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Reiver Sgt Demyan has been completed and awaits a base so he can take command of his Kill Team. Very glad to have him done and happy with how he came out. As I was snapping these pictures I realized I completely forgot the steel vents on his back and straps on his back. I'll get those next time I paint.


I've also figured out my knife issue and that is that they won't all match. Lore development is that once they've earned the right to carry a Sicaii they will forge their own from whatever material they desire. Some will be steel, others bone, others energy, and possibly even some xenos material will be used. A local guy I've been getting to know has a bunch of Kairic Acolyte legs left over from a conversion project and they have a knife attached. I like the look and am going to cut the knives off the bodes and use them. I've also got an ebay cart with knife bits from BA Sanguinary Guard, WFB Vampire Counts, DA Deathwing Command, WFB Wood Elves, and DE Scourges. I think that will be a nice mix of knives and keep me set for some time.


Here's my Sgt:







I've got another batch of my 'hobby cookies' in progress. Rolled out some clay and cut a few more bases. Cutting around my template is really annoying, I'm going to look for an adjustable circle so I can just stamp out templates like cookies. I need it to adjust up to 60mm though so I'll have to do some looking. I'm thinking of something almost like a c-clamp for hoses but without the hardware in the way.




I'm also going to try and make my oldmarines a little taller. Normally I sand the bases down so their not so tall but I'm not going to do that for my oldmarines that I'm working for the Calth box. My hope is that they look less out of place next to their Primaris brethren since there bases will be a couple MM taller. I need to be careful though because I don't want them to look like they're on a pedestal.



  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got to paint a little to base. I got a batch of them going since I thought I had my basing scheme figured out but after looking at a variety of bases a little way in I realize my current scheme would not look good. Here's the two I had done for reference:




The issue is the red glaze I put over the 'engraved' portion of the bases. If I were to keep that theme then the majority of these bases would have that red tint and I did not like the idea of that. Here's the batch of bases for reference, they're base coated and washed at this point, which is when I realized I needed to do something different:




I tried out about six different schemes and settled on something I like. I'm dropping the red glaze and making the diamonds in the grout lines a dark red. I think all the detail just having the dark lines from the wash is good enough and the bases with less of it will be what stands out a little bit.




It's about the same amount of work to do this and I've gotten some good feedback so far. I'd love to hear what you all think of it and if you have any suggestions let me have them!

The newer base scheme definitely looks better, I don't think that's going to distract they eye away from the miniature the way the ok'd scheme did. Alternatively, if you don't mind spending a billion times longer on each miniature, you could paint the bases marble.

We got a new conference phone in at work and I quickly swiped the packaging. I have the frame work for a nice piece of terrain. I'm going to make it into a fortified command post. Here's a pic with my rough ideas:



Oh I can't wait to see that. How big is it?



17" x 17". I think if I do it right I can get it to work for Kill Team as well as 40k. A few ladders on the outside to help 'invaders' get in should make it a little more accessible for Kill Team.


Last night I finished up the set of bases I was working on. Future homes for a combat squad each of intercessors, reivers, and tacticals. This is also half of my Primaris Kill Team that I built to test out the chapter.



I started working on the packaging I scored last week. This is the perfect height for marines. They're completely concealed if inside or they can get on the ramparts to defend the walls. The command room is only going to be big enough to allow 32mm and under bases through, so no heroes or terminators getting in there.


I also scored a bunch of foam core boards. I cut out one to be kill team size and am going to work on that slowly as well. The top down picture is the terrain on the kill team board (30 x 22).









Looking good! That window spot in the command room is either going to need sand bags to fill it in or.... make it into a security check point....


I was thinking the same thing. A security checkpoint would make sense since it's right by a door. I'm also planning on adding sandbags to the top and I may just fill that in. Not sure yet.

I was planning on painting tonight but by the time my kids were in bed I was too tired to focus. I decided instead to build a couple models since that's pretty brainless work. I got two intercessors off sprue and cleaned up. Those will allow me to complete a combat squad when they're painted. I also decided to work on my jump captain a little more. I made a different torso with a cataphractii front and a regular marine back to hold the jetpack. I looks much better now and he won't look small next to his primaris brethren.


I'll probably shave down the spiky trim for this guy but I'm liking what I have going. Arms will be magnetized so that I can put different weapon loadouts on him. 







