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I'll be seeing the new codex tomorrow - post your questions


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Actually to use the stratagems you need all detachment to have adeptus Astartes.

Please tell me you mean all units in a detachments not all of your Detachments

If so /sigh. Might have to shelf part of my army, especially if that rule applies to relics and so on


Yes, to use an adeptus astartes stratagem, you need all units in the detachment that uses the stratagem to be Adeptus Astartes.

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So hammering time:):). Also I'm glad that ironclad is cheaper, And EC Also. Nice price over leuitenant. And one thing. To use WT And stratagems all detachements must be adeptus astartes. Or only This detachment can use specyfic stratagem but you can have IG.detachment And it can't use it?


Again ninjed

Edited by Aegir_Einarsson
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I was hoping for that neophytes we're gonna get cheaper. Oh well. (and just gonna assume GW did not throw a bone and allows to take Biker Crusaders again).
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If a PF is now 12 and thunder hammer 16 what is chain fist and twin LC?  Heck did they change the base cost of a normal LC from 9?


OH the big one is the thunder hammer still listed as an option in sergeant equipment list on the wargear page that breaks down who can take what.

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I know that honor guard can only take axes now and the HG champ can only have the sword and honor blade. This is to match the GW box of them


Keep in mind folks that any entries or options that are missing from the Dex can still be used by using the index. This comes from GW


I can't believe that the relic blade is more than a thunder hammer. That's kind of crazy

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I don't believe so because the codex should replaced the index as the most recent data.  With match play aka normal games you need to be using the most recent info.  For the who cares narrative game system it really does not matter what you use as it is all just player agreement.  

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You can take them as per the Index, because they are a separate Data Sheet from the standard Chaplain/Apothecary etc.  If you have two Data Sheets simply called 'X' then the Codex takes precedent, and you use that.  But if the Data Sheet is titled 'X with Y' like 'Chaplain on Bike' and that Data Sheet isn't in the Codex, then you can use it from the Index.

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I don't believe so because the codex should replaced the index as the most recent data.  With match play aka normal games you need to be using the most recent info.  For the who cares narrative game system it really does not matter what you use as it is all just player agreement.  

Oh for heaven's sake...


This has already be discussed and clarified to death in at least two other threads on the rumour section, but here we go again.


Yes, the captain is now the only character that can go on a bike in the codex. Yes, Chaplains, apothecaries, champions, librarians and banner bearers do not have the option in the new codex. However, if you do have the models, you can still use them, because the index has SEPARATE data sheets for those (e.g. Chaplain on bike) thus there is no "most recent info" in the codex, the index IS the most recent info. GW has made an official statement on that :




There are a few options that are missing in the codex that appear in the index: why is that? Does that mean I can’t use these models in my army anymore?

While the indexes are designed to cover a long history of miniatures, the codexes are designed to give you rules for the current Warhammer 40,000 range. There are a few options in the indexes for some Characters and vehicles that are no longer represented in the Citadel range – certain Dreadnought weapons that don’t come in the box, or some characters on bikes, for example.

Don’t worry though, you can still use all of these in your games if you have these older models. In these instances, use the datasheet from the index, and the most recent points published for that model and its weapons (currently, also in the index).

They still gain all the army wide-bonuses for things like Chapter Tactics and can use Space Marines Stratagems and the like, so such venerable heroes still fit right in with the rest of your army.


Can we please put this to rest ? No, your glorious command squad on bike does NOT need to retire. Odds are you'll retire it yourself in a few games, though, because it's not nearly as overpowered as it used to be.

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My bad, I do not go over to the BnC rumor section normally.  I did not intend to get you riled up but simply going off of what I knew.  


Thank you for the clarification as the index element to the game is completely new.  I was going off the last 20 years of as soon a new book comes out the old one can effectively go into the trash.  

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@Ciler, No reason for retiring Company Vet Biker squads, as they make for quite intimidating distraction carnifexes. Moving 14'', power weapons, toughness 5, two wounds, lots of shots. Just because you know that they don't have much bite anymore these days doesn't mean your opponent has to. Move them aggressively and use them as a screen, force your opponent to react. Force them to overreact, over commit. If they ignore them, we have a stratagem we can use to make a unit swing twice. No matter what you charged them into, your opponent doesn't want that. Threaten them with it. Then kill them anyway while they focus your bikers down. 

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You can still use other options as well like twin autocannons on dreads in the new codex as well. The the same page also says that missing options are available via the index. 

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