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Imperial Gaurd: Brood Brothers, Lost And Damned, and more


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http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/337043-what-new-8th-ed-factions-do-you-want/ - inspired by this thread. In those posts it feels one of the most common desires is "themed" Human Forces for various factions. Looking at Brood Brothers as a basis. What if Imperial Gaurd as a Faction became "unaligned" for lack of a better term. It would expand the unit line up for various factions. The caveat of course being that it could backfire. Also the other issue is how to handle the flavor of the Gaurd list itself.


If this did happen more universally, (Brood Brothers providing the Rules Baseline), how would you change the core IG list to be more....universal? And would you allow Non-Imperials to take auxiliaries like Orgyns, Rattlings, etc. One basic idea I heard when I discussed this with my friends is have, Chimera, Setinals, and Leman Russ (Vanilla), Infantry Squad, Platoon Commanders and Command Squads to have the unaligned keyword. So two questions

1) Should Brood Brothers stay a GSC only or should other Xenos/Chaos Armies get a similar rule? Or should they get a Chaos Cultist Treatment (1 versatile themed Human Unit)

2) If yes, should there by any restriction on placed on Non-Imperium Gaurdsman Armies? If No, any reason in particular why not?

3) Should there be a list of 'unaligned' Imperial Gaurdsman Units? If so what should those units be?


I myself am in favor of three as I'd rather not see IG as an army reduced to being basically NPC's. (If any army could use and take them, their flavor suffers. Becoming a "background army"). On the flip side it did work for Harlequins. So what is everyone's opanion?

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Harlequins had much less to lose having no established player base - that's not the same for Guard. Obviously I don't want others to be able to be Guard++ otherwise that greatly diminishes the Guard's own appeal which would be silly. I think there should be "Guard like" units that can be used, but given differences to make them more unique. This would benefit the other army as well as not taking from Guard.

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As it is, Chaos already has the Renegades and Heretics list for their guard needs. I could see Tau having the units you mentioned, but other xenos lists seem iffy. I can't see Eldar really fielding them, nor Orks or Necrons unless there's some major fluff twisting. That said, I wouldn't object to "Regiments of Renown" type mercenaries joining the game. A squad of renegade Astartes who fight for whomever will pay them, Militarum or Admech mercenaries, Eldar Pirates, etc are all in the fluff somewhere and could be made justifiable. So yeah, why not allow it.
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Orks have been known to work as mercs, so ehh, possible. I wouldn't mind a way to change keywords. Traitor regiment, replace Imperium with Chaos or Tau or whatever. I also wouldn't mind that on AdMech to give chaos Dark Mechanicum. I'm just worried about giving too many options away to other armies. Edited by Sawtooth
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Fantasy used to have the regiments of renown (I miss them) I would just think basic human infantry mercinaries, maybe with some heavy weapons and a pickup with a HB/ auto on it or a truck to transport. Militia style. Would be interesting to see
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Not a fan and while using the marines as a reference since they are the only one about to come out may be premature, I expect the whole Imperial soup thing to tighten up and not be near as prevalent as armies switch to a "Everythign in the army or detachment must be regiment x in order to get y benefit." I despise the current allies system and want to see more mono-themed armies. For one they just flat out look better than franken-armies of this and that.

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Wouldn't bother me at all, I'd welcome it in fact. That's assuming that people take the time and effort to convert their "Guard" up to look good. Guard fighting for the Tau could be something as simple as taking a Tau shoulder pad for instance. Maybe convert the Heavy weapon team to be a drone instead. Add spikey bits to Chaos Guard. Give Ork Guard (Diggas are a thing from Gorkamorka, humans who grew up on an Ork planet and think their just little oddly coloured Orks) Shootas instead of Lasguns.


That wouldn't happen to most armies though and they'd just look odd. I like "Frankenarmies" as a word Galron.


Easy to balance as well. Only Tau benefit from Tau abilities, not Tau aligned Guardsmen. Get rid of orders and no Commissars unless you play pure Guard. Job done!

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