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Ninja got some battle damage. I'm messing around with weathering so the models pair to my bases better. Right leg was my first attempt but looked too much like Borderlands. Left leg is more subtle and (from feedback) more realistic. No to figure out how to do the steel.





I like the right leg (of the model :smile.: ) better. The cuts look good, but perhaps their placement is a little wrong? Nice job!


Same here. Sadly this progress has brought everything to a halt... I've realized I now need to get decals designed and printed so I can apply them before I start weathering. I'll probably work on base coating and highlighting as much as I can until that process is done.


I'm starting to reach out to some groups to see if I can commission someone to design some stuff for me.

  • 2 weeks later...

Update on the Redemptor. I'm getting everything painted to my old standard and will have to hold there for decals. Once those are on I can work on the weathering so the decals blend in if I weather over them. I bought some new brushes on a friends recommendation and really like them. Rosemary and Co have a set of miniature painting brushes that I picked up. A variety of 10 brushes for ~$50 and I'm happy so far.
Legs are done and I've started on the sarcophagus details so I can get the front armor on to finish the torso.


I also got my chapter symbol designed:



Goood! Now, is there a story behind the chapter badge? :)

Apart from the obvious floral aspect, this looks like a star, flare, corona of light, Maelstrom,... One of the unlisted Astartes Praeses chapters?

Those six (seven) orbs in the midlle stand for what?

Real world decision on the symbol - my wife painted a flower and that was used as inspiration since she came up with the color scheme. We've also got five family members and a dog so there's your central dots :teehee:


The rough draft version of the lore is that the symbol represents a flower on the lost home world of the chapter (they're now fleet based). It was a rare flower and finding one was thought to be a good omen given to warriors... or something. I'm still figuring it out details but I do plan on working those into the background.

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally have some progress worth posting. I got the torso on my redemptor 95% done, just need to paint the missiles... not sure what color. I may just go black but am also considering the armor color for a bit of pop.
Arms need work to finish up the base coat but I do like that I can put them in the model. It's at least playable and I plan on using it in my next game... whenever that is. I'll run it as a redemptor for a couple games and then probably proxy it as an invictor to see how I like that.
I'm also about ready to send off my order for decals so I can start applying those and then weather the model to finish up. I'm really looking forward to the weathering process and seeing how it breaks up the large flat panels and adds depth. The more I look at the one weathered leg the more I can't wait to see the whole model done up.

  • 2 weeks later...

Got a game of Kill Team in last night at my FLGS. Played a really nice older guy and unfortunately for him my list was a hard counter. I put a mini bat-rep together here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/?p=5408693

  • 2 weeks later...

Magnets are almost done for the terminator. I need the greenstuff to fully cure on the missile pod and then I can drill that out and put one in there. This gives me all the options to run the model in Kill Team and now the Heavy Weapon guy is done in case I ever decide to build the rest of the squad out.



Redemptor is ready for decals which I need to order. Once those are on I'll move forward with the weathering. The important thing is that at this point the model is playable on the table which makes me very happy.









The Strategic Tactical Insertion of Coordinated Kineticism (S.T.I.C.K) device is complete and ready for action. Gone are the days of trying to get my tape measure into odd spots and knocking over models. Gone are the days trying to place marker dice with a bent tape measure. Gone are the days or accidentally bumping models. From now on all Strategic Tactical Insertions of Coordinated Kineticism will be much improved and take less time.






This was a fun little project that has a practical application. I ordered some 6mm Tamiya tape and it worked great. Hazard stripes were easy to paint and then I got to practice weathering techniques on this to help prep me for when I begin to weather my main army. I'm looking forward to when I can use this in my next game.

  • 2 weeks later...

While working on bases I found another 10 that I forgot I cast. I've decided to rebase my Raven Guard to match my new army since I still field both from time to time. This will be a big boost in getting that done.



  • 2 weeks later...

My daughter decided she liked the way Harlequin's look and when I told her they were story tellers who had 'deadly dances' she was sold. We built her first troop but I ran out of primer so only one got primed. This is for Kill Team which she seems to enjoy playing.




