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You are going to widen the legs as well? Interesting, I don't think I have yet seen that idea. But I agree, lengthening the legs is sorely needed. I might borrow your idea for my dreads.

Great plog by the way, really enjoy your stuff!

I'm not planning on widening them, I want the model to look like it's mid stride and walking, so I'll cut both legs off and reposition them. I did the same thing with a contemptor that I'll also be working on finishing up soon for the RG building event going on right now.

Aieee:eek:  your commited now :laugh.: , good luck with the conversion bud, i look forward to seeing the "Enhanced" product :cool.:


cheers, Mithril


p.s i really liked the grenade launcher you put on the sarge ,the scout "grenades" were a nice touch :thumbsup:

Tonight I got my DoS Vow 2 ready for priming. I probably won't get to prime them until later in the week because of the weather. I'm hoping to finish painting the tactical squad I'm working on soon so I can free up some more corks. Barrels are all drilled and I decided to run the reivers with carbines and not even attempt any CC options.


In the back you can see one of my bases for DoS Vow 1. I've got two more drying right now and bases ordered.



I put my 3rd vow in for DoS. I think I'm going to keep it at a vow per squad because I never know when I'm going to have time to work on stuff. I will say this has been really great for inspiring me to really push getting my backlog done. Everything will slow down come painting time but at least I'll have plenty ready. Also there is something satisfying about having things off the sprue.


My hellblasters are all pinned and ready to prime after I get the stuff in front of it done. I also made another batch of bases so I can not violate ETL/DoS rules. I made a few 40mm bases as well this time in case I can get a 4th vow of some characters done.





Worked on my hobby cookies tonight. Got 12 32mm bases glued and roughed out. Next step will be gap filling the seams and sanding the edges smooth, after that I can prime.


First picture shows two roughly cleaned bases on the right, untouched ones on the left. Last picture is the pile of clay I shaved off.





It was suggested that I attempt some chipping/damage/wear-and-tear on my bases so I mocked up a test sample. Left is a 'regular' base. The right is one that I did some distressing too. It's a little glossy in the photos because I haven't varnished it yet. Thoughts?





Got both 60mm bases done tonight and ready for priming. The Venerable base is very busy and won't show well in photos until I have paint on it. My contemptor base shows a little better and here it is:






I was so excited to get them together that I forgot to sand them down to make them thinner. It's not a huge deal but they do stick up about 5mm higher than I'd like. I guess a benefit of the thick bases is that they're heavy and going to be a very stable platform.

Venerable Dreadnought legs are done. Next I'm going to work on figuring out how I want to attach the armor plates. I'm going to try and armor both the 'shins' and the 'thighs'.





Completed Vow 3 for DoS with a primed hellbaster squad. I also got some work in on my dread. I didn't like the leg so I reposed it and am waiting on glue to dry so I can get back to armor fitting on it.



I was trying to fit the armor and it wasn't working because of the left leg's posing. The joint was hyper-extended and it didn't work right, and after staring it didn't look right. I redid that leg and am much happier. I also got to trash a large part of the base to make the feet positioning work and I think overall it's going to look really good.


Armor plates are magnetized and mounted. I've got one magnet on each right now but I'm thinking of adding a second to keep the plates from rotating. Probably not necessary which mean's I'm most likely going to do it. I will work on greenstuff tubes next. I think I'm going to try and run them behind the model since they would have more protection from enemy fire there as opposed to the original location of just filling up space between the legs.







Venerable is ready for priming! I worked with green stuff for the first time and got to use my roller for the cables. I also added the extra magnets to the panels won't rotate around now.












Vow 1 for DoS will have to wait a bit though. I ordered a pair of contemptor las cannons so I can run it as a mortis. I'm going to wait to complete my vow until I have those ready to go :wink:

Decided I should finish painting my tactical squad. These are some of the first models I built before I realized I should leave the guns off. It's been a chore to paint the chest area but I'm getting there. Black on the bolt rifles and a few accents, a nuln oil wash and the eyes and these guys will be done.



Thanks Chassmos! I really appreciate your positive feedback.


Almost there. black and steel need to be highlighted and these models are done. It has been very frustrating painting around the attached weapons and has proven to me that painting in sub assemblies is the way to go for me.



Slight detour is shaping up but I'm looking forward to it. My FLGS is focusing on Kill Team right now and is planning on having an Arena Day at the end of the month. I offered to paint up the terrain for them so I could help out and start to contribute to the store. They happily said yes and I'm pretty stoked. It doesn't have to be a super neat paint job and this will give me a chance to play around with my airbrush and try a few things out.


Last night I got it all of sprue, spurs and mold lines cleaned up and glued together.



Got some priming done. Arena Terrain is primed and half of my Vow 1 for DoS is done. I'm waiting on my lascannons to arrive for my contemptor so I can get that primed to complete my first vow.





Rough work done on my Librarian conversion. I took the Gravis Captain from Dark Imperium and cut and sanded to reposition the arms. I added a drum magazine from a catphractii storm bolter for the gauntlet bolter and that will run with the pistol profile. When I have some time I'll greenstuff the cables into the hood to make it all work together. I don't think we'll ever see a Gravis librarian but it's the gravis looks close enough to the regular primaris librarian that I'm not worried about it.







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