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I've tried my best to avoid Primaris but I've finally decided to add some Reivers to my crusade. WIth that in mind I'm wondering how do you guys outfit and use them? As a Templar I want to use the heavy bolt pistol and combat blades but I plan on mostly using them as harassing units to disrupt enemy gunlines before mass charges by the rest of my crusade. As a harassing unit extra shots and range could allow steady damage while running around their line and shock grenading vulnerable shooty units. Also, grapnel or grav-chutes? I like being able to drop over most of the board (perhaps accompanied by a drop pod full of angry crusaders and an HQ), but greater mobility in game and outflanking is useful. I could do both but it seems a waste of points. As for color schemes do you guys have any ideas? I have the Primaris half of the Dark Imperium box and plan to paint them up as Imperial Fists so they don't sully my crusade. I'm thinking of doing Reivers in a black and grey scheme to suit a stealthy terror unit and allow me to use them in either force but part of me feels like a true Templar would still flash his heraldry no matter the circumstance.

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I haven't taken a close looo but at a glance the melee variant with grav chutes has got me excited. 21 attacks, grenades, pistols, 2 wounds, good complimentary assault team. I'd go grapel if you want shooty. Also sounds like a cool idea. As for painting, like any other Templar. No pity, no remorse, no fear.
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i chopped off all the combat blades and put chain swords on them. But deep strike 9 inches...reroll charge rolls....should be great alpha combat


I'd love to see how they look.



When i finish painting them, ill post pics =)

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I'd be very interested but unfortunately we can't see what you posted!

yeah i just found out that Photobucket has nixed third party image hosting....Albatross that website... XD

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Ah purity seals on an infiltration unit. I imagine Guillimann coming up to some Templar Reivers and saying "you guys looks terrifying and all but you're really noticeable with all the tabards, parchment, and white on black. Couldn't you wear something stealthier?" One of the Templars, without saying a word, points to one of his purity seals with the word "STEALTH" written out in big gothic letters.

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How would you recon their shoulder pads would be colored? Standard White/Black or White/Red because they are some form of assault?


I was in the Games Workshop today and couldn't resist the urge to buy a box of Reivers. Really loving the models. Can't wait to paint them and add some more Zeal to them.

Edited by Gerhard
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I will be painting them as assault trim, I view primaris as new marines not veterans. Only TRUE Templars who have sharpened their teeth can earn their way into the Sword Bretheren.


I'm still weary of letting anything by Robot Girllyman in my crusade, but if they prove their mettle with their blade....

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I will be painting them as assault trim, I view primaris as new marines not veterans. Only TRUE Templars who have sharpened their teeth can earn their way into the Sword Bretheren.


I'm still weary of letting anything by Robot Girllyman in my crusade, but if they prove their mettle with their blade....

I don't really consider most of the primaris to be veterans either. None of them have any real options that make them stand out. If the reivers could take power weapons at least maybe but they can't so they don't feel like true veterans.

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I definitely won't paint them with sword brother colors. The way I see it my Reivers will be new marines sent on particularly dangerous missions to blood them while simultaneously wrecking enemy gun lines to make way for a mass crusader charge. They must prove themselves before they're considered full members of the crusade.

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