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Are Vehicles Line of Sight Blocking?


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Not sure if this is the right chain to post this in? Let me know if i'm doing anything wrong, where to post this, or if this has been answered already. Sorry, still new.


But i'm wondering if you can use your own transports as line of sight blockers?


Example: I'm looking to potentially hide a 5 man squad of behind a rhino to that they don't get killed on the first turn. So i'm wondering if i turned the rhino sideways. And tucked the troops behind the transport out of line of sight of everything, so that nothing can see them. Could they still get shot at through the rhino? or would have the rhino have to go boom first and be removed from play, or have something flank them first and get line of sight before they could get shot?

Looking to potentially hide Devastators behind transports. Have the transports tank the shooting, then move the transports out of the way and avoid having to take a -1 to hit modifier to my Heavy weapon's team for moving or disembarking.



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But i'm wondering if you can use your own transports as line of sight blockers?

Not only can you do this with vehicles, you could do it with a sufficient quantity of infantry.


The pertinent passage is pg 179 under '2. Choose Targets'. In fact, the only model that doesn't block a models line of sight is another model in its self same unit.


Do take care though, as the enemy only needs to draw a bead on one figure with their currently firing weapon to make the entire unit eligible for wounds.

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Hello fellow Calgarian!

And thank you!


(unrelated, but do you know of any good places to play? I've dug my old collection of space marines out of the basement and have started looking around. All I've found so far is Friday nights at the sentry box)


Cool! referring to the single model in line of site while the rest of the squad is out of sight. I know you can allocate wounds to the others if you should choose. But what happened if you killed off the first model that was in sight. Would that negate any other wounds related to the squad? or would the squad still take them? If you know of a discussion regarding this or line of sight rules, feel free just to shoot me that way.


Thanks again!

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But what happened if you killed off the first model that was in sight.

I think this's been discussed before, but since I've got the books all loaded up: The targeting is all done in step two. So, removing the guy they can see won't stop the current unit as their targeting is already locked in. The wounds would flow.


Curiously, saves can be taken one at a time, so you could drop the guys not on the terrain template first to improve the odds of those who are later.


(I didn't even know people played on Fridays at the 'Box. Lately I've been out there semi-regularly on Sundays trying to wade through my various hobby projects. Shoot me a pm and we can try to link up sometime.)

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Depending on terrain, you can totally remove units off first that aren't in the terrain so that only models in terrain remain and they will receive cover if they are in appropriate terrain to give cover.
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