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So the campaign has started.


I played two games yesterday, both 50 power level, first against Chaos Marines (loads of bezerkers and havocs) and then against necrons (lots of T800s) but manged to table my opponent both games.


I thought, considering how many different elements of the Imperium are defending our home system, I'd be interesting to hear from fellow ultramarines and the successors of the bloodline of Guilliman were faring specifically. (battle reports even better)


So have any of you had any games to help crush these foul heretics?

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I played a lot of games. A 2K game but we didn't finish. I brought a landraider assault centurions. He had massed horrors and Fate Weaver and lord of change with that little Daemon all Tzeentch players use now that makes it harder to hit Tzeentch Daemons. Do you have any idea how terrible a landraider is against a list like that? Luckily we quit the game early as I'm almost certain I would have been rolled horridly.


I did register lots of points for fresh painted Ultramarines from the Dark Imperium box. I almost completed the whole box by Saturday morning. It was exhausting.


Backing up a bit , before heading to the store I had a game versus Tau as well with a clear victory for Ultramarines however he almos,t caught me in the end (Maelstrom!)


Back to the store, we had a massive Astramis game Imperium vs Chaos.


I didn't really get any shwag, and it was a weird game. This is my problem with playing Imperium in a campaign. There were so many more imp players that Chaos and Xenos players all had to double up on points while our side had a 1000 points each.


I took Calgar and a Fire base of Primaris. Actually I killed a lot and I got another Ultramarines player to stick near Calgar's aura.


The game was really long though and Imperium lost. We needed one more turn I think. Our Fire base was really working, but with a gaming surface that big, chaos as claiming the edges. I think some other people wanted to join in but it was too late... I hink they were Imperium.


The game was fun. Took nearly all day but only 3 turns. It was the official GW Astramis scenario.

I played two weekend Kronor games as Ultramarines. Between the fact that SMs got a bunch of new models that counted towards campaign points, and that Space Marines / Ultramarines were already really strong, and that the new codex made them cheaper and much more powerful while almost no one else will have a codex by the end of the campaign, and also that there are way more Imperial players than anything else, this campaign is almost guaranteed to be a massively lopsided win for Imperials just thanks to GW's release schedule.


In my two Ultramarines games, I brutally tabled an anti-Marine Necron list as well as a an Ork horde list with 120+ boyz, 10 lootaz, 6 killa kanz, a warboss, and some other stuff. Only took 4 turns to kill everything both games. Ultramarines are insanely good if you build smart lists.

What sort of list did you take to kill that many Orks?







Chapter Ancient with standard of emperor ascendant

40x tactical marines, 4 flamers, 4 heavy bolters, 4 combi flamers, 4 power fists

10x scouts, sniper rifles, camo cloaks

10x devestators, 8 lascannons


I bunched up on one side so the orks couldn't all reach me at once, and the warboss was hiding from snipers so no Waaagh!.  Between Gullimen rerolls, the banner for dying guys, and flamers for overwatch, and Tactical Marines counting as charging, Ork Boyz with 6+ armor saves just got mowed down.

I played two weekend Kronor games as Ultramarines. Between the fact that SMs got a bunch of new models that counted towards campaign points, and that Space Marines / Ultramarines were already really strong, and that the new codex made them cheaper and much more powerful while almost no one else will have a codex by the end of the campaign, and also that there are way more Imperial players than anything else, this campaign is almost guaranteed to be a massively lopsided win for Imperials just thanks to GW's release schedule.


In my two Ultramarines games, I brutally tabled an anti-Marine Necron list as well as a an Ork horde list with 120+ boyz, 10 lootaz, 6 killa kanz, a warboss, and some other stuff. Only took 4 turns to kill everything both games. Ultramarines are insanely good if you build smart lists.


I guess I'm building stupid lists.


I'm surprised you played for the good guys. In our end of the world the opposite was true. Xenos looked good, our store campaign week was won by Chaos/Xenos, and lots of xenos/daemons/chaos players had painted items to count towards their tally.



- My Batrep is here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/337395-konor-week-1-prots-astramis-mega-minibatrep-some-pics/?p=4838970

Edited by Prot

I got three games in this weekend, two wins vs guard and a loss against blood angels (so an imperium win anyway :wink:).  All three games were with the open war cards, they are actually quite a bit of fun.  Also, the Ultramarine's chapter tactic is pretty awesome.  The bonus to leadership combined with the reroll from atsknf made units pretty tough to shift.  The warlord trait that lets you get command points back on a 5+ would be pretty cool too, unfortunately I could only roll 4's every time I rolled for it!


I definitely have to play some more games this coming weekend, chaos is winning at my store since we have a whole bunch of xenos who seem to hate the Imperium more than chaos!

Wow. That's good to see, but I admit I'm surprised. Our store reported losses in the Astramis campaign megabattle (I posted pics/report earlier), and the games being played in the store were well in the bad guy's favour.


A difference maker here could be the painting portion. I know I took a boatload in and got lots of points for all my painted Primaris.

I suppose its a matter of statistics. Once the number of games crossed the 5000 mark, there is very little additional games could do to change the percentages. The greater the number of games logged in, the harder it is to change the status quo.


Thats why the early game is the most important. Whoever wins during the first few days will win the week. 

I suppose its a matter of statistics. Once the number of games crossed the 5000 mark, there is very little additional games could do to change the percentages. The greater the number of games logged in, the harder it is to change the status quo.


Thats why the early game is the most important. Whoever wins during the first few days will win the week. 


