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This will be a discussion of first hand experience of what worked, what didn't. We ran one in the Space Wolves forum with great success. To keep on point, format posts with "The Good", "The Bad", "Impressions/thoughts"


I just started nids, bought an old friends 1300 points and placed orders through GW and others for another 3k (including a Hierophant and a hierodule) but I'm waiting for the bulk of it to come before I throw down.

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There are a few other posts here for people's thoughts and ideas, but it's a good idea to have a 'what I have actually run' thread.


For my part I've played a few games with Tyranids and Genestealer Cult. I have largely found my army works better if it's built to a plan (best plan so far seems to be Rush up with fast and 'deep strike' units to overwhelm them on turn 1) with complimentary units, rather than just picking a selection of individually strong units.


What I've found is good:

Genestealers of both variety in both big units and small sneaky ones.

Broodlord and Patriarch are beasts and go well with the above.

Trygon was good, I had Warriors come out of the hole, they were surprisingly handy to have around.

Tervigon plus 30 Termagants meant my opponent didn't bother shooting the Termagants until everything else was already dead.


What I've found didn't work.

Unsupported Crone/flying Hive Tyrant. If they are out in front without any other viable targets they will get deleted. If there are other targets they might still get deleted but you'll have something to get revenge next turn!

Biovores without backfield synapse. Wrote this army list when I was half asleep and didn't think it through.

Carnifexes fighting dreadnoughts. They don't have the strength with their talons anymore to be a real threat, and the claws are to prone to completely whiff. Still quite cheap though so a couple charging in might do the trick.

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