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How to equip termies

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I am new Chaos player, I am building my World Eaters army at the moment.


I would really like som help and advice on how to equip my termies.


So far it looks like this:






3 X 5 berzerkers, all have chainsword and 2 berzerkers in each unit have plasma pistols.


1 X 5 termies ????????


1 X 5 havocs with 4 missile launchers.


I am planning on adding Warp Talons and Chaos Spawns later.


How should I equip my termies, any other help and advice is highly appreciated.





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From what I've heard from others, going for Chainaxe/Sword as a combo on your Berzerkers is always fun


However, with Terminators, it all depends on what role you want them to perform. Do you want them to be anti-super big stuff? Combi-Meltas could do that for you, although they'd probably need some support in case it fails. Close Combat? It might not be too fluffy but you already HAVE A sorcerer (who I take it is under a different keyword to the World Eaters?) so Warptime combined with the Icon of Rage means you have double the chance of getting into Close Combat - but even then what sort of weapons do you have for that (for example, Powerfists or Chainfists work on the big stuff)? And there's also stuff like Anti-Horde (CombiFlamers, Lightning Claws and the like), Anti-Marine (Plasmaguns and Power Swords), etc.


So tell us. What do YOU see the Terminators doing?


As a finishing word of advice, consider buffing up your Berzerker units to greater sizes in time. Less likely to be wiped out.

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I agree with Leonite - once you have a role for your Termies, their wargear selection will be much easier. As an example, I have a Khorne marked termie unit whose role is anti infantry - combi bolters and flamers on all along wuth power swords, plus a heavy flamer for extra ooosh. It works fine for me.

Without wanting to derail the thread (and apologies if I do) one thing I would ask is why Warp Talons? They are good imo, but if you take Raptors you have more options. Maybe have a couple with special weapons (again for whatever duty) but their mobility will help greatly on the field, where they can support the zerkers or termies just before they go in (using their special weapons to soften up targets) before bouncing away to help another. Take this with a grain of salt, it is your army and you are free to do as you please. Just giving you some food for thought my fellow heretic.

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Buy another box of zerkers before getting spawn or the talons[raptors would be better by the way]. Squads have to be at least 8 man sized, and the ways sv mods work in 8th, I would say 10 man squads wouldn't be bad either, specially when you do not have any fire magnet units in your army.


For terminators go with 5 combi weapons all plasma. 1 fists per every 3 models, never twin claws, avoid swords unless there are points problems. Also just like in case of your zerker units 5 dudes is too few. It could be ok if you had 3-4 squads of terminators + hqs. So if you plan on using terminators get a second terminator box.


For very casual gaming your list after upgrading could look like this

8 termintors 3 fists 3 axs 2 maces 8 combis

3x10 zerkers sword and ax

2x5 raptors with 2 meltas and a combi melta/plasma pistol on the champ

the havocs you have already bought, although if it is possible think about giving them Autocannons.

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Termies can go a couple ways.  They can dish out a ton of pain with combi plas, but that's also super expensive, and can be very painful if you roll any ones, so you kind of need to support them with a lord for the re-rolls or a sorcerer with prescience.  Fists - chain or otherwise - are also tempting, but also super expensive, and they are nowhere near as devastating as they were before.  In the past, a single wound from a fist would kill characters, and chain fists would carve through vehicles like nobodies business, but now, with d3 or 2 damage, it takes a lot more, uh, fisting to get the job done, while those fists themselves cost dramatically more than power weapons.


So there's definitely a case to be made for loading up on plasma and fists to be as deadly as possible.  But combi bolter, power weapon terminators will be fully 30 points cheaper per dude, and with four bolter shots each and good AP in melee, they can still be reasonably threatening to small and medium stuff, and are just as hard to get rid of with the same 2 wounds and 2+/5+ saves.


IMO, terminators present a stronger-than-usual case for magnetization, especially given that the nature of their options means they're very susceptible to having their 'most optimal' equipment set shift heavily with changes in the meta as new codeces are released, or with the promised yearly changes to points values.

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Funnily enough, according to mathhammer the most efficient all-comers melee options is Chainfist champ, power sword, axe, mace, and single claw :D


Buuuut it's basically always going to be better to have the squad more specialized. Likely against other tough elites. So 1-2 chain fists and 3-4 axes. It seems like there's no point in the regular powerfist when the chain is only 2 points more, and has more reliable damage.


Always use all combi plasma. Deepstrike and then hit with warptime+assault or the +1 hit power and blast charged plasma.


There's probably other good loadouts, but combi-plas drop squad seems like what will best fit into most lists.

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What do you guys think of the reaper autocannon? The 1 damage is a bummer but I've been trying to convince myself to take one instead of a combi-plasma since I have 2 terminators modelled with one and I want to abide by the rule of cool. I also like the idea of a terminator being able to split fire across nearly the whole board to finish off a vehicle or monstrous creature. I'm sure competitively the combi-plasma is still better, but it's just such a cool gun I'm trying to find a way to justify taking it.

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What do you guys think of the reaper autocannon? The 1 damage is a bummer but I've been trying to convince myself to take one instead of a combi-plasma since I have 2 terminators modelled with one and I want to abide by the rule of cool. I also like the idea of a terminator being able to split fire across nearly the whole board to finish off a vehicle or monstrous creature. I'm sure competitively the combi-plasma is still better, but it's just such a cool gun I'm trying to find a way to justify taking it.


