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Daemon Prince (Crimson Slaughter)

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I have a spare Daemon Prince (not yet assembled) that was going to be my model for Dark Apotheosis back in 7e before 8e was anounced. As such, I had given no thought as to what god it would belong. It is going to be in a Crimson Slaughter army, finally they can have one, so I have decided either Khorne or Tzeentch as they are the two that seem actively involved with the Crimson Slaughter. With the Heretic Astartes setup, this comes down to a psychic power or an extra attack. Has anyone using a Prince of Khorne found it worth it?


I'm also willing to try a Chaos Daemons version as it seems to have more power on its own, though it loses synergy with the Chaos Marines.


Im interested to know what others would choose and the reasons.

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I think generally psychic powers are better than +1 attack. Maybe if it was +2 or +3 attacks, then it would be a harder decision. One of my regular opponents uses a Khorne daemon prince and I have never been terribly impressed with its performance. Smite is very strong, as is warp time and prescience. Losing access to such abilities (when they are free, no less!) seems like a raw deal. 


The 'chaos daemon' DPs are good, but I like my HQ's to be able to buff my shooty things, like dreadnoughts and decimators. If I were largely just taking a daemonzilla list, DPs chosen from the daemon index would be the way to go. If you have heretic astartes units you want to hit extra hard, then I would stick with the 'standard' DP. 


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The fact you can choose your spells now alone makes casting great. Warp time for a CSM one, personally I have a nurgle DP that uses fleshy abundance to heal more nurgle daemons and that is just great. Since summoning requires points now, you need all the durability and healing abilities you can get sometimes. Unless of course you know, you just drop half your army next to your opponent on turn 1 and shoot them to death.

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Im going heavy on Berserkers and Raptors and using Land Raider transports. Im going for the agressive shock troop style, it seems to be good for Chaos. Going Astartes, Tzeentch definitely seems the better option. A Daemons Khorne Daemon Prince looks like it has some good value as a shock unit though, with talons it has 8 attacks at strength 7. If it charges though, that's 9 attacks at strength 8. That is potentially a unit killer with moralle rules. Does thound sound a little more like a reasonable alternative to 7 attacks at 7 + psychic power?


I already have other HQ synergy.

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Im going heavy on Berserkers and Raptors and using Land Raider transports. Im going for the agressive shock troop style, it seems to be good for Chaos. Going Astartes, Tzeentch definitely seems the better option. A Daemons Khorne Daemon Prince looks like it has some good value as a shock unit though, with talons it has 8 attacks at strength 7. If it charges though, that's 9 attacks at strength 8. That is potentially a unit killer with moralle rules. Does thound sound a little more like a reasonable alternative to 7 attacks at 7 + psychic power?


I already have other HQ synergy.

Make that Khorne DP your warlord and give it the '+1 attack on the charge' trait for extra carnage (that stacks with Unstoppable Ferocity, I believe). I think I might still prefer my Nurgle-marked DPs, but your setup sounds pretty brutal. For a Crimson Slaughter warband, I think it is a clear winner. 

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Im going heavy on Berserkers and Raptors and using Land Raider transports. Im going for the agressive shock troop style, it seems to be good for Chaos. Going Astartes, Tzeentch definitely seems the better option. A Daemons Khorne Daemon Prince looks like it has some good value as a shock unit though, with talons it has 8 attacks at strength 7. If it charges though, that's 9 attacks at strength 8. That is potentially a unit killer with moralle rules. Does thound sound a little more like a reasonable alternative to 7 attacks at 7 + psychic power?


I already have other HQ synergy.

Make that Khorne DP your warlord and give it the '+1 attack on the charge' trait for extra carnage (that stacks with Unstoppable Ferocity, I believe). I think I might still prefer my Nurgle-marked DPs, but your setup sounds pretty brutal. For a Crimson Slaughter warband, I think it is a clear winner. 



I like this idea. It's pretty flexible and fits the theme.


Speaking of which I used to love my Crimson Slaughter. I'm glad you're playing them, but as a side note I was so ticked off at GW for basically throwing them away and having Abe basically betray them in Traitor's Hate. They were really left in a terrible state. That really disappointed me. I haven't worked on them since.

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The fact that they get direct mention in the Chaos Marines section of the website, along with using the haunting spirits in combat, gives me hope. The fact that they refused to FAQ/errata that horridly flawed supplement in 7e does not though.


Regardless, they are what got me playing Chaos, so I will keep them going.

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Greater Chicken, I love that idea, thanks. They are supposed to be haunted after all.

Glad you like it. The Morghast Harbingers are about the same size and are on 60mm bases, plus they have wings. Add a few bits from the Daemon Prince kit and you're good to go.


BTW: The Start Collecting: Skeleton Horde set comes with Black Knights that should also have Hexwraith pieces with lots of haunting effects.....AND the crazy abyssal terror thing that comes with Arkhan the Black in that set would make a great haunted Forgefiend or Maulerfiend with the right mods....or you could save money and use that thing to mod your Prince and forget the Morghast.


The most epic haunting pieces come in the Start Collecting: Malignants kit, which has spirit hosts, more Black Knights/Hexwraiths, and a Mortis Engine, which is 10 pounds of ghostly craziness in a 5 pound bag.


Get those two and what you don't use for CSM can easily be built into a Soulblight/Deathrattle mixed army or warband for AoS/Skirmish/Path to Glory. Black Knight pieces also make great shields/banners/variant helmets for Night Lords.

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