You make a lot of sense... however... heretics still gotta die. :tu:

This past weekend I played a match. My FLGS still hasn't gotten their kit in the mail, and the GW store a few blocks away was running it. So I went to GW store in order to rise to the defense of Astramis.


It was a 25 PL match using the Open War deck. Imperial Consuls (UM) v Dark Angels. I won on points and posted a victory for the Imperium! Although supposedly it would have been for the Imperium no matter who won...I have my doubts.

I suppose they do :smile.:


Just a tip for everyone though. If you want to maximize your effect on the game, the best thing you can do is go hard on the first 2/3 days of the week for every planet. Playing a lot of games in these few days will affect the outcome much more than spreading out your games throughout the week.


Playing during the weekend is also good since a large number of games are logged in during this period but the earlier the better.


Sidenote: I am in no way pressuring anyone to follow this plan. Everyone should do whatever their schedule permits and the most important thing is that they have fun :3

Edited by DogWelder
my wife and I played the invasion mission this past weekend, 1500 points each made up entirely of the contents of first strike, know no fear and dark imperium. the ultras took the day 10-1, because my wife forgot that she was supposed to get into my deployment zone and got so caught up trying to kill everything I threw into no mans land that by the end of turn 6, only one of her units of poxwalkers had a handful of models in my deployment zone (mostly due to pile in moves in combat).

Defended Konor this afternoon.  In what was perhaps the fluffiest game I have ever played, Cato Sicarius and a small detachment of the Victrix Guard, split off from the main crusade to aid a beleaguered infantry force from the 2nd Company that had been beset by a small Waaagh. 


I had:



Honor Guard

Chapter Champ

Chapter Ancient

Ven Dread


2 Tac Squads





He had something like

2 Warbosses

Pain Boy

Weird Boy

Waagh Banner

Deff Dread

Killa Kanz


Assorted Nobs and Boyz


In the most Cato plan ever, I put him, a tac squad, the dread, and the ancient in the Stormraven and had the rest of the army gradually fall back and up into ruins while drawing as much of the ork army into the engagement as possible.  FYI, orks do NOT like infantry sitting 2 and 3 levels up into buildings. 


Anyway, as my defense is crumbling, on about T3 Cato and the Stormraven roar over both armies and, in a storm of bolters and lasfire, plays hell with the orks backline.  The Raven deletes the lootas and the meks and, without the heavy support, weathers the return potshots.  Cato and the boys hop out, continue to gun down characters, and the Dread krumps both warbosses over two fight phases.  With no bosses or nobs, and the orks trapped between the two forces, the game was called.


It was two pretty lackluster lists just having a good time throwing dice, but I didn't realize until afterward that using my line infantry as bait and swooping in to kill the bosses and then declare mission complete and call for extraction was basically 2nd Company's Plan A.  Had to share.

Brother Captain Ed the Laurels of victory are yours this day.


Very tactically astute display there, I'm proud my Ultramarines share the same geneseed as yours.


Had my own Konor game yesterday.



Honour Guard

Chapter Ancient

Assault Terminators

All the above in a Land Raider Crusader

Shooty Terminators in teleport



3 min tax squads

1 5 man Sternguard squad


And of course Guilliman


I played this weeks Konor mission against necrons.

He had some big blobs of warriors, Lychguard, Death marks, a C'tan, the barge thing with big gun, a couple crypteks, Praetorians, an overlord.


The foul Necton abominations went first and for all the firepower they could muster only stripped 2 wounds off the Land Raider and dropped a single marine. Thanks to the elements of second company alongside the sternguard being sat in elevated ruins he struggled to really kill much.


I advanced with the Raider (moved forward rather than rolling an advance) and Guilliman whilst the fire base peppered the Lychguard screening the C'tan and overlord. Their fire combined with that of the Crusader remover that unit in its entirety and now the Landraider was only 10" from his front line thanks to Necrons short range firepower forcing him to come forwards first turn.


He put pretty much everything into the Land Raider in his following turn dropping it down to 2 wounds but the damage was already done. Out jumped all those honoured veterans of the Chapter closely followed by Guilliman with my Tactical Terminator squad on his right flank. The death marks arrived as they did to pepper them with fire but he only managed a single wound and were slaughtered by fire from the Terminators and fire Base in the backfield.


I proceeded to charge everything and over the course of the next 2 turns I systematically butchered his entire army in combat whilst the Base of fire teams in the rear slowly walked forward and poured fire into the units not already engaged (being nicely buffed by the Captain and Lieutenant). For the loss of the Honour Guard, Land Raider in turn 3, and the Assault Terminators I removed his entire army. With the kill point rules for this week's games accounted for the game ended 16 - 4.


With double points for the game and my completion of a tonne of Elites for this week's double points for painting I managed to add 14 points to the Imperiums defence of the system.


Konor will stand!

Nice job guys.


Well I zipped by the store yesterday to present my 2 Redemptor Dreadnoughts for points towards week 2. (I had a game scheduled but ran out of time). The Redemptors weren't complete, but they had enough paint on them that they counted for paint scoring towards the campaign.

Here is a week 2 battle report from the local store this time.... a crazy intense battle:

I've posted a few batreps for Konor, but failed to mention it here... but I did remember this time!

I played about 3 games during the weekend but by far this was the best:


++ The smell of burning garbage rips through the air. The Deathguard have found some dark means to flank the Ultramarines. Somehow Typhus has waded through death and destruction, but Calgar waits in anticipation. Not only would the outcome of this fight pretty much dictate the game's outcome, but it would be perhaps the mist bizarre finish to a game I've had in 8th edition. ++

The full Battle report here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/337804-konor-week-2-prots-ultramarines-vs-deathguard-pics/?p=4849188

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