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Crusade to Konor!

Dark Scipio

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Brothers! The Imperium is in danger, our brothers from the Ultramarines are hard pressed.

Its time to rally our strength and send our Zeal to Konor to make a difference for the whole Imperium!


We wont see the chance to really make an impact on the setting like this ... at least this year.

Time to show everybody, that the Templars are the ones when it comes to saving the Imperium.

Week One has already begun:



We can motivate us, by posting your reported results here too.

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Getting my first game in this weekend! First time back at the table in over 10 years.


EDIT - Just took a look at the webpage and it's actually really cool! There's a planet view that actually shows in real time the people logging wins and what location it came from! 

Edited by TheOneTrueZon
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I faced Death Guard who arrived in full force and devastated my battle lines with Hellbrutes, Leviathans and Plague Drones supported by tides of Poxwalkers and Plague Marines.  His psychic powers were wreaking havoc on me, and I really missed the use of our Chapter tactics.  I have shamed the Emperor and the Chapter, but although I faced major defeat, we are not defeated.  The acceptance of defeat is an invitation for its repetition.


Nevertheless, my sector is light on chaos but heavy on xenos and it seems the xenos have been disrupting both sides.  The Imperium is holding the line here.


A word of advice for those building a defender list for the invasion mission, castle up and bring powerful shooting but also a counter charge element!  I was foolish and used my usual heavy on fast attack/ light on heavy support strategy with a Battalion and Outrider detachment, but that will not work in this mission as a defender!  With Warp Time and the At the Double-Quick Stratagem, a Helbrute or Leviathan can easily get into your battle lines turn 1!  This proved to be my undoing as I thought I could outmaneuver what I thought would be a slow Death Guard force.  Deploy out of sight from shooting threats and don't be afraid to reserve units if there is no good spot to put them.  Not using that was another mistake I made.


Everything that could go wrong did, with many 1s rolled on my side, but with well executed moves on the side of the Death Guard.  My Bike Chaplain?  Killed by foul witchcraft.  The Emperor's Champion?  Felled by a rampaging Leviathan.  My crusaders and my Terminator Chaplain were killed by a Plague Drone, a Dæmon Prince, and floods of poxwalkers.  The Plague Drone and Helbrute were especially powerful in this scenario.  I managed to fell his rampaging Helbrute with a combined effort and my Techmarine brought the killing blow with his plasma cutter, but the damage was already done.  My Space Marines fought to the very last, with the last combat of the battle being Sword Brother Lemere battling Typhus in single combat as the death guard forces closed around him.  His blades could not puncture the traitor's bloated armor and he fell fighting with every ounce of his being.  THEY WILL BE AVENGED

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My first game in over ten years! Ran the first week Konor campaign scenario at the local FLGS for some practice with the new rules. Just did a 1,000 point game with 3 crusader squads, 2 razorbacks, one sword brethren assault squad with jetpacks, EC & Helbrecht. It was a resounding defeat at the hands of some Necron Destroyers (those things put out a staggering amount of damage), but I'm well on my way to getting back into fighting shape for a tournament over Labor Day. 1-2 games a week against random opponents at the various Warhammer and FLGS in the area during the Konor campaign should be good practice.


Moments from the game:


- Helbrecht disembarking from a Razorback about to be blown up by Immortals, charges a unit of four Canoptek Wraiths (I think that's what they were called) with a crusader squad and melts face with the 7 attacks on the charge and blows through them like paper. 


- The unfortunate aforementioned RB got locked up in close combat on turn one, but managed to kill a Wraith after rolling boxcars in close combat after spending a command point to fight first. 


- EC failed his first charge, but eventually shrugging off a staggering amount of shots, getting toe to toe with the Necron warlord, who summarily ran away with one wound left and let his infantry shoot the EC to pieces. Typical coward xeno.

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