I got more Raven Guard rebased this weekend as well. I need to get the cataphractii Terminators done and then I'll have that half of Calth 100% done. The marine up front is my favorite. The way he's looking and the bullet holes in the base make me think he's zoning in on the poor sole that just opened fire on him and is getting ready to decorate the area with red mist.




I also put together a quick overview on my game Friday. It's over here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/?p=5429150

Got a big round of base baking done last night. I used a different version of sculpy that seems to pick up better after I've made my circles. I made these a little thicker than my last round and they held up much better during transport. (My last batch had a ton of ruined bases that I didn't notice until after baking, I think they were too thin.) I also tried adding some cracks and weathering pre-bake to test that out. Post-bake the clay doesn't distress nearly as well as the air-dry stuff but adding details at this stage was fairly easy.


The primaris marine was painted by my youngest :biggrin.:



Haven't updated the Eliminators in a while. I got some work done last night. Grays and Blues are done. I need to do a little work on the knee pads and highlight the rifles and then I can glue the capes on. I also took the most accurate picture in regards to color on these guys. My light is bright and usually washes them out but in this pic you can see that they really are gray. The white on the capes is some putty I used to fill in the seams. It's paintable and should disapear when I get the capes finished.




Also I figured out the main points of lore to explain how Primaris marines were brought into the fold of Spectral Sicarii.


I just finished listening to the Vox Cast episode with Andy Clark and he was talking all about the Indomitus era. So there are these fleets called Torch Fleets who's mission is to go out to Space Marine bases to supply them with reinforcements and Primaris gene seed. It is now written in the annals of Spectral Sicarii history that Primaris Marines were brought into the brotherhood after their Torch Fleet was set upon by an enemy force consisting of <REDACTED>. A distress signal went out and my marines answered the call. When they arrived the fleet was essentially a space hulk because it took them so long to get there. The Gray Shields had been conducting gurilla warfare tactics and holding out as long as possible. My Marines executed a flanking action against the enemy and helped the Gray Shields eliminate the enemy.


The Gray Shields joined the Spectral Sicarii at that point. The fleet remains were scavenged for supplies, ammo, tanks, etc. A couple of the ships were salvageable and repaired to join the fleet and continue the Shadow War.

  • 2 weeks later...

With their fortress world destroyed the Spectral Sicarii’s focus shifted to one of endurance and sustainability. With no home world to extract resources from they had to look elsewhere. This marked the beginning of operations that would eventually be known within the chapter as The Shadow War. This war was not conducted solely against the enemies of the Imperium of Man. At times, when deemed necessary, it was conducted against planets and peoples who may have been considered loyal to the Imperium. The Spectral Sicarii cared little for the allegiance of planets as long as their holds were full and their weapons of war had ammunition.

They executed this war silently and covertly to minimize any attention that might be drawn to them. If they could execute a raid on a weapons manufactorum undetected they would choose that route. Missed production quotas would not raise suspicions towards them and in most cases planets would not even be aware of the marine’s presence on their world. Anyone who found themselves in the wrong place during these raids were captured and taken back to the fleet where their minds were destroyed and they lived the rest of their miserable days as mindless servitors working for the honor of their captors.

Plans rarely survive contact with the enemy and regrettably there were occasions when the element of surprise was lost. In those moments the Spectral Sicarii acted quickly and swiftly to claim the objective and extricate themselves from the battle as quickly as possible. More than one Imperial Guardsman or Adeptus Mechanicus Acolyte found themselves stationed in the way of the raiding marines and their weapons of death. They were quickly cut down so that word of the marine’s operations would not crawl its way through the bureaucratic vox channels of the Imperium of Man. When objectives were achieved and supplies gathered the Spectral Sicarii would disappear back into the void of space as they continued their mission of survival.




I had this commissioned buy a guy in a FB group. Very happy with the piece and I'm really looking forward to having more done. I don't think he's on this forum but if anyone is interested in speaking to him I'll happily pass your info along to him. His name is Pablo Valero and he was an absolute great person to work with.


Lastly if I can blast this anywhere else on the forum let me know, I'm so excited and I want to share as much as I can!

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