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LRC as a Dedicated Transport.


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Apologies if this already covered elsewhere.


There was some chat on one of the threads about not being able to take LRC as a DC anymore. Is that right? Flicking through my codex, can't see any issue.


There's no dedicated transports listed for anything anymore, and there's no restriction in the LRC sheet except Primaris models.


Anybody able to clarify?


Edit: Scratch that. Got it now. I'm slow but I get there in the end. Some vehicles are listed as dedicated transports, and LRC isn't one of them. Ah well.

Edited by Stemplar
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I don't have index beside me, but i'm pretty sure that you can take one dedicated transport per unit in your detachement. So If you have two crusaders squads in your detachemetnt you can take max two transports. But you can tak only one, because you can now transport multiple units in one transport, And that, i suppose, is the reason that there is no strict dedicated transports at all.
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I don't have index beside me, but i'm pretty sure that you can take one dedicated transport per unit in your detachement. So If you have two crusaders squads in your detachemetnt you can take max two transports. But you can tak only one, because you can now transport multiple units in one transport, And that, i suppose, is the reason that there is no strict dedicated transports at all.

There are dedicated transports and you are right, that most detachments only allow as many dedicated transports as other units, but that does not apply to the Land Raider (Crusader or otherwise) it simply is a :HS: (Phobos, Crusader, Redeemer) or an :HQ: choice (Excelsior). Beyond faction there is no more restriction in which transport a unit can ride. You just have to fill the slots in your detachments unless you want to play unbound.

Edited by Quixus
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No, I don't see anything the lets you do that in the codex.  BUT with the cost of vehicles and the you can have a lot of heavy support units I don't think you can make a LRC themed list and run out of heavy slots without making some odd ball list. 

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Just to clarify. Vehicles are now split into 3 categories :

  • Transports (rhino, razorback, drop pod)
  • Heavy Support (Land Raider)
  • Flyer (Stormraven)

Each of those CAN transport troops, the difference is which position in the force organisation chart they occupy.


For instance, you could take a battalion detachment with 6 crusader squads and have 6 rhinos, or 6 drop pods, but you could only have 3 LRC. 

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I was looking around for a restriction on how many detachments you can have in the normal match play format?  Also with ability to take a spearhead detachment along with a battalion you will most likely hit your game point cap with room to spare.  


Along with that is there any restriction in infantry embarking on a transport from another detachment if you have the correct key words aka all BT themed?

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There are no restrictions but the rulebook suggests no more than 2 detachments in a game under 2k points. There are also no restrictions on embarking into a transport be it for deployment or otherwise.
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