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Vanguard Veterans: Zeal From Above


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Hello there, was browsing from my BT's and created an account as I thought I may have something to add. I was considering how the alpha strike with righteous zeal, CP's and wound allocation could be used with VV's. Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere but I haven't seen it.


I'll start with wound allocation, now that we can pick models to take saves and be removed. Is it the case that SS models with jump pack could be used as cheaper ablative wounds on the initial jump?/ provide additional horde killing attacks with chain swords. While behind those (say 5) guys you have another five priced ones with plasma pistols and various power weapons etc....


Secondly with righteous zeal/ CP's, on the first charge roll should you get less than or equal to a 4 on both dice then zeal it for a 1 in 3 chance to get in but should you get a 5/6 on one of them keep it and command point re-roll it. I believe this adds some feasibility overall.


What do you guys think?

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How do you guys think 5 Vanguards with Jump Packs and thunder hammer/storm shield compare to Assault Terminators with TH/Storm shield?


I am in need of a serious deep striking anti tank threat. I'm torn on this though. The Terminators aren't that much more for the extra wound and armor, and with no shooting attack fly isn't really that necessary.

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The added value of the jump packs would be for the mobility they provide (12" unhindered by ruins and such) more so than the ability to shoot while retreating. The point saving is 13 points per model, so on a 5man squad that's 65 points saved, an extra barebone crusader squad. n the other hand, with only 1HP, your squad will be a glass canon and better not miss it's charge.
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Thanks Ciler, those are some good points. My crusade has some fluff about a veteran Assault squad I ran since I began playing. I've often ran Squad Zephyr as a glass hammer unit, or as I liked to call it, a scalpel unit. I recently decided to promote them to Sword Brethren status.


Fallen Autarch, I didn't see your post until now, but I really like your idea of having some guys with storm shields to tank for the others. I actually do this with my adult squads, running two storm shields to block for the lightning claw Terminators. I'm not sure why I didn't have the same idea for Vanguards.


The only thing I worry about is putting so many points into a 10 man deep striking squad, but at this point I think it's my best bet since I just haven't collected any vicious shooting units yet. Our chapter tactics combined with using a command point reroll if a 5 or 6 come up on one die can really make our charge distance stretch.

Edited by Ebon Hand
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The thing with deepstrikes is that with our chapter tactics & stratagem options, failing one is difficult.


I mean, suppose you do it and you roll a 5 on two dices. Use our chapter tactic and reroll it. Suppose you hit a 7 but this time it's a 5 and a 2. Use a stratagem to reroll the 2 and get a 4, and it's passed. There are quite a few "outs" on a missed charge.


I'm facing a similar dilemma though. I currently have 10 Vanguards ready to be kitted and I am serious doubting how to kit them. I have six awesome custom Templar Shields that I really want to use... so that'll have to be the case. The only question is: do I kit them with Thunder Hammers, Chainswords or LC's.


RIght now I'm leaning to making a badass squad with 1 Relic Blade, 5 TH's, 4 LC's and literally no Guns.... 


Thoughts? Need some help :-). 

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I'm looking for some custom Templar shields, Gerhard. Mind sharing a link? The FW ones are too bulky for jump PA marines.


I'm running 2 squads and equipping 4 with sword and board and 4 with plasma pistol/chainsword. My sergeants have powerswords/plasma pistols. They are being lead by a captain with a thunder hammer.


All told it's about 300 points (captain included). I'm thinking the stormshields can absorb any AP fire and if I fail my charge I still have 6 supercharged plasma shots rerolling ones I can throw at their target. If I get in to close combat I have 30 CC attacks rerolling ones as well as 4 3+ TH attacks. I feel like that'll be a nasty alpha strike.


If I'm worried about their survivability or vehicles, I can choose to drop my 2 crusader squad drop pod filled with melta for target saturation and support.

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I'm facing a similar dilemma though. I currently have 10 Vanguards ready to be kitted and I am serious doubting how to kit them. I have six awesome custom Templar Shields that I really want to use... so that'll have to be the case. The only question is: do I kit them with Thunder Hammers, Chainswords or LC's.


