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+++The Fate of Gilgamesh+++


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Hello there !

Have you ever heard of what a 40k painting campaign is ? Sure ? The truth is it’s something pretty simple : it consists in painting an army in a defined period of time. This time is organized in multiple “sessions” within which each and every member set themselves to paint one or a few units, following a precise time schedule and army list. Or, at least, this is how it is supposed to be…
Add to this some fluff, one or two drops of craziness, four deeply-involved fan communities.
Will you take part in the battle for Gilgamesh ?
What are the differences between Gilgamesh and other long-term painting campaigns ?
First and foremost, let’s say that the Gilgamesh forum has a single purpose: serving as a common platform to host the Gilgamesh painting campaign.
Then, let’s remind ourselves Gilgamesh isn’t truly a competition : its only real goal is to create new reasons to paint your army.
Also, note that nobody is forced to participate to each session (as long as he explicitly told he was absent before). Winning a session with the faction you chose is a collective effort.
Gilgamesh doesn’t care about what the models you want to paint would do on the tabletop.
Thus, painting the “ultimate-death- doom-combo- armylist” won’t actually have any impact on the session’s issue. Paint what you like !
Only the lust for a fully-painted army is relevant !
Tactically-wise, the different sectors of the map sometimes restrict what units you can place on Gilgamesh’s battlefield. This means you have to communicate your battle plans with your captain before deploying your units.
To make it short, what determines victory is both the number of points a faction has deployed, but also the number of sectors it controls. This system thus rewards risk-takers in their offensives, thus helping to balance the raw power differences between factions.
On Gilgamesh, there is no individual progress topic, the core system being about sector control rather than the sheer amount of points you can paint during a session. If you wish to have your own personal topic, you can do it in your faction’s sub-forum.
On Gilgamesh, brushes are your only reliable weapon !
Begun Gilgamesh war has !
After more than three years of rough fighting in Gilgamesh’s major Hive’s districts, the battle has developed to reach a planetary onslaught, with 37 (thirty-seven !) different combat zones representing diverse battlegrounds, be they natural or not, each coming with their own special deployment rules, and sometimes offering important tactical advantages to their controllers.
Gilgamesh being deeply set-up in the 40k lore, but also having its own specificities, here’s a list of the different factions fighting for supremacy :
- Chaos : Chaos Space Marines, Daemons, Imperial Guard Renegates Dark Mechanicum and Renegade Imperial Knights.
- Angels of Death : Dark Angels & Blood Angels, coming along with some detachments from the Imperial Guard, Mechanicum and Imperial Knights.
- Aeldari : be they from the Craftworlds or the Dark City of Commoragh.
- Necrons : and rebellious Mechanicum allies.
- The Inquisitorial Crusade : a 100% new faction representing the more puritan aspects of the Imperium, including the Ordos of the Holy Inquisition, forces from the Ministorum, Death Watch, Grey Knights, Black Templars, Sisters of Silence, Adeptus Custodes, Imperial
Guard, Imperial Knights and the Mechanicum.
Details about factions’compositions can be found in Gilgamesh’s Rules.
As the Dark Millenium’s story unfolds, it is possible (and very likely) that every faction will continue to change over time. So, stay tuned !
The Gilgamesh Campaign will be divided in 16 sessions. Each session will last 2 months.
The Summer and Winter sessions will last 3 months each. 
The schedule for Episode 5 is described hereinafter: 
Session 17 : July / August 2017
Session 18 : September / October 2017
Session 19 : November 2017 / January 2018
Session 20 : February / March 2018
Session 21 : April / May 2018
Session 22 : June / August 2018

Keep in mind, those plannings might be reviewed according to specific constraints or events.

Now let’s get to the interesting part of this presentation :



As Captain of the « Inquisitorial Crusade », I appeal to your Honour and your Sense of Duty !
We’re actively looking for young motivated commanders that share our goal of Imperial Supremacy over this planet !
The Crusade regroups all forces of the Imperium, with the exception of Space Marine Forces (only the revered Black Templars can take part in the Holy Inquisitorial Crusade).
Here’s a list of what you can paint within our faction :
The Inquisitorial Crusade :
- Index Imperium 1 GW ==> Space Marines Black Templars, Deathwatch, Grey Knights;
- Index Imperium 2 GW ==> Astra Militarum, Tempestus Scions, Skitarii, Cult Mechanicus, Imperial Knights, Assassins, Adepta Sororitas, Inquisition, Sisters of Silence, Adeptus Custodes;
- Index Astartes FW ==> Black Templars Space Marines and Grey Knights;
- Index Astra Militarum FW ==> Astra Militarum, Imperial Knights, Titans;
- Games Workshop Terrain;
- Objective tokens;
We need you to join the Crusade and spread the Lex Imperialis all over Gilgamesh’s surface.
Let your hardened boots and our combined artillery barrages be the bane of your foes, and may the fires of war engulf your mighty strikes !
Will you honour your God-Emperor, or will you fall to the dirty lies of heretics, mutants and  xenos ?
Participating is easy : you only need tu register on the Gilgamesh forum and take some pictures of your undercoated (or even uncovered) miniatures with the current session’s password. Or, if you don't want to come, you can just post thoses pictures in this topic with the informations about the unit and i will do the job !
The Future of Gilgamesh is in your hands !
The Crusade calls for aid ! Will you answer ?
(Come to the Crusade, we have cookies)
Edited by Kerian
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The Gilgamesh Campaign will be divided in 16 sessions. Each session will last 2 months.
The Summer and Winter sessions will last 3 months each. 
The schedule for Episode 5 is described hereinafter: 
Session 17 : July / August 2017
Session 18 : September / October 2017
Session 19 : November 2017 / January 2018
Session 20 : February / March 2018
Session 21 : April / May 2018
Session 22 : June / August 2018

