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Death masks comulative penalty


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I was reading Dante's page on 1d4chan and I stumbled upon this.


His Death Mask now inflicts a -1 modifier to enemy leadership for units within 3" of him. Keep in mind that the day one FAQ released says that these penalties stack, so slap him with a 5-man Sanguinary Guard squad all with death masks, and you have enemies suffering from a -6 penalty to their leadership holy :censored:.


I looked for the day 1 FAQ and the only thing I found was:


"Are modifiers to dice rolls cumulative in the same way that modifiers to characteristics are? A: Yes."


Not sure if 1d4chan reffers to this or some other rulling, but! I was under the impression that death masks didnt stack. A -5 modifier is much more scary than a -1 to leadership. 


What do you think?

Edited by dread05
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Read the rule my friend, they say that:



Death Mask: Enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to thier Leadership while they are within 3" of ANY models wearing a death mask.


So two points:

  • In every instance they are the same rule "Death Mask" so can only apply once.
  • As it is within 3" of ANY death mask, it only applies once. Doesn'y matter if they were within 3" of 1 mask or 1000, still only a -1 to Ld.
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They addressed this in the 40k rulebook FAQ.


"Q. Lots of aura abilities say they grant an ability to nearby units that are within range of any such models. Are the bonuses cumulative (i.e. if I am within range of two models with identical aura abilities, is the bonus doubled)?
A. Unless stated otherwise, no. The bonus for such an ability applies once if any (i.e. one or more) of these models are within range."


As Charlo says, the wording of the death mask ability is not ambiguous about being an exception either. So there's no point buying death masks for all the sanguinary guard!


Modifiers from different sources do stack though, so if there were multiple different abilities that caused -1 Ld with different names, then that would work - so say, Death Mask and Black Rage Scream* or something.


That's why they specifically called out the Blood Chalice and Red Grail abilities as not stacking in the imperium 1 FAQ, as otherwise they arguably would.


* Yes, i made that up.

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As Charlo says, the wording of the death mask ability is not ambiguous about being an exception either. So there's no point buying death masks for all the sanguinary guard!


Well, aside for redundancy that is. 2ppm is not terrible but at 2 points you can add a storm bolter to some body.

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If you see something that's obviously :censored: or outdated just edit it. Just don't try to enforce your interpretation of unclear rulings. ^^

I didnt try to enforce anything, just asked a question.


I didn't say you did. Just mentioned it as general advice for editing a wiki.

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