I don't think it's a bad weapon per se, the issue is more a role for it. If you are making a combi-plas drop squad, then it's probably better to have more combi-plas. Although the point difference isn't significant, so it isn't a high cost to pay for a bit more variety.


If I was running some sort of squad that was aimed more at CC (or just at being cheaper and so not using combis) then I'd probably toss one in.

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I am wondering what peoples opinions are on the combination of combi bolter and lightningclaws on terminators. I just bought a few on ebay, and since there is a point decrease from 9 to 8 in the space marine codex I am trusting this is the price for chaos as wel. Terminators will then cost 41 for combi bolter and lightningclaws. What are your opinions on that weapon combo? I have 10 more terminators equipped with combi melta and a variety of melee (my first ones, none magentized unfortunately) and 5 others with combi bolters and chainfists.

But yeah, do you guys reckon that lighting claws and bombi bolters for 41 points are a decent option for terminators?

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They cost too much for a melee only unit. It is way better to leave them with stock power weapons and give them all combi plasma. Combi bolters are nice, on cheap platforms. LC have a one turn down time unless your either using CP to charge with them [although here we have problem chaff units, and chaos has problem with clearing chaff on early turns] or investing in to sorc, but that can be stoped so your runing two sorc, which means you may as well run 3 units of melee terminators, and by then your running a melee terminator army and that does not work well enough. Too few models, very vunerable to alfa strike and problems with caping objectives. Could work ok vs a weak in melee elite heavy army though[whre elite is high cost units not units coming from the elite slot].

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They cost too much for a melee only unit. It is way better to leave them with stock power weapons and give them all combi plasma. Combi bolters are nice, on cheap platforms. LC have a one turn down time unless your either using CP to charge with them [although here we have problem chaff units, and chaos has problem with clearing chaff on early turns] or investing in to sorc, but that can be stoped so your runing two sorc, which means you may as well run 3 units of melee terminators, and by then your running a melee terminator army and that does not work well enough. Too few models, very vunerable to alfa strike and problems with caping objectives. Could work ok vs a weak in melee elite heavy army though[whre elite is high cost units not units coming from the elite slot].


Thanks for your post, Jeske!

My initial thoughts were to combine them with a couple with combi bolters and chainfists, and maybe the reaper/power fist guy I have. I sadly do not own any terminators with combi plasma so thats not an option for me. But I do have 5 unopened terminators (meaning I have 20 in total with those unopened ones), so I guess I can convert (there are no combi plasma bits, right?) them to plasma termies.


But yes, my thought was to run 2 terminator squads, combining my 15 (future 20) terminators into one dakka/assault and one melta/anti monster-vehicle squad.


So am I completely in the wilderness about this, or ? 

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For combi plasma guns I bought some sternguard ones off eBay, works pretty well for terminators.


Your idea seems sound, I'd just be careful not to spend too many pts on stuff like combi melta guns and power fists on those anti vehicle termintors, power fists in particular are overpriced. Really the best terminators are just a variety of power weapons with combi plasma since they hit decently hard in melee and have good shooting.

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For combi plasma guns I bought some sternguard ones off eBay, works pretty well for terminators.


Your idea seems sound, I'd just be careful not to spend too many pts on stuff like combi melta guns and power fists on those anti vehicle termintors, power fists in particular are overpriced. Really the best terminators are just a variety of power weapons with combi plasma since they hit decently hard in melee and have good shooting.

Yeah, it is just that mine are unmagnetized unfortunately. My combi melta ones have 2 axes, 1 powermaul and 1 chainfist. The fifth has a reaper and a powerfist. As for the rest, as I said, they are all equipped with combi bolters, 5 with chainfist, 5 with lightning claws.


Then again, I have this unopened box to create some new ones with. I am aiming for these to be magnetized eventually (never done that before).


As for your mentioning of power fist, I believe that will go down to 12 points just like in Codex Space Marines.

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And single lightning claw might be chaeper too, by 1 point I belive? It's a nice a nice alternative to axe and looks awesome. If the fist is 12 its a no-brainer for me though. 5 deepstriking power fists and combi-plasma all day long with terminator sorcerer backup (and icon of wrath preferably) Edited by Dhar'Neth
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And single lightning claw might be chaeper too, by 1 point I belive? It's a nice a nice alternative to axe and looks awesome. If the fist is 12 its a no-brainer for me though. 5 deepstriking power fists and combi-plasma all day long with terminator sorcerer backup (and icon of wrath preferably)

Yes, likely, since this is the case in Codex Smurf-marines. I was hoping lightining claw/combi bolter was a decent configuration and had some forlorn tips as to how to use my termies though. If anyone had anything to contribute apart from what Jeske, you and Lord Asvaldir said, I would be grateful.

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What do you guys think of the reaper autocannon? The 1 damage is a bummer but I've been trying to convince myself to take one instead of a combi-plasma since I have 2 terminators modelled with one and I want to abide by the rule of cool. I also like the idea of a terminator being able to split fire across nearly the whole board to finish off a vehicle or monstrous creature. I'm sure competitively the combi-plasma is still better, but it's just such a cool gun I'm trying to find a way to justify taking it.

I used mine to make my havoc autocannons. Cut the barrels off and glue them on a chaos heavy bolter (with it's barrel cut off) aannnd done.

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Everybody likes plasma, but I'd rather go full combi melta, 4 axes and a CF (in a 5 men unit) plus IoW.


>DS in melta range

>Warptime if you like sorcs and move 5" towards the killing fields

>Unleash hell

>Charge with re-roll

>Tear down enemy remains





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