended nearly 3 quarters of the chapter was dead. Unable to adequately replenish these loses; the Howling Templars were stationed to an agri-world, known as Serendipity on the fringes of Ultima Segmentum. The chapter was expected to draw new recruits from a nearby death world, while ensuring that its governor continued to provide an adequate tithe of soldiers and food for an increasingly embattled empire.


Over time, the remaining members of the chapter grew attached to the local populace, and grew disgusted with the brutal nature by which the local governor ensured tithe shipments were made on time. They saw the local populace labour in poverty, while nobles reveled in wealth. The impoverished citizens of Serendipity eventually raised arms against imperial leadership, in a desperate attempt to better their lot in life. Initially the Howling Templars prosecuted these traitors with prejudice, as was their duty. However, no matter how many people they slaughtered, new revolts would break out across the planet. After years of increasingly pointless bloodshed the Howling Templars’ Chapter Master Gabriel Invikus attempted to remedy the situation by slaying the governor. Invikus went on to decree that the Templars would govern the system in the Emperor’s name.


After coming to power Invikus was finally able to negotiate a tenuous peace with some of the planet’s rebel factions by promising a massive redistribution of wealth amongst the systems inhabitants. As the years went on the chapter managed to successfully administer the needs of Serendipity and its subsidiary planets. Tithes were easily filled, as the system’s population boomed after decades of war, and inspired leadership on the part of Invikus saw agricultural production boom and labour needs dwindle. Increasingly fulfilled by their civic role, the chapter sought to elevate Serendipity’s citizens by introducing them to the arts, culture, and many of the civic ideals they had learned from their progenitor legion. The skyline of Serendipity’s capital grew, as new music halls, capable of housing thousands, opened their doors, and grandiose architecture replaced the drabness of imperial buildings. The people left their small and quaint homes, and sought new experiences in the growing urban centers of the planet.  As conflict dwindled, and the chapter rested upon its laurels, it became increasingly indulgent in its new pursuits. Beholding the splendorous civilization he had helped build Invikus, in a bought of madness, proclaimed himself Emperor of Serendipity, and seceded from the Imperium.


Far on the fringes of the Imperium, Serendipity has largely been left to its own devices, and the Howling Templars had almost been forgotten by the massive bureaucracy of the Imperium of Man. However, with the opening of the Great Rift, Invikus has sought to spread his leadership to other systems, and his battle brothers, renamed the Sons of Elation have been spotted openly displaying the mark of the Dark Prince.





Noise Marines







Shoulder Pads




Sonic Blasters









Likely from CSM Kit, or mass ordered


Full model (Need bits to chaosify/ and for brutal close combat weapons and pistols)



Anyways, thanks for any input, and if you made it this far you deserve a cookie!



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I would expand more on the fall from grace of your chapter. In any background, it is a critical component in explaining how their values end up clashing with the established authority, will give insights on their motivations.

Fair enough! Do you specifically mean the actual fall from grace after they have taken control of the planet? I meant to imply they had been falling from grace, having witnessed the brutality and cruelty of the imperium, long before then.

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I agree with Athramar. You have a good explanation for Humanist Marines, and why they went rebel from the Imperium but ultimately stayed loyal to the Emperor. Maybe have them adopt some of the practices of the rebel insurgents that led to their corruption, or the opposite where the established government was already corrupted and by stopping the rebellion, they ensured the planet's fall to the dark powers. Something like:


While fighting the uprising on Serendipity, many of the Chapter's scouts and recon forces were forced to learn how to blend in with the local populace and work with the local PDF forces. Over time they adopted many of the strategies known to be effective in the local terrain and eventually came to follow many of the local customs, language, and practices. Once the insurgents were brought to negotiate a peace, the scouts returned to duty as Serendipity seemed to flourish, free of war at last. Completing their training in the scout cadres, many of the initiates moved on into battle line companies, bringing what they had learnt in the towns and slums with them. Over time the Chapter as a whole started to adopt more and more rites and traditions, being affected ever so subtly...

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I agree with Athramar. You have a good explanation for Humanist Marines, and why they went rebel from the Imperium but ultimately stayed loyal to the Emperor. Maybe have them adopt some of the practices of the rebel insurgents that led to their corruption, or the opposite where the established government was already corrupted and by stopping the rebellion, they ensured the planet's fall to the dark powers. Something like:


While fighting the uprising on Serendipity, many of the Chapter's scouts and recon forces were forced to learn how to blend in with the local populace and work with the local PDF forces. Over time they adopted many of the strategies known to be effective in the local terrain and eventually came to follow many of the local customs, language, and practices. Once the insurgents were brought to negotiate a peace, the scouts returned to duty as Serendipity seemed to flourish, free of war at last. Completing their training in the scout cadres, many of the initiates moved on into battle line companies, bringing what they had learnt in the towns and slums with them. Over time the Chapter as a whole started to adopt more and more rites and traditions, being affected ever so subtly...

I like this! Especially since it works well with their pre-existing doubts about the imperium. Thanks! I'll definitely include something like this.

