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Hey all, I starter Death Guard with the new DI set. I had the idea to play a small death guard warband with a large body of renegades and pox walkers being slaved forward by their putrid master.

I also add a small contingent of daemons, so it will be a mix of everything nurgle chaos.

However, I have some trouble finding proper bits or models for nurgle traitor guard. I would like to ask if anyone would share his or her models, or has some tips. I browsed the 3rd part database, but it is quite massive.


Thanks in advance!

A while back I drafted up a thread on the Astra Militarum subforum that narrowed down the list of third-party suppliers to just those that produced bits suitable for infantry. With that in mind, any of the storefronts I've listed there sell bits that can be used for Renegades as well.


Personally, I'd check out Mad Robot Miniatures Crimson Pak range, or even browse Anvil Industries. Both have stuff that'll be more than suitable for Nurgle Renegades.

I think 1/2 of Nurgle guard is in a suitably disgusting paint scheme. That said, Skaven Plague Monks convert into guard very easily. Anything with a gas mask can also work very well and is suitably Nurgley; my Khorne renegades use Pig Iron Productions gasmask heads, though some of them would work fine for Nurgle. The old Scavvy(?) Necromunda models are pretty much perfect for Nurgle cultists or Militia as well. Mixing the Cadian kit with the plastic zombie kit can also work, but may come closer to poxwalkers nowadays. Lastly, death guard have always played with the whole German spiked helmet aesthetic. That may be a good way to tie in some Plaguetroopers with the rest of the DG range.

I'm using Genestealer Cult Neophytes as the base for my R&H army. They might be a little "techy" for what you want, but I'm building a dark mech/ nurgle force and they fit perfectly as Savlar Chemdog renegades. Shaven heads, gas masks, ragged clothes. Just some food for thought


Edit: I also forgot about the autoguns, shotguns and heavy stubber. All sweet little extras

Edited by Greenz

If you mainly want to throw militia on the table as fast as possible, suitably painted loyalist guard or chaos cultists easily fit that role.

If you want to go further, there are a lot of options when it comes to renegade guard and Nurgle in particular. For the rank n' file I like to use pig iron heads with a mix of Catachan and Chaos Space Marine bits. I made vets/marauders out of space marine scout shotgun arms, Cadian torsos, more pig iron heads, and WH fantasy grave guard legs. I can post pictures later tonight. 

If you are interested in a bit of conversion work, how do you visualize your renegades and how crazy do you want to  get with your project? If they are befouled but still professional a gross paintjob + warzone greatcloaks would work. If they are heavily mutated, genestealer cult + occasional spawn parts and even beastmen would make for good components. If you want them spilling their guts and half-zombified, poxwalker and zombie bits + Cadians fits the bill. Really ragged but still mostly human is easily accomplished with fantasy flagellants + chaos cultists.

Edited by Azekai

Alright, here are some hastily snapped pictures of a few boys from the 49th Markovian regiment. A couple of typical infantrymen, my regimental standard bearer, and a veteran sergeant. The troopers are Catachans with alternate pig iron gasmask heads, and the standard guy has a trimmed down space marine rebreather head with, of course, a chaos icon strapped to his back. The sarge has an empty flamer tank strapped to his back, Cadian sergeant arms and torso, pig iron head, and grave guard legs.

These are some unpainted traitors, the first is a cultist champion with a flagellant head and rebreather from the Cadian kit, the vox operator is similarly a Catachan with a rebreather-equipped flagellant head and a zombie arm. The small mutant is a spawn head, poxwalker arms/shoulders, and ghoul legs. The big mutant is an ork body with a plaguebearer head, an old metal arm from a Mordheim ogre, and an ork arm with a Cadian lasrifle being used like a pistol. How raggedly eclectic you want your heretics to be largely depends on the range of components you use.


Edited by Azekai

I'm using Genestealer Cult Neophytes as the base for my R&H army. They might be a little "techy" for what you want, but I'm building a dark mech/ nurgle force and they fit perfectly as Savlar Chemdog renegades. Shaven heads, gas masks, ragged clothes. Just some food for thought


Edit: I also forgot about the autoguns, shotguns and heavy stubber. All sweet little extras


What you did to some of the genestealer iconography that's in all kinds of unfortunate positions? 


I'm using Genestealer Cult Neophytes as the base for my R&H army. They might be a little "techy" for what you want, but I'm building a dark mech/ nurgle force and they fit perfectly as Savlar Chemdog renegades. Shaven heads, gas masks, ragged clothes. Just some food for thought


Edit: I also forgot about the autoguns, shotguns and heavy stubber. All sweet little extras

What you did to some of the genestealer iconography that's in all kinds of unfortunate positions?

I kinda cheated a bit. I realized very quickly they'd be a pain to remove, so I've converted them into tokens for Nurgle. I've made them all into discs by flattening out a blob of green stuff. Some of them I'm leaving flat, though a little dented and mishappen, and I'm going to paint Nurgles symbol on them. A few others I either made 3 indentations or made 3 bumps. I'll be posting a pic in the R&H challenge thread tonight, so I'll edit in some pics here later

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