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So I've been playing 40k for a long time and I've got some new friends coming into the hobby.

My lists aren't any shade of WAAC but I was wondering if you guys have any ideas for making guard fun to play against.

I don't want to blow my opponents off the table too easily, especially in their first games.

I was thinking something like limiting stronger units (ie only 1 manticore etc) and perhaps deploying a wide variety (maybe standard ogryns?)


What would you guys recommend to make things more interesting for them, and what units would you avoid?

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I'm not sure Guard have anything that's too hideous and makes them boring to play with or against. One of the things that makes them fun! However:


I'd avoid Tempestus Scions. They're really good at the moment and deepstriking a Platoon of Elite infantry on top of you friends armies might be a bit much for an intro battle!


I'd also avoid Pask, he's not the monster he was in 7th edition but can still remove a unit easily with some lucky rolls. My Autocannon team killed my returning friends prized Dreadnaught in 2 turns in is first game back. Just plain luck which does happen but not fun for him! there's only so much you can do about luck though.


Finally I'd avoid Harker and Yarrick. Again they're hardly overpowered but it's a bit daunting when your infantry are re-rolling 1's to hit, and are buffed with orders as well. In my first game of Age of Sigmar I was utterly overwhelmed by the number of re-rolls, additional attacks etc that his units were getting after being buffed by various characters. It was slightly disheartening to see my opponent finally roll badly, only for most of the dice to be picked up and rolled again... So try and tone down the amount of special rules your units have.


And no Forgeworld goes without saying. I'd be annoyed if my first game was against a Vulture gunship!


It's also worth pointing out after your massive volume of shooting in the first turn that that's what Guard do best. Against the same friend my first two turns were devastating as far as shooting goes, and he thought the game was pretty much over. Came back well when units were getting into combat though.

I didn't know guard wasn't fun?


Guards variety is its best quality.

The make it more fun I wouldn't spam the must have units like NatB mentioned.

So I'd steer away from special characters and wyvrens. Use mortars instead. Maybe only 1 or 2 tanks and some heavy weapons teams.


If youre taking conscripts maybe only bring 20.

Spend more points on your commanders than you should to add flavour and character.

Ogryns and ratlings are always fun to see on the board.

Flyers in general are probably a no no.


Also make the game thematic, have him play Orks, Nids or DE.

For first games, the list isn't as important as HOW you play. You want them to have fun, so try to play at whatever level they seem to be strategizing on. Don't be afraid to handicap yourself. Instead of a Commissar for every unit, just bring one or two to show off their rules. If bringing Tempestus, deep strike them somewhere useful but not right on top of their units. Don't throw the game, but play for more narrative fun than just to win. That's my best advice.

For first games, the list isn't as important as HOW you play. You want them to have fun, so try to play at whatever level they seem to be strategizing on. Don't be afraid to handicap yourself. Instead of a Commissar for every unit, just bring one or two to show off their rules. If bringing Tempestus, deep strike them somewhere useful but not right on top of their units. Don't throw the game, but play for more narrative fun than just to win. That's my best advice.



This guy (or gal!) knows whats up!  You could bring whatever units you want as long as you're playing with FUN in mind, it's going to be a good time.  Bring a variety of units, explain how they work, show them what they do, and play the game.  I'm always a fan of helping my opponent with strategy in a friendly game too.


For example, say my opponent is about to charge a unit packed full of flamers.  I'd explain to them how the flamer mechanic worked and make sure they knew the risk vs reward involved with that move.  


Just one example, but really, its so much more about the mindset you bring to the game than the units!

Just don't spam Scions and Conscripts, and you should be fine.  This edition has some wacky stuff, but overall unless you overload spam one particular thing (like Storm Ravens or Razorwing flocks), both sides should have a decent chance.  Also read the missions and note the various card objectives, and even tough match-ups like all knights can be defeated through tactics.

It depends a little bit on the person. I find conscript spam quite fun to play against, for example, because win or lose, I got to blow away a bunch of models, and feel kinda engaged. When a drop pod comes in and cripples my army and I do nothing, that's a lot more boring.

That's a good point, there's nothing quite as satisfying as gunning down waves of Chaos Cultists with weapons that might otherwise do very little in a game!


Also, supply beer.


We have a house "first blood" rule.  Whoever earns first blood must deliver a beer to the person who just had their squad eliminated.  You can't be mad when someone brings you a beer!


We have a house "first blood" rule.  Whoever earns first blood must deliver a beer to the person who just had their squad eliminated.  You can't be mad when someone brings you a beer!


That's amazing! Almost makes me sad that our local gaming club includes underage folks and alcohol is banned inside. 



That's a good point, there's nothing quite as satisfying as gunning down waves of Chaos Cultists with weapons that might otherwise do very little in a game!


Also, supply beer.

We have a house "first blood" rule. Whoever earns first blood must deliver a beer to the person who just had their squad eliminated. You can't be mad when someone brings you a beer!

This inspired me to take it a step further and take a shot every time you destroy a unit! You'll be warhammered in no time :lol:

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