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Reserves, "Deepstrike", and Defender missions

Ebon Hand

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In narrative missions with attackers and defenders that use the reserves rules, are Deepstrike type rules like Terminators teleporting and Assault Marines or Drop Pods dropping in still allowed or do they have to deploy on your table edge because of the mission?
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Must > Can.


The former word features commonly in the narrative scenario reserve deployment notes whereas the latter word tends to feature in the various 'deepstrike' mechanics.


Ultimately though, these are narrative scenarios and rule lawyering them is antithetical to them. You should decide prior to the game with your opponent what level of alert the respective forces are at and allow arrival modes accordingly. I caution that there are some narrative game types that will likely become broken if forces are allowed to deepstrike all willy-nilly.


Point of detail: I don't recall reading an instruction that references a table edge during my review, commonly it was wholly within a specified number of inches of an edge at the end of the movement phase.

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Ah yes that was what I meant, deploying near your table edge. The reason why I ask is because the Konor missions are Narrative in nature and I wasn't sure if the wording. It says:


"Starting from the second battle round, each player makes a roll for each of their units in reserve at the end of the movement phase. On a 3+, the unit being rolled for arrives from reserve. Units automatically arrive at the end of the fourth movement phase if they have not already done so.


When a unit arrives, set it up anywhere within 6" of the controlling player's battlefield edge that is not within 9" of enemy models."


I was wondering if "deployment" is solely at the start of the game or if players can deploy in their special form of deployment when they arrive from reserves.


I noticed that the mission in which this would really cause issues, Meatgrinder, actually specifically forbids Deepstrike types of deployment. Does this imply that it's allowed in other missions? I just want to know what to expect.

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The official rules forum thrives of specific details. Asking general questions tends to yield vague and general answers.


The mission you've quoted appears pretty clear to me. I'll further comment that allowing attacker deep-strike shenanigans could make this mission much easier for some attackers than may've been intended.

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Thanks for the responses!  I too thought deepstrike would be strong if the attacker was allowed, but I wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something.  I think the mission deployment taking precedence over abilities makes sense.  Reminds me of the old days when being able to drop in wasn't always guaranteed.

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