RIght now I'm leaning to making a badass squad with 1 Relic Blade, 5 TH's, 4 LC's and literally no Guns.... 


Thoughts? Need some help :-). 


Magnets! All my VV are magnetized at the wrist for CC loadouts. 

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Sure, I have these:








They are somewhat on the large side, but I find them very fitting. The detail on them is gorgeous.


Magnetizing I've never really tried doing. Plus I don't have the magnets to do it...

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Hmm, while we're on the subject.


Suppose the goal would be a most versatile as possible vanguard squad of 10... what would you make it look like? Something like this?


All jump packs:

1   - Vet Sergeant - Relic Blade & SS

2   - Veteran - Thunderhammer & SS

3   - Veteran - Thunderhammer & SS

4   - Veteran - Thunderhammer & SS

5   - Veteran - Chainsword & BP

6   - Veteran - Chainsword & BP

7   - Veteran - Chainsword & BP

8   - Veteran - Chainsword & BP

9   - Veteran - Dual LC

10 - Veteran - Dual LC


Curious to hear opinions actually as obviously this is currently also relevant for myself.... hah.

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If you're looking to maximize the flexibility of your army and give yourself the ability to adapt your army over time, it's a great skill to add to any 40k army builder toolbox. 



1/16 mm bit & hand drill, same kind used for drilling gun holes


1/16 mm x 1/32 mm magnets: http://ebay.to/2uhpkoe

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For mine I'm thinking


1x TH / SS Sergeant

4x TH / SS

2x Combi Melta / Chainsword

3x Plasma Pistol / Chainsword


With a Jump Chaplain stock


I haven't totalled up the cost, but as long as it's under the 360 point range I'm ok. As I said I'm looking for a unit to take on heavy hitters like Walkers, Knights, Monsters that sort of thing.

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Oof, just noticed combis aren't an option for Vanguards, they have to have pistols. Hmm... Maybe just chainswords and plasma pistols on 3?


Also what do you guys think of the grav pistols?

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Raven with dreadnought, crusader squad and Helbrecht went REAL well in my last game.


I haven't tried it with VV ... love the idea though!

What kind of dread/crusaders did you run? Mind telling us how well it went? ^.^

I'm eager to hear as much as possible about this loaudout. Just seems like fun.

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The Raven-VV-Ironclad bomb is on my to do list.  Just gotta paint and build a whole lotta models to make that happen :tongue.:


I've been looking for a cheap rage quit storm raven ever since the FAQ dropped

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Raven with dreadnought, crusader squad and Helbrecht went REAL well in my last game.


I haven't tried it with VV ... love the idea though!

What kind of dread/crusaders did you run? Mind telling us how well it went? ^.^

I'm eager to hear as much as possible about this loaudout. Just seems like fun.

The Dread was a venerable. Loadout for the Raven was twin autocannons, typhoon, hurricanes. With Helbrecht inside it was re rolling a lot of shots which gave me SO many hits every turn. Wiped out two units of Tau marker lights before unloading the dread and crusader squads which in turn wiped out a riptide, a hammerhead and the Tau warlord and plenty more. It was game over at the start of turn 3. So, it went pretty well!! Edited by Stemplar
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The Raven-VV-Ironclad bomb is on my to do list. Just gotta paint and build a whole lotta models to make that happen :P

I was thinking of running the GW Sword Brethren squad as vv inside the raven. Question ... would you still put jumppacks on them? Or is that a waste of points when they're already in a Stormraven?

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I am still in the camp of the 10x plasma pistols, a power weapon (I use an axe), and chainswords for everyone else. Powerful alpha strike with the plasma pistols and potential bonus points if you make a charge. The weight of attacks is sufficiently strong to validate not wasting the points throwing all kinds of gear on them, when everything is super expensive now. Edited by Marshal Laeroth
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I am still in the camp of the 10x plasma pistols, a power weapon (I use an axe), and chainswords for everyone else. Powerful alpha strike with the plasma pistols and potential bonus points if you make a charge. The weight of attacks is sufficiently strong to validate not wasting the points throwing all kinds of gear on them, when everything is super expensive now.


Take a couple of Storm shields to tank some shots?

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