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Betrayal at Calth for Chaos models?


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Hey guys,


I'm thinking about picking up a box of Betrayal at Calth and using them all as chaos marines. I figure you can get a terminator lord with terminator retinue, a bunch of marines/chosen/havoks, and a contemptor out of it.


Any thoughts on using the contents of that box for a 40k army?


How would you kit everything out? Thanks.

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Picked one up myself, that's how I got back into the hobby after some 15 years! Then scrounged ebay for chaos marine and whfb chaos bitz. They look great with chaos knight heads! Raptor arms are awesome too if you can find em.

I still haven't figured out what I'm doing with everything yet though!

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Marines are Marines, so they will work fine - depends on what you're going for stylistically. Maybe they've just turned renegade so aren't much different to loyalists? My CSM are a mix of 30k, Chaos and loyalist pieces but with a strong lean on the BaC MkIV (also Tartaros from BoP) and it works nicely as a more recently renegade chapter.


All the MkIV bits come with sheathed blades that can help with variety, but unfortunately heavy on bolters without much bolt pistol to go on. So I think they'd be better for certain types of Chaos, the less spiky ones like Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion for example but you can do anything if you can source some kit bash material :tu:

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My warband is being modeled almost entirely using Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero marines and terminators with a sprinkling of Forgeworld bits and various bits from the plastic Raptor kit- I think BaC is an excellent base to start your army.

Got a WIP? Mine are in my sig before you ask :wink:

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See that was a question I had to; I want to do Black Legion but quite frankly the old basic plastic marines drive me up a wall just cause they are so old. 

Raptors, dinobots, all the new legion specific models are great.  but I would really prefer to have more chaotic individual troops. 

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See that was a question I had to; I want to do Black Legion but quite frankly the old basic plastic marines drive me up a wall just cause they are so old. 


Raptors, dinobots, all the new legion specific models are great.  but I would really prefer to have more chaotic individual troops. 

I 100% agree!

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