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Hi comrades,


I'm struggling against flyer... But I cannot see any real good AAA except Hydra battery. Although a single piece is a bargain, I fear that it never will have a chance to shoot, because we give up first turn one on six and if the enemy has flyer, Hydra will became its first target...


I don't want any flyer by myself because I run a fluffy Siege list... Any Idea, or suggestion?



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Play ITC rules so you actually might get a chance to go first? I have not actually encountered a single actual "Flyer" in my meta yet, lots of battlesuits though. In fact with the proliferation of flyers in non-flyer form(suits, jump packs) if I was running a ground based army I would have at least two hydras or hydra turrets, they will earn their pay. Do any of the fortifications allow for AA guns? Autocannon squads should still shoot the crap out of them if you have enough.

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Fliers are only a -1 to Hit now, so normal shooting does a lot better against them. The simple answer to your Hydra vulnerability problem is to park it behind LoS, or deploy it last so the Flier will struggle to get a good bead on it.

yep, make them get closer, hope for lascannon/melta spam to kill them. 

I also take the 8-shot autocannon that comes with the aegis. even if they have no flyers, 8 shots at -1 against ground targets? Sure. 

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