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How does the fortress of redemption work in 8th?


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Hi guys, I'm a long time lurker on the forum and would love your advice/opinions on this.


I had a game last night and decided to try out the fortress of redemption, but there's a few little details I'm not sure we did right.


Am I right in thinking the Immobile rule, which means you can fire while an enemy is within an inch,allows the fortress to always fire Overwatch, even whilst engaged. This seems to make sense as it would be odd if a squad of gaunts could prevent it defending itself against a hive tyrant charge.


How do you use the battlements of the fortress? The designers not say you may want to put embarked units on top so people know who's there, but as it can only hold 1 unit this wasn't a problem for us. However, those battlements are perfect for putting units on, and we couldn't see why having a hunt inside should stop us putting units on the battlements. They would be able to be be shot at and charged right? But this also leads to complications on how to physically use the battlements: do they provide cover by standing on them, or do you have to be in contact with the edge like an aegis defence line? If a unit wants to charge a squad on top do they have to be able to make it over the wall, or can they just charge the base of the fortress and attack models on the battlements as if it were an aegis defence line? Or should no units be able to sit on top of the fortress battlements?


And auras. I'm sure there's something about characters not being able to use auras while embarked but for the life of me I couldn't find it. It seems odd to me though that inside a fortification, something designed to house units inside and operate at full efficiency, that a character cannot provide his aura to a squad if they are both embarked inside. Can anyone clarify how this should work?

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For the immobile rule I would agree that yes you can still shoot while units are in combat with the fortress.


For units in the battlements, if you are treating the battlements up top as terrain and any embarked units go inside, then I would say in order for enemies to charge them they would have to roll to get up the wall, not just to the base.


Unfortunately yes character auras do not work when embarked in something. I can't remember if its in the transports rule section or the little footnote on auras but yeah auras dont work while embarked.

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Thanks for the response! Good to know we are on the right track with things.


Regarding charging units sitting on top of the fortress: if they do have to charge up the fortress what would happen if there wasn't enough room to place them?

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I believe it's under transports section, but embarked units are considered "not on the board". So no, no auras. Otherwise I'd have Azrael inside a landraider, surrounded by LOTS of, well whatever. It'd be insane.

As far as battlements go, there are literally no rules about them. IMO, they don't do anything. A building is pretty much a special type of transport and you don't stack marines on top of your landraider and take em along for the ride. Playing with them as suggested above, I'd use a combination of wobbly model and the rules for barricades.

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I get that the aura should not work outside of the vehicle, but seems odd to me that it doesn't extent to the unit that is also embarked with you. But I had thought the rules said as you guys have.


Interesting point but I don't really agree that the fortress should be treated just like a transport. One is a mobile vehicle and the other is a permanent structure designed to have people manning it. It is annoying that there's no rules for this, but I guess they trust us all to come up with appropriate house rules. In our games we treated them. As aegis lines giving all the benefits but also allowing people to combat troops on it from the base of the fortress. That felt fair as it felt to strong if the units on top were unassailable.

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