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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished my first squad of Intercessors!

I can't believe the quality of these models considering they are from the starter set!

Again I'm a bit divergent from the codex in how I paint them but I feel it works.

I got the crest from Anvil Industries, I'm going to give all characters crests or bare heads to

pick them out from their peers.

Here's the pics:


37355023800_35edb05070_c.jpgPrimaris Ultramarines


23760884588_92dc9a2882_c.jpgPrimaris Ultramarines


23760880848_b60a2ec991_c.jpgPrimaris Ultramarines


23760876178_eb1f406a05_c.jpgPrimaris Ultramarines


36903127334_d1214a2f65_c.jpgPrimaris Ultramarines


Thanks for looking!

All comments and critique are welcome.

Very nice job. I'm finding it awesome that, love them or hate them, I've yet to see Primaris marines that don't look good in pretty much any paint scheme. They really are some beautifully designed models. I also like how everyone seems to have their own take on Ultramarines blue, and I like your smooth dark blue, which is a bit darker than how I paint them, but you make it look really really good.

Thanks very much lads!


Kinstryfe, yeah the Primaris are awesome models, makes a painters life a lot easier!

hamdog the highlight is Lothern blue.

Now I was saving Guilliman as a treat for finishing the Primaris.
But you all know the way of the hobby, the new shiny gets too much and you
just have to go with it!
There's so much going on with this model, it's unbelievable!
Another thing I found daunting was the amout of gold (I really struggle with metal)
So here he is, the avenging son in all his blinged up glory:





Thanks for all the comments, really helps to motivate me!

Beautiful job! He is glorious and will smite many of those who oppose the Imperium. ;)


Yea, that gold is insanely difficult. I remember needing breaks while doing mine. That trim is crazy good, but in some places it's hardly raised off of the armour making it difficult. I like the touch on the helmet too. He looks fantastic.

Thanks Prot! I'm really chuffed with how he turned out.

He'll be getting his first runout in a week or so.

Glad I'm not the only one that found all the gold swirls a nightmare!

Next up I'll add another squad of Hellblasters.

I'll post some pics once they're done.

  • 1 month later...
Finished the second squad of Hellblasters!
These guys haven't failed to bring the pain in my recent games,
I love them!
Not sure what to do next, probably some Intercessors or a character.
Until then, here's the pics:

Hell yeah! I’m planning on getting 2. First up though I’m getting 2 Redemptor Dreads (just because I love the models!)

Both the dreads and Repulsors will be my big game hunters so macro Plasma and Lastalons are the order of the day!

I love my Hellblasters but think they can’t do all the heavy lifting alone. I feel between Intercessors, Aggressors and (assault bolster) Inceptors I have enough anti Infantry firepower.

Though I’m still learning how to best field my Primaris so might have it completely wrong!!

Thanks Blindhamster!


Well I decided to paint the 2 Lieutenants from the Dark Imperium box.
I've added a crest to each to keep the Roman/Greek look going.
My flesh painting leaves a lot to be desired but I did my best!
I'm currently waiting on an order so until that arrives I'll be working
on my second unit of Intercessors.
The second one is probably my favourite Ultramarine I've done (except for Guilliman)! Really pleased with how these are going.
  • 4 weeks later...
Here's hoping everybody had a great Christmas!
It's been really hectic of late.
I know I said I'd finish my second squad of Intercessors but this brute arrived and I
couldn't resist!
Next up I'll finish the Intercessors!

It's excellent work through out.

I'm glad he found a love for the Ultras again.


Having played more and more games with my Primaris, I've realised I enjoy them a whole lot more than the old marines. Forget winning or competition, they feel more like real Marines and look spectacular.

Really nice work brother!:thumbsup:  The slightly darker blue that you use gives them a subtle brutal feel. The white on the face plates is a good touch too... gives your figures just the right touch of menace. 

Thanks for all the replies lads!


Prot, I got given my brother’s Grey Knight bitz box so it came from there!


Brother Callidan, the white face plate is a left over from my Horus Heresy days, as is the crests on officers!


Ishagu, bloody right! Primaris were exactly what I needed to bring me back to Astartes! I’ve found games have been more fun and exciting!

I play in a very laidback environment so I don’t have to worry too much about bringing a particularly strong list, this has the effect that I buy what I want to paint!


Brother Lunkhead, I wanted to do something a little different, hence the darker blue and white face plates! Glad you like them.


Next up I’ll be finishing off my second squad of Intercessors.

After that something a bit bigger....

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Redrandy93!


Finally finished my second squad of Intercessors!
I've just received 10 more and will be working on them once I've completed my Repulsor.
Can't wait to paint it, though seeing the multitude of parts I'm a little daunted.
I enjoy painting but not building models!
Here's the latest:
So next up a Repulsor. Wish me luck!!

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