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I'll be seeing the new codex tomorrow - post your questions


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I've seen on YouTube some movie, where domenie said that there is No norę chaplain, apothecary on bike. Can we still put them in put them due to index, not codex?


but we can use them... and the weapens too (that had been in the Index but dont get into the codex.


Official statement of GW

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Think about this guys, if the power fists' point cost is going down, the cost terminators is likely going down as well. I'm surprised that the full book hasn't leaked yet, point costs and all given that lots of people got early copies.

I have been told that some independent retailers started selling the indexes prior to the official release date, hence many of the indexes leaks. Those retailers have been placed in the queue for GW deliveries and will only receive their codexes today.

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What Ciler said is correct and there was bad communication via GW to the retailers also.  Along with GW getting the indexes to the stores early to make for sure the stores were stocked for release they were unhappy when the retailers had posted in social media that they got product in.  Some retailers even went as far a selling the items early like Ciler said.  


So they are trying to do it more by the book now to avoid some of the mistakes they feel they made with 8th release.  Also it seems that GW had sent out the codex early to several Bloggers, Vloggers, and internet gamer celebrities.  

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