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The gash is uneven... I cannot picture any way a decently trained Librarian could do it, apart form the warp-stuff, but then - why would there only be one gash instead of multiple chaotic slashes?


Fury of the Ancients... you draw a line between the psyker and the target :biggrin.:



The only thing that bothers me are those white knee-caps as they kinda blend in with the cloak and this makes the librarian less pronounced. On one hand - that's your color scheme. On the other, consider that Librarians' suits of armor are supposed to be uni-formally blue and mostly the left shoulder pad denotes chapter allegiance. in that light, you might make the knee-caps blue a well, thus making the Librarian more pronounced.


Great points and I appreciate your input. I decided to invert my color scheme because I didn't want an all blue model. I'm using the same scheme on my Primaris Librarian conversion (gravis captain with a few changes) and I like it on there. I think once highlights are on the knees it might help to make them stand out. I also think your comment about it looking better once all done is spot on. I love this scheme for my main units when it's done, but from start to about 80% I hate it and think it looks terrible.

You are a busy hobbyist!

I discovered your thread and went through it from beginning till end.

Great work on your homebres chapter.

I would love an overview picture of the entire chapter if possible.

Keep it up!

  • 2 weeks later...

Took some time off from a little burnout and got right back on the failure train with my airbrush and power swords. I think it's good to share failures as well as successes. I spoke to some folks and got some advice so I'll try again in a few days. I think I'm going to practice on something disposable so I can try some flow improver and PSI changes and test results.





I foresee some good things coming from your failures:yes: I think I see where you are going with this and should be very cool. I like what I see of your work and look forward to seeing more:thumbsup:

  • 3 weeks later...

After a two week hiatus I got a brush in hand tonight. I decided to start working on my contemptor for a change of pace. I'm at a standstill with my librarians as it is. Getting this model done should hopefully help me with my AT woes since I tend to struggle with that in larger games.



Thanks! It was nerve wracking when I cut the knee. It was my first attempt at converting anything and for some reason I decided it was a good idea to start with a $60 model. I wish I could redo it and leave the blue plate attached to the lower portion and have the cut go behind the top instead of the bottom but what's done is done.


The back cork has both weapons, two twin las cannons. I plan on running this as a mortis contemptor to start in my games. I've also got the kheres auto cannon and combat arm from the kit that I'll paint up after so I can use this when I play the Betrayal at Calth game.

Think I found out how to get the blue on my contemptor but have it stand out as a relic. Vallejo Gunmetal blue with a steel/silver highlight. I need to lightly wash it but I like what I see. I'm going to do this on the knees and shoulders of the model, and I'll see how I can get this translated over to my venerable as well since that technically doesn't have any knees that are going to be painted.



Torso is almost done, shoulders are done. I need to do the eyes and wash the two icons near the banner and it'll be done. Eventually I'll put something on the banner but I don't trust my free hand, nor do I know what I want to write on there. I'll probably ditch the brushes and go for the super fine .5mm ink pens when I do figure out what I want to write.





Tried something different lighting with a dark background. I think my first hobby purchase with my new job is going to be a proper light box setup.


Contemptor is done aside from transfers and whatever name goes on the scroll work. Very excited to have this Mortis brother added to the fold. My devastators need the help and for only a couple points more it's got more wounds, moves faster, hits better, and has a 5+ invuln.








Speaking of transfers I think I finally figured out what I want their dagger iconography to look like. I'd never paid much attention to the Legion Praetor Tribune in Tartaros Terminator Armour (probably because it takes so long to say) but I saw a TITH post of one and the blade really stood out to me.




I love the shape of the blade so I'll be adopting that. I'll find someone to draw that, give it a good hilt, and then I'll get it printed up so I can start applying transfers. Scaled down I think it'll make a great knife and I'm very happy to have that piece figured out.

Decided I needed to build to get a break from painting so scout squad it is. I did some light kit bashing and converting because the models are terrible and the arms don't line up...ever. I clipped the shotguns off the arms and added some 30k bolters. I had a cut up sniper rifle left over from my Comms specialist so I made that into special bolt rifle for my Sgt because I want him to stand out. I made the mistake of my RG bolter scouts not having a distinguishable Sgt. Knifes and chainsword are there because rule of cool as I'll run these guys with bolt guns. I need to source some heads form them and am leaning towards scions but I want to see what else is out there, as long as they're helmeted. No faces in this army.





I've been there! New heads will require some knife work on the shoulders


It's soooo worth it though!

Scions' heads are great. But how about Mechanicum Skitarii Rangers? Those have full face-masks and hoods would fit nicely with you 'Spectral' aspect.

That Contemptor looks great. I continue to be really impressed with your bases, they're very effective.

I got my Scout heads from Anvil Industry (http://anvilindustry.co.uk/Exo-Lords/Heads-helmets-crests/Black-ops-heads) and they fit fairly well, with just a minimum of shaving needed on the necks.



I love anvil, I used their beaky heads on my Raven guard. Majkhel must be reading my mind because I was looking at skitarii ranger heads last night. I think they be a little smaller and the hoods will go with the camo cloaks I want to make.

Attempted to do meaningful work with greenstuff for the first time tonight. I have an idea for camo cloaks that I want to try and execute. I rolled out some GS and used my rolling pin on the bottom half of the cloak. My plan is to paint the textured half like my bases and transition to a cloak at the top to show the camo effect happening.


It's long and possibly to thin. I plan on seeing how it holds up tomorrow after a night of curing and I'll trim it shorter.





I've had quite the hobby ADD this weekend. Got my Primaris Ancient base coated, and since I had some paint left on my pallet I got half of my phobos LT base coated. I primed up a couple scouts so I can paint up and test my cloak idea. I actually trashed the one cloak I made because it was too thin. I'll make a couple more and make sure they're thicker for these two models.


I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the banner for my Ancient. I don't know if it the primary color should be gray, blue, or purple and from there how I accent it. I'll make that the last piece I paint so I have time to think and look up example photos.




I also started making some bases for my scouts and am going to put a tutorial together since I've had a few requests. I bought some Sculpy and already like it because it bakes faster than the air dry I was using.



Got the grays done on my ancient and base coated the blue. I also got the recess wash done on my test scout sgt. I tried a new clay as well and am not sure how I feel about it. It's Sculpy Souffle and requires baking, however when it bakes it's still pliable. It takes detail much better than the other clay (which you can see if you look at the diamonds and recesses) but I'm not sure how I feel about the finish. It's a little harder to distress because it's rubbery and doesn't break as well. I'll see how it goes with the rest of the scout bases. I can still sand it and shape it.




I also got my ranger heads in and I'm working on test fitting. They have to be sanded down quite a lot but overall I like the look.



I will. A few posts up I shared my cloak idea I have. I'm planning on adding green stuff cloaks that I roll my base pattern on so I can paint camo effect that matches my bases.


The cloaked heads should work because of that. They require a bit of filing to work with the scout bodies and I'm still trying to figure out the best way to make them fit.

Got more work done on my Primaris Ancient and I figured out my Elite identification. I was trying to figure out how to make the Ancient stand out on the field since he's more than a line trooper but not a Captain or LT and he's in the Elite slot. Looking through photos of my models I remembered I painted the mouth piece gray on my Reivers and liked it, and they were Elites. So now all Elites in my army will have a gray mouth piece on their helmet. I'll figure out lore to back it up but for now I'm happy with the subtle detail that marks a veteran warrior among his brothers.



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