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Chapter tactics v legion traits


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To save myself inevitable disappointment,  I'm setting my expectations as low as they've ever been...

GW has spent over 10 years effectively flipping us the bird,  and to boot,  our model line is old as dirt AND full of massive holes in our bare handful of options we currently have.  (*cough*terminatorkit*cough*)


As we're 99.99999% sure we're not going to see a single model kit with our codex,  I'm not expecting anything more than a rush-job rehash with perhaps a slight watering down of the Traitor Legion rules.

It would actually be a GOOD thing if GW does the intelligent thing and leaves out the 4 Cult Legions...  Sure,  it means WE's & Emp's Children are 'stuck' with the Index for a bit longer,  but their pay-off will be huge when it comes. :wink:


I don't expect any of our relics to change - so get used to the crappy piles of gak (except for the Black Mace & AoBF DP's),  with 1 of the relics from the TL codex making it back into the new book.

Our weapons won't get any better,  so things like Reaper Autocannons will still be junk compared to their Imperial equivalent...

Historically bland units like Chosen and even the newer Cultists will get screwed over again,  because Gee-Durp refuses to give us an actual model kit for them...


Overall,  I'm still 'expecting' us to remain effectively 'Loyalists -10',  due more-so to slightly worse rules and a model line that is 10-15 years out of date with the game.

I'm holding out a sliver of hope that GW will finally put some worthwhile effort into our codex,  and at least make Chosen into something akin to Veterans/Command Squad type of a 'unit of heroic/villainous individuals'.


Do you really think there won't be new plastics? :(

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To save myself inevitable disappointment,  I'm setting my expectations as low as they've ever been...

GW has spent over 10 years effectively flipping us the bird,  and to boot,  our model line is old as dirt AND full of massive holes in our bare handful of options we currently have.  (*cough*terminatorkit*cough*)


As we're 99.99999% sure we're not going to see a single model kit with our codex,  I'm not expecting anything more than a rush-job rehash with perhaps a slight watering down of the Traitor Legion rules.

It would actually be a GOOD thing if GW does the intelligent thing and leaves out the 4 Cult Legions...  Sure,  it means WE's & Emp's Children are 'stuck' with the Index for a bit longer,  but their pay-off will be huge when it comes. :wink:


I don't expect any of our relics to change - so get used to the crappy piles of gak (except for the Black Mace & AoBF DP's),  with 1 of the relics from the TL codex making it back into the new book.

Our weapons won't get any better,  so things like Reaper Autocannons will still be junk compared to their Imperial equivalent...

Historically bland units like Chosen and even the newer Cultists will get screwed over again,  because Gee-Durp refuses to give us an actual model kit for them...


Overall,  I'm still 'expecting' us to remain effectively 'Loyalists -10',  due more-so to slightly worse rules and a model line that is 10-15 years out of date with the game.

I'm holding out a sliver of hope that GW will finally put some worthwhile effort into our codex,  and at least make Chosen into something akin to Veterans/Command Squad type of a 'unit of heroic/villainous individuals'.


Do you really think there won't be new plastics? :sad.:



We'll probably see them, but I doubt it will be for a long while next. Mid 2018 is my guess. They'll want to shunt all of the Primaris stuff out first, then Death Guard and some AoS. That's assuming they don't give Xenos/other loyalist Space Marines love first.


I wish I could say I was optimistic for Traitor Legion tactics, but I'd not be surprised if they end up 1:1 like the loyalist Chapter Tactics. One bonus per Legion and a stratagem... with the Chaos versions all being worse of course.

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Having seen how he has brought back some elements of the 7th chapter tactics with strategems for vanilla marines, I'm betting our legion tactics will be like them, with strategems allowing mass infiltrating for alpha legion, or that 2d6 move for world eater units.
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Having seen how he has brought back some elements of the 7th chapter tactics with strategems for vanilla marines, I'm betting our legion tactics will be like them, with strategems allowing mass infiltrating for alpha legion, or that 2d6 move for world eater units.

So Emperor's Children with the same Iron Hands have and the rule they gave Noise Marines in the Index? Guess I could live with that tho it's a tad underwhelming without the old Icone. Although the fact that the Noise Marines got half of the EC Legion rule by default makes me believe there'll be something new for us.

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There is something I didn't understand with those new codex. 

Can Blood Angel/Dark Angel/Space Wolf use global SM stratagem/relics/warlord trait ? Because same thing is gonna happen to us, and i would like to know if me, as an Emperor's Children, could use Chaos Space Marine global stratagem/relics/warlod before a potentiel EC codex with plastic sonic Dreadnought and plastic new sonic weapon kit to get on all unit and tank. Wait.. that's just a wet dream...


Anyway, hope they will change Slaanesh icon. Hope we will have a stratagem to spend before the battle to turn "Death to the Emperor" to "Death to the Xenos"

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I don't think so. But it would be cool if you had some sort of over all ones, like desacrate and it would cost X CP, then you would have WB being able to use it for X-1CP, and maybe cult legions getting a bit different effects[like maybe the nurgle one would give -1 to hit to model in X", while the tzeench one would help with casting etc].

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There is something I didn't understand with those new codex.

Can Blood Angel/Dark Angel/Space Wolf use global SM stratagem/relics/warlord trait ? Because same thing is gonna happen to us, and i would like to know if me, as an Emperor's Children, could use Chaos Space Marine global stratagem/relics/warlod before a potentiel EC codex with plastic sonic Dreadnought and plastic new sonic weapon kit to get on all unit and tank. Wait.. that's just a wet dream...


Anyway, hope they will change Slaanesh icon. Hope we will have a stratagem to spend before the battle to turn "Death to the Emperor" to "Death to the Xenos"

No they can't only the ones in the space marine codex can use them also I doubt EC or WE will be getting their own codex any time soon so wil most likely be in the CSM codex coming out in a few weeks so there will be some that are available to everyone and others specifically available to a certain legion
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There is something I didn't understand with those new codex.

Can Blood Angel/Dark Angel/Space Wolf use global SM stratagem/relics/warlord trait ? Because same thing is gonna happen to us, and i would like to know if me, as an Emperor's Children, could use Chaos Space Marine global stratagem/relics/warlod before a potentiel EC codex with plastic sonic Dreadnought and plastic new sonic weapon kit to get on all unit and tank. Wait.. that's just a wet dream...


Anyway, hope they will change Slaanesh icon. Hope we will have a stratagem to spend before the battle to turn "Death to the Emperor" to "Death to the Xenos"

No they can't only the ones in the space marine codex can use them 

What's your source on that one? If the rules for Stratagems etc. is worded the same way as the ObSec rule, then those armies would be able to take them.

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From the commmunity page



seems to read that the only thing the Non codex chapters can take is the new units



"The new Codex: Space Marines is an awesome book – packed with new content that any Warhammer 40,000 fan is going to be interested in. From a rules perspective, it’s true that this book is designed primarily for those Chapters that broadly follow the Codex Astartes – the descendants of Guilliman, Dorn, Corax, Vulkan, Khan and Ferrus – so the Chapter Tactics, Warlord Traits, Relics and Stratagems in the book are designed for use by those First Founding Chapters and their Successors."


Makes sense just because they don't have a codex yet doesn't mean they should get all the traits apt relics which should solely be for codex marines. It'll be the sam for Death Guard they won't be able to take any of the CSM codex stuff and vice versa

Edited by Plaguecaster
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