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Over time, the remaining members of the chapter grew attached to the local populace, and grew disgusted with the brutal nature by which the local governor ensured tithe shipments were made on time. They saw the local populace labour in poverty, while nobles reveled in wealth. The impoverished citizens of Serendipity eventually raised arms against imperial leadership, in a desperate attempt to better their lot in life. Initially the Howling Templars prosecuted these traitors with prejudice, as was their duty. However, no matter how many people they slaughtered, new revolts would break out across the planet. After years of increasingly pointless bloodshed the Howling Templars’ Chapter Master Gabriel Invikus attempted to remedy the situation by slaying the governor. Invikus went on to decree that the Templars would govern the system in the Emperor’s name.

This, I think, is the crux of what needs to be developed. Things break down and people start dying, but brutality is the name of the game in nearly every corner of the Imperium of Man. I don't know if I would have a state of war already on Serendipity; maybe there is a strong undercurrent of strife, but not open warfare or chaos.


Maybe Invikus becomes embroiled in local politics early. He is a space marine, but after all, he lost most of his chapter to the Great Devourer. Maybe he becomes obsessed with preventing a repetition of the slaughter. Maybe, as he waits for his chapter to regain strength, he has little else to do than make sure the populace is prepared in case of an invasion. 


Invikus has some of his marines overseeing the training of both militia and the PDF. It goes quite well, as the Howling Templars are capable and worthy leaders, and many young people sign up, eager to add excitement to the drudgery of their lives.


When the elite of Serendipity pass a series of new extra-Imperial tax on the poor and middle class, there are riots. Invikus steps in and agrees to act as a neutral go-between (many of the militia members instructed by the Howling Templars are commoners). He attempts to broker a peace between the overbearing governor and the overworked plebs. There are a series of talks that go reasonably well, due in no small part to Invikus leaning on the governor. After a few months of grudging concessions, the governor relents and agrees that the lower classes should appoint their own leaders to a new 'lower house' that can ratify or veto the decisions that pertain to them.


The provinces hastily scrape together a number of spokesmen and women, their best and brightest, who are prepared to form the new congress. On their first official meeting as Invikus looks on, they are all arrested as agitators and traitors and publicly crucified.


Outright rebellion follows... and Invikus is forced to make a choice: who will make a better custodian of the planet?

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Over time, the remaining members of the chapter grew attached to the local populace, and grew disgusted with the brutal nature by which the local governor ensured tithe shipments were made on time. They saw the local populace labour in poverty, while nobles reveled in wealth. The impoverished citizens of Serendipity eventually raised arms against imperial leadership, in a desperate attempt to better their lot in life. Initially the Howling Templars prosecuted these traitors with prejudice, as was their duty. However, no matter how many people they slaughtered, new revolts would break out across the planet. After years of increasingly pointless bloodshed the Howling Templars’ Chapter Master Gabriel Invikus attempted to remedy the situation by slaying the governor. Invikus went on to decree that the Templars would govern the system in the Emperor’s name.

This, I think, is the crux of what needs to be developed. Things break down and people start dying, but brutality is the name of the game in nearly every corner of the Imperium of Man. I don't know if I would have a state of war already on Serendipity; maybe there is a strong undercurrent of strife, but not open warfare or chaos.


Maybe Invikus becomes embroiled in local politics early. He is a space marine, but after all, he lost most of his chapter to the Great Devourer. Maybe he becomes obsessed with preventing a repetition of the slaughter. Maybe, as he waits for his chapter to regain strength, he has little else to do than make sure the populace is prepared in case of an invasion. 


Invikus has some of his marines overseeing the training of both militia and the PDF. It goes quite well, as the Howling Templars are capable and worthy leaders, and many young people sign up, eager to add excitement to the drudgery of their lives.


When the elite of Serendipity pass a series of new extra-Imperial tax on the poor and middle class, there are riots. Invikus steps in and agrees to act as a neutral go-between (many of the militia members instructed by the Howling Templars are commoners). He attempts to broker a peace between the overbearing governor and the overworked plebs. There are a series of talks that go reasonably well, due in no small part to Invikus leaning on the governor. After a few months of grudging concessions, the governor relents and agrees that the lower classes should appoint their own leaders to a new 'lower house' that can ratify or veto the decisions that pertain to them.


The provinces hastily scrape together a number of spokesmen and women, their best and brightest, who are prepared to form the new congress. On their first official meeting as Invikus looks on, they are all arrested as agitators and traitors and publicly crucified.


Outright rebellion follows... and Invikus is forced to make a choice: who will make a better custodian of the planet?



I definitely think that I will be adding something about the Templars efforts to train the locals. It adds some depth to their interactions, and certainly makes the rebels ability to trust Invikus when he negotiates the peace more understandable. I especially like the idea of Invikus acting as a middle man, and watching in horror as the governor betrays his trust. I do think that I still want Invikus and the Templars to attempt to stamp the rebellion down, as they struggle to understand their new position. This war feels like it works as a good breaking point, as the chapter is forced into calling into question all of its previous campaigns, and the brutality they have dealt out in the name of the Imperium. 

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