Keep in mind, those plannings might be reviewed according to specific constraints or events.


Thank you for your intervention, I will add this information to the original post.

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Hi guys !


Sorry for no response, I was a little sick yesterday. :/


But, thanks to the Emperor, it's now better.


Then, thanks a lot for your support.




@Kisada : 

If you have already begun to paint them, unfortunately, this will probably not work. In fact, the principle is simple, it requires a picture of the figurines before starting the painting with the password of the current session. But if you ever have that, it's perfect !

Do you prefer to register on Gilgamesh and give the information yourself or send it to me here ?




@Aegir_Einarsson and Marshal_Roujakis :

Cool ! I will ask you the same question as Kisada : What do you prefer ? You can register on Gilgamesh and have direct access to the informations in our private sub-forum. Or you can  send me informations and the pictures of the password with the miniatures unpainted and painted on B&C.
The choice is yours.
I am convinced that the Emperor salutes your dedication !
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Exactly. For example, here is the regulatory photo of one of my squads of Dominions with the current password (which change every session).






With this, I will need the equipment that each model possesses and the total point cost (you can just add only the paid equipment, because only it can be counted).


After that, you just need to send me a picture of the painted squad and it's good. :smile.:

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I think this is not going to be good with the rules, the white spray is too much... :(


As long as the underlayer is monochrome, there is no problem. ;)


For example, if you have a model with a black undercoat and a white spray on it, it will not be allowed, as this could be considered as painting. : /


The undercoat can be any color, but only one color.


Sorry for the severity of the rules on this point, but we had to set a limit to avoid potential abuse.

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I really wish I knew about this earlier.


Currently on my workbench I have a LRC, ironclad dread, kitbash Helbrecht, and a thunder hammer sword brother .... but they're all past the primer only phase.


After these are done I'm switching over to work on my primaris but they won't be Black Templar.


Maybe next session

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello everyone !


We are at half the session on Gilgamesh and here is a small inventory of the ranking.


Currently we are leading the number of sectors occupied.

However, we are in second position for the number of points set, just behind the Chaos.


So we need more than ever of you and your participation to crush the heretics and xenos who challenge the supremacy of the Emperor on this world.


Do not forget that a single squad, only one character can make the difference.

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@Drac0 : If it's about figurines that fit into the crusade, you can do it for your challenge and for Gilgamesh. :)


@Aegir_Einarsson : I understand perfectly and it is a good thing. Good luck to finish your squads and we will welcome you to the next session.

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@Drac0 : If it's about figurines that fit into the crusade, you can do it for your challenge and for Gilgamesh. :smile.:


Its a salvage project, old second or third hand models in bad shape, meant to become a 10 man crusader squad

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  • 5 weeks later...




Comrades !


This first session of Gilgamesh 5 saw the Crusade illustrate itself by a domination of half of the planet !


Everyone's investment paid off and the Crusade proudly set foot on this world.


You can find the scores of session 17 here : http://gilgamesh3.forumactif.org/t2900-session-17-results#23368


We are only in second position with nearly 10,000 points set but it remains very much in the forecasts, the Chaos having more raw power than us.


But we were able to pull out of the game by a wider deployment that offered us the conquest of almost half the sectors to us alone, placing us in the first place.


Moreover, and this is our strong point, we have all carried out our subjects. We can boast a 100% validation of our poses and we must stick to it for the future.



However, the beast is awakened, Chaos will not let it happen so easily.


That's why we need all of you! If you have a squad, a character or even more, do not hesitate to join us !


This only requires one picture before painting with the password of the current session and another photo after painting.


The password of session 18 is "Mortarion" and the session will take place in September and October.



I wish of course that we will do even better in the session that has just begun and for that I count on you !



The Emperor keeps you !

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