The cataphractii "truescale" method always looks good. Makes for a really oranate looking fellow, and I feel you regarding the normal HQs looking stunted next to the new big boys. I really like the paintscheme you've picked for your marines too, they are really striking and I imagine they must pop quite well on the table in the grim darkness of the far future. How does the marine quote go?  Raise the flag high, let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day.

Finally got my second Reiver done. I'm going to build up a few more so I can field a combat squad once I get done painting what's prepped. For now I may run a mixed primaris squad of reivers/intercessors at my next 650 game night. They'll be one or the other with the 'wrong' models being proxied. I really want to try them out since I've only used my Inceptors to date.







Decided I didn't want to waste the blue base coat I'd put on my pallet so I painted up a few of the tacticals that I had primed. Painting them made me realize I'm not sure what I should do with the exhaust housings on their back packs, and the reivers. The Intercesors have an extra heat shied(?) on theirs that I painted blue. I'm not sure if I should leave the other models with just the gray if or I should paint the whole exhaust section blue. Any thoughts?





Finished up my Intercessor Sgt last night. He was originally going to be just a guy when I had kill team in mind but now that I'm committing to a 40k force I decided to make him a Sgt. I magnetized his left arm so he'll transport in my KR cases better and if I want to in the future I can give him a power fist/sword or model him with a chain sword. I'm not sure If I'll ever do that though because I see intercessors as being back line troops and not getting to close combat and I don't think it makes sense to spend points on something I would prefer to not happen.


Grenade Launcher was made with Kill Team in mind and rule of cool. I hacked up a sternguard combi bolter and added it to the rifle. The 'grenades' are the missiles from the scout kit.










So I've finally got five primaris done... I paint slow. But I have no problem proxying them in my 650 games now. I've also decided that the other model I worked on with the DIY sling is going to be painted up as a Lieutenant. I'm going to push on getting the tactical squad finished up next though so I can use them in FLGS games and the Calth game.


I've also got two more intercessors pinned to cork and ready for primer. Once I free up some cork from the tacticals that are WIP I'll get three reivers ready for prime as well, then I can airbrush them all at the same time for base coating.

Over the weekend I started working on my tactical squad. These paint up a lot faster that primaris marines but are still a paint do do all the highlighting... I love my scheme but hate painting it. I probably would have gotten them close to finished but my son wanted to build some Necrons. I quickly cleaned up my paints to help him because it's been awhile since he showed any interest in building them.


He's following the rule of cool and not really paying attention to unit composition right now. We finished one wraith, his crytpek, and a couple infantry that he'll run as either lychguard or pratorian trayarchs. When we play smaller 40k games I'll probably have him pick one or the other to run them as so it's easier for him to play the unit. He's got one more infantry to build and two wraiths left and then he's done. The wraith is a really cool model but way too top heavy. I glued a couple nuts to the bottom of the base and they help but it's still not great. I'm going to have to fill the entire bottom of those bases so they don't tip so easy, I think.


Side note: I almost broke out the Armigers in the Forgebane box but I'm being good and holding off. I'm not ready to add those to my army and I've got a lot of other stuff I need to get finished up first...




Front two models are a little more done than the back three. They look terrible to me right now but I think it's because the guns are blending in to the armor. Once I get those done I think the models will pop.



Taking a slight detour with the Raven Guard event going on to prep for this year's ETL. I need to finish work on my contemptor and convert and assemble my venerable dreadnought. I've got bases ordered for both (contemptor was based for my other army and the ven didn't come with one). I've also ordered some plasticard rods to use for the venerable's legs. My goal is to lengthen them a little, rerun the tubes, and change the pose so it has more of a stride and doesn't look so goofy from the side. The contemptor just needs a little detail work and then I can finish priming it.





Mocked up and glued a few things on tonight! I had an idea to use some leftover vicious claws from my son's wraiths on the fist but it looked a little wonky. I may play around with them a bit more to see if I can get it to work. It looked a little too chaos/xenos for my taste, but I do like the idea. I also only have two, and I think three might be what I need to make it work but I won't be able to get that.




I also stared at the legs to determine how I was going to convert this guy and I have a plan... that involves cutting up the legs entirely... each red line is a cut...



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