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Maulerfiend unplayable? Way to kitbash into a BSoK?

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I just used [saint Carnage's mathammer for dummies spreadsheet](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_P0JCsKHWXlZ2dwX041M0VNbzQ/view) and learned that:


While BLOOD SLAUGHTERER OF BLOODY BLOOD GOD is only 12% more expensive than ^mauler^fiend ... (dual blades on BSoK, Lasher Tendrils on Mauler)


[Against common targets he is between 25% and 90% better...](http://i.imgur.com/SzOYtDZ.png)


Without actually seeing the math I was convincing myself that 19 pts cheaper and 2 extra wounds was ... balanced?


But the BSoK also auto-advances 6" and is just so much better.


In a competitive game (to some degree most of my games) my 3x Maulers will sit forever next to my Possessed on the shelf =(


Console me lads.  Do you think it is acceptable to "count-as" Maulers for BSoK? 


What are some good mod-kits / extra blade arms, etc that could kitbash the Mauler into something more like a BSoK?

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I wish they could still be taken in squadrons. I'll be using 2 slaughterers and 1 magmafiend for an additional punch against tough vehicles. That does leave my 2 other fiends on the shelf, but from time to time a daemon engine list will be glorious, I'm sure, especially since they're all quick.
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Maulerfiend over Forgefiend?


I've already got a Daemon Prince on foot, a Helbrute w/Multi-Melta and Fist... do I need a third melee beast?

My ranged is just a Helbrute w/Twin Lascannon and Missile Launcher.   Was thinking a Forgefiend with the gatling guns or whatever would be nice to hang in the backfield and mow down things.  Is that a waste and he should be rushing into combat?

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Rules change, and when they do which units, options, and strategies are 'optimal' often change with them. I wouldn't mind the proxy myself, but if you play in the sort of setting where the difference in efficiency between the two is too big to ignore, then sooner or later you're probably going to need to pony up and get the actual units you're actually playing. Keeping up with changes in the meta can be expensive, but it comes with the territory in competitive play.


The alternative is to just accept that your units aren't as strong now and play with them anyway, because they're your units. Would you have a ptoblem fielding your maulers if the slaughterers didn't exist to tempt you with a better version?


That or just wait for the rules situation to change again. We've got a new codex right around the corner, and supposedly point costs for the entire game are getting updated yearly, new codeces or no, so at least you won't be stuck waiting decades for the chance that things might get better like in the past.

Edited by malisteen
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Yea there's definitely something to be said for non-optimal play, balancing fluff/fun with WAAC.


Also, yea you're right, rules should be rebalanced more frequently than in the past.


If the BSoK wasn't there to tempt me I would have no problem running bunches of fiends =D

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