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Other chapters we get along with


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Hey all!


So I have quite a few vanilla space marine units, like a Stormraven for example, that aren't in the DA's armory and so I would like to start a small allied force. As usual for me I am having a hard time deciding on which chapter I would like to go with for this so I was wondering if there are examples of other chapters we have worked closely with? I know we have decent ties with the Blood Angels so that is certainly an option although the issue there is I couldn't use units like Centurions and the AA tanks. I was also thinking of Black Templars but I have no idea how relations are there, probably not great.


So anyways: which non-unforgiven chapters are we BFFs with?

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You wouldn't even have to make an allied force. With the way force organization works now, as long as all the units have keyword "Imperium", you're good to go. You could easily paint those units as green wing if you wanted to.


Unless you are actually looking to make an allied force, in that case I'm not entirely sure what chapters DA are in good standing with. I'm sure most would be fine. Maybe not ultramarines because of the Lion's and Guilleman's disputes with each other?

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You wouldn't even have to make an allied force. With the way force organization works now, as long as all the units have keyword "Imperium", you're good to go. You could easily paint those units as green wing if you wanted to.


Unless you are actually looking to make an allied force, in that case I'm not entirely sure what chapters DA are in good standing with. I'm sure most would be fine. Maybe not ultramarines because of the Lion's and Guilleman's disputes with each other?


I want to make an allied chapter just for the variety

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I would use a lesser known Chapter that your Company Master or someone has become "honor brothers" or something with, and use that as the justification. I don't believe there is actually anyone the Unforgiven are "BFFs" with long-term, but they can ally with others just like any Marine Chapter can. I have a feeling that the Black Templars would be stand-off-ish toward the DA after the Ophidium Gulf incident, but the IF/CF, Salamanders, RG, and even Ultramarines and all their Successors would be fair game.


If you are playing in the 40K time frame, I wouldn't worry about jusifying anything from the HH, so few members of any Chapter know actual truths from that period that it is unlikely that a Chapter Master is going to go "No, we won't work with you because our Daddies had issues!"

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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I know you're looking for something from the normal codex, but I always thought space wolves would be fun allies. Make each detachment compete for honours. You could always say the great company happens to prefer using tactics similar to codex chapters I guess.

Edited by SgtOrion
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@Chaplain Lucifer


Salamanders are the Dark Angels' only Sworn Brothers per the HH Allies matrix.  They are "Fellow Warriors" with every other Legion except for the Space Wolves and Night Lords, with whom they are "By the Emperor's Command", and the Alpha Legion and World Eaters, with whom they are "Desperate Allies".

Edited by Brother-Captain Alecto
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Star Phantoms? Suspected DA successor, but codex organisation, have their own FW chapter tactics if you want them*

From 40k Lexicanum:

Many suspect that the Star Phantoms Gene-Seed originated from the Dark Angels. However both the Dark Angels and Star Phantoms vehemently deny this.[2f]

Evidence for this theory is that the symbol of the Star Phantoms closely resembled that of the Dreadwing, a Heresy-era formation of the Dark Angels Legion.

If it's armour like the Storm Raven and AA tanks you want to make use of, their potential past soundslike a good link.

* I assume they made it into the FW index, haven't picked it up yet.

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@Chaplain Lucifer


Salamanders are the Dark Angels' only Sworn Brothers per the HH Allies matrix.  They are "Fellow Warriors" with every other Legion except for the Space Wolves and Night Lords, with whom they are "By the Emperor's Command", and the Alpha Legion and World Eaters, with whom they are "Desperate Allies".


Since AFAIK there is little to no descriptions of the two legions working together in the lore I assume this is simply because most of the legions got along with the Salamanders since they are just such great guys ;)

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@Chaplain Lucifer


Salamanders are the Dark Angels' only Sworn Brothers per the HH Allies matrix. They are "Fellow Warriors" with every other Legion except for the Space Wolves and Night Lords, with whom they are "By the Emperor's Command", and the Alpha Legion and World Eaters, with whom they are "Desperate Allies".

Thanks. The memory was indeed fuzzy.

And having another green army as ally will be boring to paint and confusing, IMHO.

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You could always paint them as a successor to some other chapter, in any color you find appealing, and just consider them joined as battle brothers for a reason that fits your army. But if you want to go full canon on this, it is true that the Dark Angels are difficult to get along with, and have a hard time making friends, so it's a tough call.

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Well I already have the Guilliman model as well and I would like to use him so I dunno....Blood Angels are really tempting too as are Blood Ravens since DoW is what originally got me into the hobby.....ugh

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Well I already have the Guilliman model as well and I would like to use him so I dunno....Blood Angels are really tempting too as are Blood Ravens since DoW is what originally got me into the hobby.....ugh


Inb4 Lion wakes up. My head canon dictates that Guilliman will wake the sleeping princess by way of sloppy kiss. Like in the olden days of yore :biggrin.:


Blood Ravens also got in here :D However, it was primarily that religious and monastic style. I do not see that with BA ;)

Edited by Immersturm
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Having Cypher floating around Guilliman won't help things much. I would also suggest a Successor as some of the newer chapters may consider it an honor to work with ANY First Founding Chapter even if they are not of the same lineage. 


I'll also tout my own example, the Relief Force could also be from several Chapters to give more variety. Guilliman arrived as well as a Red Templar Strike Cruiser so you could have Guilliman leading a Red Armored force along with some of his Ultramarines. 

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In the early 90's pre-2nd ed codex, DA could use any allies including IG and titan legions without it being counter-intuitive because they truly were like the first legion, aka the exemplar legion.


Now I would probably bet on an alliance with a successor chapter from one of the big four, or even from the other former legions (Imperial Fists would fit). DA will be the big brother, the allied chapter will be the apprentice.


You have many many choices here, just pick a not very known chapter (or a chapter entirely of your design), but with the best colour schemes to mix with our green (and with a cool name), and you are ready to go.^^ 



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I've always thought the "we hate Space Wolves" thing was a bit overblown. There's a rivalry there, for sure, and it has at times gotten a little out of hand, but I would imagine that Dark Angels and Space Wolves don't HATE each other per se, and there would have to be a certain grudging respect on both sides. I've always wanted to add a small Wolf detachment to my Dark Angels.

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