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Considering creating my own Unforgiven successors.. Help?


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So, I'm considering starting my own Unforgiven successor chapter as I love the models, But I realy struggle with things like thinking of a color scheme.. So I thought, Maybe I could ask the awesome lords of the unforgiven who dwell in this place for any tips and ideas for a color scheme for a successor chapter?

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Usually DA Successors are going to use one of the DA's colors (forest/hunter green, black, bone, red, dark silver) or a combination of them to build their panoply, but these don't have to be used. After all, there are official examples of potential DA Successors using yellow and possibly even white - though the Angels of Vigilance and Star Phantoms are unconfirmed, just rumors.


It's unoriginal, but you can always look at existing Successor schemes and just do color replacements to see what you think. You can also do this with other Chapters' schemes to see what things might look like.



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I do kind of like the colors of the Guardians of the Covenant as they look nice, And easy to paint, But I dont want to rip them off compleately.. Hmm.. I'v always been super bad at color schemes, My brain just cant wrap arround what works and what dosent. I shall look into other existing chapters for ideas.

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If you like the colors, perhaps use the colors as color swaps with how colors are arranged for other chapters, such as using using GotC red in place of the Flesh Tearer red, and put the dark silver in place of their black. Or look at one of the more uncommon Chapters, such as Mantis Warriors and put the red in place of green, and silver in place of the yellow, or vice versa.


If you want a bunch of official color schemes to play around with that may not be commonly used, check out this link: Index Astartes Successor Chapters Gallery

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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