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Castellan as a motivational promotion.

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I have been mulling this idea around in my mind.


Besides our numerous chapterkeeps, We templars are primarily a fleet based chapter, ever the tip of the spear, nay, the full broad point of the Emperor's Devine wrath.


So Castellan being the commander of a castle during mid M2. I wondered what is with this title then? Presumably it could have been used as the comander of a chapter keep, but apparently we use it as a commander of a fighting company.


Then a humerous twist struck me... imagine....


A Marshal with his gathered sword bretheren. In the distance from their vantage point can be seen a fortress, surrounded by smoke and fire, held by heretics surrounded by imperial guard.


"Brother Frederick, step forth." Bade the marshal.


A sword brother steps forth, helm underarm. Service studs indicating over 200 years as warrior of sigismund.


"The wolves of fenris have cleansed the hinterlands and I have promised them a hall in which to celebrate their triumphs and honour their lost brothers. In light of your excellent service this campaign I have given you the honor of hosting them as Castellan of our new chapter keep." The marshall gestured at the besieged fortress.


"Lord Sigfried's wolves will be arriving in 12 standard hours. As is tradition you shall great him with open gates."



What do you think?


Tldr. We make a castellan responsible for the securing of his castle... which 'might' be occupied by the enemy at the time of his promotion.

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I expect something like that can probably happen to Templar army, it may even involve an already promoted Castellan trying to secure a fortress-keep that is firmly owned by enemies and reclaim it and use it as his own castle...


but then again, who's going to repair the catastrophic damages that's going to happen once he lays siege to it :p

Then again, Templars are Sons of Dorn, they can refortify it to magnitudes of defense beyond what the traitors and heretics can accomplish, due to their inherent defensive nature :p

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Dont see why not, I think the rank of Castellan sounds like a temporary position based on the Marshall's current forces that basically ear marks a Sword Brethren for a leadership role to test his skills so one day he may earn a Marshall position and his brothers' trust in his already proven leadership.


Something that has always interested about the ranks of the chapter is the implication of how political it can be, Crusades are made based on familiarity but Crusades are ephemeral while a Marshall's Household seems to remain the same, what Im getting at is that there seems to be a lot of rubbing hands and favors in order to get your Marshall have a Crusade  or at least have a force worthy of the Crusade he's been assigned to. 

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Sounds reasonable enough.  Templars are awfully ad hoc in organization and the like, and Castellan is a ubiquitous enough position to be anything from a permanent position to a momentary, important assignment.

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Glad to see my view is at least acceptable amungst my fellow marshals.


Being declared castellan of an already enemy occupied fortification is meant to give rise to the righteous anger of any veteran templar. To remind him that every square inch of holy soil in the galaxy belongs to the emperor of mankind and that the feet of xenos, heretics and traitors do tarnish it. It is his duty to hold his charge, to remove and bar the taint of his foe from the hallowed ground that is his chapter's keep.


I think I'll have to use this in the future. Further input is always appreciated.

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Sounds plausible enough.  I may get called a heretic for suggesting this, but I thought of an interesting way to have an army that is largely scouts Neophytes. Neophytes are traditionally trained at chapter keeps by a chaplain and most likely a castellan and several veteran initiates until such time as they are ready to be moved to a crusade where they can be selected for tutelage by an Initiate.  What happens when a world with a chapter keep is attacked? Obviously they'd call for aid from the nearest crusade, but in the mean time the Keep must be defended. Could be a cool idea for a force of mostly Neophyte squads, led by Chaplains and castellans and a few initiates. Thoughts? 

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Pretty much exactly what I'd expect. A keep held by a chaplain, castellan, and their repective command squads... (so nowadays pretty broken up but fluff wise the same) an ancient or 2, an apothecary or 2, a champion or 2, a handful of sword brethren... everyone else would be neophytes.


If their world came under attack they certainly wouldn't sit it out...

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To defend a keep, yes, I don't imagine the Castellan wouldn't deploy the candidates of the Chapter's next generation for its defense.  Good hands on training, that.


But they could just as well try to keep them safe, to ensure another generation for the Templars.  Probably depends on just how desperate the situation is.  Regardless, I think more likely than not a properly stern Castellan wouldn't begrudge the chance for the Neophytes-to-be (not technically Neophytes until an Initiate selects them) to get their hands dirty.

Edited by Firepower
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