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I got some work done on the Arena terrain. I've been using a rattle can for the silver and it works really well but because of the gloss finish my paints don't cover as well. I'm not terribly worried since its store terrain but I do want it to look good. I'm going to clean up the golds on the tanks and do a steel dry brush and call them good. Doors have a couple washes of Nuln Oil on them so I can pick out some details, dry brush silver, and call them good as well.





It's beautiful. Is it a pump or a pressure monitor for a sewage, water, or promethium pipe?


I'm assuming it'll be whatever causes the most environmental damage on the board :smile.:


Had a great air brush session tonight. I tried my first attempts at OSL with the lights on the doors. My first couple doors were very sloppy or too much paint (front left door shows evidence of that). By the end I figured out how much air/trigger pull was needed and was getting good results. I also used some Vallejo air paints straight into the hopper with no thinning and they were great. They showed me that I'm thinning my non air paints too much. I'm very happy with the results and what I learned tonight.


I'm calling the pipes and doors done, crates and barrels will get a little detailing and a wash and then be done. After that everything will get a seal with dull coat and my FLGS will have some nice Arena terrain to use.



Crates are finished up. I'm not thrilled with the wash spots on the green crates and I corrected that on the brown. I used my Secret Weapon Miniature washes on these and I do like them but they sometimes have a lot of air bubbles and if you don't smooth them out you get the spotting on the green. Lesson learned for next time.



Barrels are done! KT Arena terrain is 100% painted and just needs sealing which I should be able to do this weekend weather permitting.


The video gamer in me had to paint them red for exploding red barrels. Wash is still wet in this picture but I'm very happy that it's all done.



KT Arena terrain is 100% complete. Very stoked to have finished this so quickly and it was a great pallet cleanser from marines and building. I'm taking it to the store tomorrow and hopefully splitting Shadowspear with a heretic.



I've gotten the three HQ's from Shadowspear cleaned, pinned, and ready to prime. I'm hoping I can prime tomorrow but it's been really windy so we'll see.


I also figured out how I'm going to run cables for the psychic hood on my libby conversion.


And most importantly I think I figured out what to do with the servo skull that came on the Captain in the new box...




I didn't like the original location at all and quickly clipped it off. I also got rid of all of the 'scatter terrain' that was attached to the feet of the models (why GW?) so I can do my own basing and noticed that the skull fit perfectly under the captain's foot. Perhaps his background will revolve around a distrust of servo skull abominations, or perhaps this one has malfunctioned and was about to make noise and compromise his position? Or maybe I try and find a humorous angle and this provides a slight amount of comic relief in the grim dark.

Got the recess shading done on my LT. I'm going to run this guy as my combat specialist in KT and give him a power sword. 4 attacks AP-3 should hopefully chew some stuff up. I'd like to get the model done for the Arena tournament at the end of the month.


I think the power sword will be black to purple since purple is my accent color. Currently I'm stuck on what to do with his bling. I was thinking of using the gunmetal blue like I did on the pipes I recently painted but I'm not sure. It's not washed in this picture but I already think it may just be too bright.


Any ideas on what I should do? I would like it to be different than the gray chest emblem. I could just go with steel. I'm not too sure... help me fraters!



Just been going through this blog and I am really impressed with the sheer quality of painting and the amount being produced! I'm looking forwards to seeing that bunker being completed as well as I love kit bashes like that to fire up my creative glands!


Would you mind if I submitted the Spectral Sicarii to Philip S.'s 1000 Chapter Gallery project? I presume the chapter has no symbol or squad markings?



Thanks for your comments! I've seen that thread and planned on submitting when I had more robust lore put together. I have only glanced through the thread so I'm not sure what's involved. Is it a simple link to this thread? Is there more needed?


They do have a symbol, or at least an idea of a symbol: a sicaii, which is an assassin's dagger. My wife is working on drawing one up for me. I have a few other ideas floating around in my head for markings, campaign badges, etc.

Got an HQ mostly done. I realized half way through that I forgot to prime his backpack. I'm going to get that done one night so his profile will be correct for Kill Team. I've magnetized a 32mm base for Kill Team and will do a 40mm as well. I'm not happy with the power sword so I stopped and will go back to it after I watch a few more videos, my goal is to go from black to purple.


For 40k I'll run him as an LT which is why his helmet is blue. In KT I'm planning on making him my combat specialist since the power sword will give him 4 -3AP CC attacks.







After talking to some groups and friends I decided to try the inverted color scheme for my librarian and so far I like the idea. Blue is done and first highlight is on. It's painting up faster that I thought. The cape is going to be challenging since the backpack will be in the way.



  • 2 weeks later...

I was reading through the 1k chapter project and decided to update my chapter image with the B&C painter. I need to read a little more and get some formalized lore written down and then I think I'll submit to the project.



Got the last of my shadowspear box off sprue and cleaned up. Barrels are drilled and as much as I can assemble has been done. Now their stored until I get through what I primed for DoS. I may drill out the empty mag wells on the two pistol infiltrators, and I'm casually debating if I'll drill out the suppressors. I don't think I will but it's not out of the question.




I also got more work done on my Primaris [not-in-gravis-armor] Librarian. Most of the colors are done and now I'm working on details. This pick was done after I applied washes so I've got to re-apply a couple colors. The underside of the cloak is dark gray, I'll dry brush just a bit and then I'll start on the backside, which will be purple with a fade to blue along the lower fringes. The power sword is also going to be redone when I get some inks and break out the airbrush for a hobby night.



Getting closer on my librarian and I've got the main colors blocked in on my phobos librarian. I'm hoping to pick up some inks this weeks so I can try airbrushing the three power swords I have waiting to be done.







The colors match the basing so it will be camo. I tried applying the pattern I use in my bases to the cloak but it didn't work. I thought it would have been a cool effect to see the pattern replicated.


Since that didn't work I think I'm going to wash the cloak and call it done. I'm going to paint the power things on the underside a light cream and wash them purple so they have a glow effect. I doubt anyone but me will ever see it.

Got the cloak finished up... and the screwed it up with a too-wet dry brush. But I was able to redo it so I'm happy. I also got my phobos librarian's cloak done and washed. Right now I think it's a little too close to my bases... which was the point... but I want it to stand out a bit more. I think once I dry brush it and highlight it'll pop a little more, and the armor will help to break it up. I dug a trench into the base that's on its side thinking it would be a gash put in from my librarian but I'm not sure how to make that obvious. I thought about trying to put a blue wash/dry brush on it like residual energy from a psychic attack but I don't know if that would look good or come across well. Any thoughts on that?



The gash is uneven... I cannot picture any way a decently trained Librarian could do it, apart form the warp-stuff, but then - why would there only be one gash instead of multiple chaotic slashes? I would just make it darker, to become more visible. Like filled a bit with grit. Maybe some downed speeder made it on it's final way down? 

As for the cloak in relation to the base - just make sure you pick up the highlights the cloak more and keep the base mainly treated with darkening washes and it will be different enough I think. Plus the highlights on the cloak will be vertical as opposed to the base which contains horizontal lines. So the basic differences are already there.

The only thing that bothers me are those white knee-caps as they kinda blend in with the cloak and this makes the librarian less pronounced. On one hand - that's your color scheme. On the other, consider that Librarians' suits of armor are supposed to be uni-formally blue and mostly the left shoulder pad denotes chapter allegiance. in that light, you might make the knee-caps blue a well, thus making the Librarian more pronounced.
Just food for thought. The final look of the assembled model might prove me wrong all the same :P


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